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Glasgow Area 5's


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How did you manage a typo like that!?

So this will kick off at eight and on the astro pitches behind the school which sits behind The Lee boozer, is that right? Townhead(ish) area.

Aye and forget Stalingrad, I want you to graft like you've never grafted before.

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Firstly, apologies to David W for being foul and abusive: "whit ye laughin' at ya p***k!?" :o. Shocking patter from ol' Zaytsev over here. Am no' a big scary man really. NAMES ON THE BAW AFORE YE F****N' PASS IT BUT EH!? Lolz x.

Secondly, apologies to everyone for being pish! I'm charging ahead with a bit of gym work through the week and Monday happens to be one of the nights on which I tear in after work. Not that it'd have made much difference tonight mind you. I'm only two or three weeks back into playing football after a three year abstinence: I'm as slow as week in the cliche and as rusty as the written-off old away stand at Cliftonhill.

Good to see a few of the old stalwarts turning out tonight - long time no see. Must be nigh on three, four years. Mustn't it?

I'm game to play regularly (again) if you could use a player. It'll be a month or so before I'm sharp right enough.

Edited by Vasily Zaytsev
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