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Glasgow Area 5's


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Arse Biscuits. I've just realised the time. I've got 15 mins to get dressed, pack stuff for fives, find my fucking iPod, put the bins out, and leave the house. Best get a move on eh.

'Leaving the house' can't take that long?

It's surely a case of 'opens door, exits, closes door, locks'. That can't eat into your time that much. ;)

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If you guys don't mind travelling, I could arrange an 11 a side match to be played at Denny High School . My brother has a team including me that would welcome a game. Would also talk to my local for some hospitality afterwards. Let me know if you are Interested

park fee's and ref to be split 50/50.



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I thought that was shit.

My performance was minging, and it shows so, when my best piece of work was my (dare I say it), superb and well-timed slide tackle on Adam. My slide tackle on Ryan was, erm, less well-timed (well, I suppose it depends on what you term 'well-timed' as, but that's a discussion for another time....)

I hope for a better game, and a better performance from me, next week.

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If you guys don't mind travelling, I could arrange an 11 a side match to be played at Denny High School . My brother has a team including me that would welcome a game. Would also talk to my local for some hospitality afterwards. Let me know if you are Interested

park fee's and ref to be split 50/50.



Should really be leaving this to Kev, I guess, given he's effectively the head honcho of the Glorious Glasgow 5's, but may as well ask; what would the fee be/what dates would you have in mind? Once the SPL/SFL season is finished would free most folk who play here up for a Saturday/Sunday game, I'm guessing.

From experience over the weeks, we've gone from struggling to muster enough bodies on one monday to having about a dozen folk registering an interest the day before the next.

Quite like the sound of this, so I'd deffo be up for it if a suitable date/price/travel and whatnot could be arranged, can't speak for other folk though.

I forgot to mention my finishing was even more woeful than ever tonight. I only scored once, and hit the woodwork about 5 times!

I see Scott is reading, you better be playing next week boyo! :P


Next monday is a bank holiday, I think, but we've played before on those days and it hasnt affected things, iirc. Will deffo play next week, missed the graft these past few weeks, shall make up for next week however.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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