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P&b Running Club

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Might as well blow my own trumpet as no one else who doesn't run seems to understand, but I've managed to mentally GRIND out through the 'Give up' stage of running. When I started running, I'd give up to easy at this Stage and once I got a stitch and heart felt like explodiing, I'd stop for 2mins for a breather and then start jogging again.

My Brother who's a good runner and does Marathons told me reguarly it was all in my head etc, and you just need to push through it, I used to think it wasn't and that I would collapse.

I have no idea why I'm typing this, but maybe for any novice runners or beginners out there and they constantly find themselves giving up at the ''fukk this'' stage - keep going, push on through it and you'll feel great at the end of it (and possibly like puking too).

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Started running again in October by joining the local running club. Promptly pulled both my hamstrings 3 weeks in to it.

Re-started at the new year. I was running 10min miles. I've got that down to 7min miles.

I've ran 2 x-coutnry races over 6 miles, 2 x 10ks and a 5-miler. I've went from doing 10ks in 1 hour to 45 mins.

I've also got my 400m hurdles from 92 secs to 84secs in the 3 track and field meetings.

As a laugh I've entered the 3000m steeplechase. I've finished them in 15mins 26 secs and 15 mins 19 secs. I'm hoping to break the 15 min barrier. I'm finishing last in the races, but some of the guys are un-real.

If anyone is interested in a free 5K run every Saturday Morning go to www.parkrun.org I've got a PB of 24mins 8secs. I've not been for 6 weeks, so I think I can shave 10-15 secs of that.

Finally for running up-hill you should shortern your stride.

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Started running again in October by joining the local running club. Promptly pulled both my hamstrings 3 weeks in to it.

Re-started at the new year. I was running 10min miles. I've got that down to 7min miles.

I've ran 2 x-coutnry races over 6 miles, 2 x 10ks and a 5-miler. I've went from doing 10ks in 1 hour to 45 mins.

I've also got my 400m hurdles from 92 secs to 84secs in the 3 track and field meetings.

As a laugh I've entered the 3000m steeplechase. I've finished them in 15mins 26 secs and 15 mins 19 secs. I'm hoping to break the 15 min barrier. I'm finishing last in the races, but some of the guys are un-real.

If anyone is interested in a free 5K run every Saturday Morning go to www.parkrun.org I've got a PB of 24mins 8secs. I've not been for 6 weeks, so I think I can shave 10-15 secs of that.

Finally for running up-hill you should shortern your stride.

You've made some excellent progress - well done.

My first day of my new routine today. Ten weeks to hopefully shave a few minutes off of my 10K PB at Stirling. Currently it's 44:39 (I have ran a sub-44 but not in an official race).

Today was 5 miles, which I did in 40:02 (an average pace of 4:58). I'm hoping to be able to shave three seconds per week off of my average pace, which would give me a sub-4:30 going into Stirling (and hopefully the race momentum would take more off of that).

I do play two games of fives per week at a good standard and a game of badminton, so I will have to look closely at how those will fit into my schedule.

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I really, really wish there was a parkrun near here. I can't justify driving through to Glasgow for a twenty-five minute run :(

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I really, really wish there was a parkrun near here. I can't justify driving through to Glasgow for a twenty-five minute run :(

Gaz there is a park run at Strathclyde park - surely that isn't 25 minutes early on a saturday morning. There is one in Embra as well.

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Gaz there is a park run at Strathclyde park - surely that isn't 25 minutes early on a saturday morning. There is one in Embra as well.

It's more the drive through and back, to be honest - it'd take me about an hour to get there and an hour to get back (for both Edinburgh and Glasgow) because of roadworks and the like. It'd take up my whole morning to go out a run for less than half an hour.

Was out tonight for a long-ish run. Did 12.26KM in 1:01:02, which I'm pretty pleased at. I'm meeting my target of my average pace for Week 1 being under 5:00/KM.

This week, so far I have ran 28.12KM. I've also walked 20.74KM going back and forward to my work, and I played fives on Tuesday night (and have another game tomorrow). Doing well so far.

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I'm doing shite - I've totally lost my running mojo, need some motivation!

I've got a 10k in 7 weeks and I'm struggling - I know that I'm more than capable of running the distance, but I'm not putting the miles in at the moment and when I do go out for a training run, I seem to get so far and then hit the wall - this morning it was at 1 mile. I'm not tired, I'm not injured, I just can't seem to get any further? I've deleted my recent runs from my iPod because I'm embarrassed to upload them to Nike+. I also don't really seem to be able to find time to get out running - my son will have his first birthday in two weeks and he keeps me so busy - when I do have time to myself, I'm usually tidying up after him.

Grr, I just don't know what to do! I really want to join my local running club, but the days and times they meet are really awkward for me so it's not an option at the moment.

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I'm doing shite - I've totally lost my running mojo, need some motivation!

I've got a 10k in 7 weeks and I'm struggling - I know that I'm more than capable of running the distance, but I'm not putting the miles in at the moment and when I do go out for a training run, I seem to get so far and then hit the wall - this morning it was at 1 mile. I'm not tired, I'm not injured, I just can't seem to get any further? I've deleted my recent runs from my iPod because I'm embarrassed to upload them to Nike+. I also don't really seem to be able to find time to get out running - my son will have his first birthday in two weeks and he keeps me so busy - when I do have time to myself, I'm usually tidying up after him.

Grr, I just don't know what to do! I really want to join my local running club, but the days and times they meet are really awkward for me so it's not an option at the moment.

Can anyone tell me if there is any difference to running outside or on a treadmill. I heard there was but I cant remember what and was just wondering if it has any sort of impact at all?

This probably wont help you in the slightest but in terms of motivation, I have a playlist in my iTunes that I constantly update once a month or something like that (contains about 30 songs). The only thing I can think of is to create a playlist full of songs that makes you want to go out and run and thats enough motivation for me. Its a different story when your already out there however, when your 2km from home and your lungs feel like collapsing.

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Went out last night. Just after we started, the heavens opened and I mean opened! Soaked through to the skin, but as we'd started, we did 4 miles.

I was so glad to get home and in the shower!!!!

I love getting soaked. My big 20 mile pre-marathon run in 2003 was out to Culross and back and about 4 miles in it thundered down. I was wrinkly by the time I got home.

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Grr, I just don't know what to do! I really want to join my local running club, but the days and times they meet are really awkward for me so it's not an option at the moment.

Yeah I'm the same, my local club (Falkirk Victoria Harriers) train on nights I'm busy, which is a bit poo :(

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Yeah I'm the same, my local club (Falkirk Victoria Harriers) train on nights I'm busy, which is a bit poo :(

Tuesdays and Thursdays would be fine but the time is just not good for me. I'm still getting home from work when they are setting off some nights.

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Last week I ran a total of 38KM, at an average pace of 4:57/KM. I was aiming to run at an average pace of 5:00KM and decrease that by 3 seconds each week, so I'll be happy with maintaining that this week. I've done this without any music as I lost my earphones a couple of weeks ago.

I've also played about three hours of football, an hour and a half of badminton and walked to my work and back every day (total walking for the week is 35KM), so I've had a pretty good week.

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Can anyone tell me if there is any difference to running outside or on a treadmill. I heard there was but I cant remember what and was just wondering if it has any sort of impact at all?

Not sure of any difference in terms of one being better for you than the other, if there is I'd be interested to hear it. When ruinning on the treadmill I was always told to run on atleast a 2% incline, to mimic the varying gradient when running outdoors. I tend to prefer the treadmill as you know how hard you're working, thus it's more motivational. However running outside is certainly more enjoyable.

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When you're on a treadmill, your body stays still, and, as long as you lift your feet, you'll run. With outdoor running, you need to propel your body forward to move from point A to point B, therefore it is a much harder workout.

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So, after weeks of fannying about on the treadmill in a half-arsed fashion, and with this 10K coming up in September (eh, why did I think this was a good idea?) I finally did a half-serious timed run thing on Sunday. Just over 3.5K in just under 30 mins. Not-bad-ish, as I wasn't totally fucked by the end. Hopefully going to step up my training over the next couple of weeks.

What's a semi-reasonable time for a 10K if you've been uber-unfit before? About an hour?

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Can anyone tell me if there is any difference to running outside or on a treadmill. I heard there was but I cant remember what and was just wondering if it has any sort of impact at all?

There is a difference in that almost always a treadmill will give a falsely high reading of how far you have run. I noticed this a few years ago when I'd do runs on the treadmill and then run outside and my times were a lot slower outside, even allowing for the different environment, stopping for traffic and stuff like that. I looked into it and found an interesting piece on it which I just tried to find and couldn't. Effectively you could stand on a treadmill and jump up and down and it would say that you have travelled a distance when obviously you hadn't, how inaccurate it is depends on your running style. I quite like treadmills because my knees are dodgy and I find it more comfortable than running on concrete, but I would never take any notice of the times and distance.

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There is a difference in that almost always a treadmill will give a falsely high reading of how far you have run. I noticed this a few years ago when I'd do runs on the treadmill and then run outside and my times were a lot slower outside, even allowing for the different environment, stopping for traffic and stuff like that. I looked into it and found an interesting piece on it which I just tried to find and couldn't. Effectively you could stand on a treadmill and jump up and down and it would say that you have travelled a distance when obviously you hadn't, how inaccurate it is depends on your running style. I quite like treadmills because my knees are dodgy and I find it more comfortable than running on concrete, but I would never take any notice of the times and distance.

I hope this isnt the case for calories. Its the only thing I take notice of and it tells me when to stop. 300 calories in 20 minutes does seem too good to be true right enough

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