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P&b Running Club

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Do you want to go for a run on Wednesday night if the weather is ok?

I also need to buy another pair of running shoes. Someone nicked mine from the gym changing rooms!

:lol: A cousin of mine had trainers nicked from a swimming pool. Are there actually nutters about that search through lockers until they find the right size? "7... 9... 13... 10! There's the fuckers! Let's go!".

Yeah, Wednesday's good for me. We'll fix a time on the day when we know what the weather's like.

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Ran 6 miles as port of the 60/60 training. That's where you have ran for 6 mins at pace, take a 6th of the total distance, then run that distance. You have to cover the distance in 1 min. then you have 1 min recovery where you jog 50% of the distance you have just ran in that min. Are you still with me here? You should be able to do 6. We stopped at 25 reps.

Legs were OK on Wed. However I took part in a relay meeting last night. 2nd leg as part of the B team for the 100M. We came no ehere, but we took part. Didn't do a 200 M as there was 9 teams and only 8 lanes. Officials were arsey and we couln't lane shere with our first string. So I did the 2nd leg for the 400 M where we came last (again).

We got our first tast of the 2nd Division oppenents and we are going to have a long season next year. Our fastest 100 M runner (does sub 11 secs) was left for dead. Our fastest 400M runner - was 6th. We're talking 51 secs for 400 M, and they are only kids too.

Anyone got any runs for the weekend?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was at physio last night. No running for 2 weeks at least. Not too bad an injury, just the impact that's affecting the one knee. can still do cycling and swimming though :)

Aren't physios sadistic though? Bloomin heck he was massaging my knee joint I was nearly hitting the roof and he just kept going!!! Starting sweating with the pain!! Iced it when I got in on his orders but still a wee bit bruised :(

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Just back from a 5k run. Weather was perfect for me - a light breeze and a misty rain. Loved it :)

My husband has finally decided that his latest injury from football is one injury too far (he had his ankle x-rayed on Monday, as 8 weeks after going over his ankle, it was still really swollen and sore even when taking anti-inflammatories) so this means that he'll be home on a Thursday night. Which means I can now join the local running group. I've been wanting to go for ages, but football was the only thing really that my husband wanted to do and it was on the same night as the group. So I start tomorrow night. It's a Jog Scotland group, so hoping that will keep me motivated, particularly over winter. :)

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Just back from a 5k run. Weather was perfect for me - a light breeze and a misty rain. Loved it :)

My husband has finally decided that his latest injury from football is one injury too far (he had his ankle x-rayed on Monday, as 8 weeks after going over his ankle, it was still really swollen and sore even when taking anti-inflammatories) so this means that he'll be home on a Thursday night. Which means I can now join the local running group. I've been wanting to go for ages, but football was the only thing really that my husband wanted to do and it was on the same night as the group. So I start tomorrow night. It's a Jog Scotland group, so hoping that will keep me motivated, particularly over winter. :)

I'm missing my Jog Scotland group :(

I much prefer running in the winter than the summer, hopefully I should be able to go back if not next week, then the week after :)

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I've just taken up running - much more enjoyable than I ever remembered! Anyway, whenever I get back from a run (5k) my feet are always mangled. massive blisters on the instep on both feet. Is this just because of my trainers or is it my untrained feet? Any tips or advice to prevent them? Honestly, everytime I go running without fail, blisters will appear in exact same place.

Bloody sore.


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If you're serious about running, I can't recommend going to a specialist running shop enough and getting your feet measured properly and your running style analysed. It's a bit more expensive, but so worth it and can help reduce injury.

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It could even be as simple as your socks. Blisters are usually caused by feet slipping so make sure your socks fit well and there's no bumps or seams under your soles.

Another wee tip is that you might find that you get less blisters by tightening your laces a bit as well, before you get proper shoes and that.

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