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Ask Auntie Phil

Philomena McCann

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I'm getting on a plane in a few hours. What do I do Auntie Phil, if I see a well-tanned man with a towel on his heid, running down the isle shouting 'allah!'?

Do I punch him to the ground and shout 'this is Glasgae, we'll set aboot ye', in a mock weegie accent?

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I'm getting on a plane in a few hours. What do I do Auntie Phil, if I see a well-tanned man with a towel on his heid, running down the isle shouting 'allah!'?

Do I punch him to the ground and shout 'this is Glasgae, we'll set aboot ye', in a mock weegie accent?

Aye ye see, Gerry was sufferin' a wee bit fae sunstroke that week. Aw this travelin tae Dubai, Phuket, Honolulu, Aruba, Seychelles and Maddiegascar in the search fur his wean meant he got a wee bit tae much sun - that's why he wis sae broon! The towel was on his heed just tae try and cool him doon. We're no sure whit he wis tryin tae say, but we reckon it wis 'allah kill the man who took maddie' and definitely no 'allah go tae hell fur this' like some stupit basturts suggested.

So, nuthin tae panic aboot flyers!

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Auntie phil,

i have bad aids. How long do i have left? weeks? days? minutes?

As ye aw ken, AIDS stands fur Artifishial Insinuation by Dugs (Sniffers). As ye aw ken this is a very very bad thing. When they basturtin dugs target ye, the dirty greasy Portugese polis'll no let go. Yer fur it if ye stay in Portugal so ah'd recommend ye come hame quickly.

Then when ye get hame, use the money that folk have donated fur yae to fight yer case. This is the only cure accordin to oor Gerry, he's a doctor ye ken. Oh aye, or just try sedatives he says. :angry:

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Auntie Phil,

I run a nappy recycling service in Portugal (I'll do anything for kids) and have a problem.

I was using the service somewhat dishonestly as I was taking the opportunity to help myself to the hair caught in my customers' hairbrushes for a new toupee I was working on.

Not only was my service badly affected when my usual hire car was seconded by some tourists for a considerable length of time, but when it came back the police had siezed my hair collection from the boot! Do I have any recourse for the loss of earnings and follicles?


G. Glitter

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Guest Ron Burgundy

"That wee girl will be thinking, 'They're not looking for me. My mummy, daddy and my aunties - they don't love me because they can't find me'. "I was just thinking about how insecure Madeleine would be, so Kate has been keeping that journal faithfully every day. "She's been writing down everything that we've been doing so we can prove to Madeleine that we have worked so hard to try and find her, that we've put our lives on hold to search for her and show our love for her is unending."

Ms McCann questioned why the Portuguese authorities wanted the diary now, saying: "God knows what they are expecting to find. well hopefully the psychologist does even if god does not

"And why didn't they ask for it before? It's just another way to stick the knife in."

Philomena...how long have you been able to read minds as well as undertsand the mind of a three year old?

Also can you explain the relevance of seizing a diary before anythinghas been written...it would defeat the purpose somewhat.

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