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I tried running 2 hour marathon pace on a treadmill once. I lasted about 30 seconds. 
Edit: He didn't even seem that out of breath at the end. What an arsehole. 
I said whilst watching it, for the benefit of context they should throw the odd plodding fatty like myself on the course every few miles to do 200m, just to demonstrate how fast these guys go.

Watching them breezing through that was like watching a few lads out for a jog.

Fortunately I have also seen that pace on a treadmill and its full tilt sprint (if they can even get there) for the vast majority of humans
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That was an unbelievable achievement today, what a feat of human endurance. I’ve seen quite a few folk who do no running get pretty excited, hope it gets more people into it. 

Had my first run after the Berlin marathon today. Just 10km but my god it felt so easy after that. The marathon for me was a slog, definitely undertrained and the German beers all summer did me no favours. Finished with the immortal “I’m never doing that again”, of course already thinking about the next one and taking the training a bit more serious!

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7 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

I said whilst watching it, for the benefit of context they should throw the odd plodding fatty like myself on the course every few miles to do 200m, just to demonstrate how fast these guys go.

Watching them breezing through that was like watching a few lads out for a jog.

Fortunately I have also seen that pace on a treadmill and its full tilt sprint (if they can even get there) for the vast majority of humans

Something like 17 seconds for every 100 yards. That's like sprinting at full tilt for a bus for 26 miles. As a slightly taller plodding fatty myself it just doesn't make sense.

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Seen Kosgei obliterated Radcliffes seemingly untouchable women's record (mixed race) in Chicago this afternoon.
That's some feat when you consider that that record had stood for over 15 years. She took a minute 20 off and the next fastest women's marathon over a minute 30 slower than that.

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Got the treadmill up to the pace of doing a marathon in 1.59.40 I lasted 45 seconds before I thought I was going to fall off the treadmill and burst both my lungs.

Turns out it's quite difficult to do a sub 120 min marathon

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Got the treadmill up to the pace of doing a marathon in 1.59.40 I lasted 45 seconds before I thought I was going to fall off the treadmill and burst both my lungs.
Turns out it's quite difficult to do a sub 120 min marathon

Just increase your initial 45 secs by 10% each time and you’ll be running a sub 2 hour marathon before you know it! Easy.

I’ve just signed up for Manchester marathon next April. This will be my second attempt at the distance. Got 3:49 to beat from my previous effort with plenty of time to get some good training in. I put myself in the 3:35 starting pen so hopefully we’ll get a mild winter to get the miles in, I stay injury free and I should just about hit my target.
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9 hours ago, ArabGaz said:


Just increase your initial 45 secs by 10% each time and you’ll be running a sub 2 hour marathon before you know it! Easy.

I’ve just signed up for Manchester marathon next April. This will be my second attempt at the distance. Got 3:49 to beat from my previous effort with plenty of time to get some good training in. I put myself in the 3:35 starting pen so hopefully we’ll get a mild winter to get the miles in, I stay injury free and I should just about hit my target.


Sounds like a plan! Disappointed you're not going to Manchester with the hope of running twice as fast.

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12 minutes ago, Saigon Raider said:

Just did a 5km round Gili Air in Indonesia. Tough going running in the sand but starting to feel unprepared for my 1st marathon on 30th Nov. Work and holidays mean it has been a struggle to get out enough.1571129877953.jpeg

Just need to make sure you avoid getting run over by a donkey pulling a cart.

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6 minutes ago, Saigon Raider said:

Ha! They're small horses...


Anyway, beer in hand now - proper training can wait until I'm home.


Getting off the boat there and seeing a queue of them lining up to take folk onto their digs was slightly surreal. Oddest taxi rank I have ever waited at. Enjoy the Bintang!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did 28km yesterday - furthest I have ever run, don't feel too bad this morning but going to go for some physio on my knee later.

Reckon I will do one or two more big runs before 30th November, probably up to a maximum of 32km.

If I did the final 14km yesterday in 6:30/km that would give me a time of 4h 20m - would be very happy with that for my first one.

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Ramped up my running now that the rib injury is behind me, getting in 3 or 4 runs a week.

Got a standard 7 mile loop near my house which when I first came back from injury I was 8:30/mile. Did it this morning with average pace of 7:45/mile. I was about 7:30 when I was at marathon level fitness so at least going in the right direction.

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On 18/10/2019 at 23:12, Gaz said:

Anywhere decent for a 5k / 10k in Pitlochry? Going up there this weekend and will maybe have a bit of time to kill.

I had a good wee 5km run around the town on Saturday evening and then got up early and ran up Craigower on the Sunday morning for a good 10k loop. Weather was great.

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First half in months today, finished in 1:48:19 which is pretty decent for me, particularly on a fairly hilly route (+790ft) which was a result of just making it up as I went along.

Finally feel like I am back to where I was before a shite summer of illness and injury.

Absolutely pishing down most of the way round, so a heavy case of jogger's nipple when I hit the shower. Ayah!!

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