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I'm similar to you Jupe. After reading that Reina was running for Macmillan I've signed up to raise money for them by running at Edinburgh (I'm only doing the half tho).

Have only run a few 10ks and one half marathon before and that was a few years ago but I've created a 16 week training plan and am strangely motivated (partly through fear).

Good luck with your training and remember that if it all goes wrong then it Reina's fault.

laugh.gif Harsh but funny.

I'm really doing this in order to get properly fit. I say it every new year, and every year just descends into 12 months of alcohol-related anarchy. With this kind of target i've got no choice but to dedicate myself to the training, which if i don't look after myself and eat properly, will be shit. I suppose it's a damning indictment of my willpower that i had to enter a fucking marathon in order to stick to a new year's resolution.

Raising a bunch of cash for MacMillan Cancer Care is a nice side effect though.

Anyway, this was the first week of my training, and frankly it was shite. Managed 20 mins on the treadmill on Tuesday, then 10 on the treadmill/20 on the crosstrainer on Thursday. Was suppose to be going for a run today but had to help my mate out with a car repair first thing, so i'm going to go early tomorrow morning. Hopefully outside though. I find treadmills utterly soul-destroying.

My plan is roughly to do fairly short runs on Tues/Thurs (20-30mins each) then have a long run at the weekends (starting at 40mins), and build that one up each week, by trying to add 5 or 10 minutes a week. I DID have ideas to incorporate Fartlek training etc etc but i think i might just keep it simple.

I was going to do weights on the alternate days but i'm not sure if that'll be counter productive or not. I certainly don't want to wake up for a Saturday run aching like f**k from doing weights on a Friday night. I'll see how that goes.

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My plan is roughly to do fairly short runs on Tues/Thurs (20-30mins each) then have a long run at the weekends (starting at 40mins), and build that one up each week, by trying to add 5 or 10 minutes a week. I DID have ideas to incorporate Fartlek training etc etc but i think i might just keep it simple.

I'm doing a 10k in Glasgow at the start of May and that is pretty much my approach. I just want to get round in one piece and am not overly fussed on time!

Hopefully the weather will improve, I struggle with serious boredom on the treadmill. Managed 30 mins yesterday and am going to try and get out for 35 tomorrow.

Edited by Baggio
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The link below should give you a couple of options just go to the one nearest you and if you dont think the advice is any good go somewhere else. ask to try on a few different makes (I prefer asics but different strokes for different folks.)


I went to the Run4It at Tiso in Glasgow and after trying about 6 different pairs ended buying a pair of Asics. I've since seen them online for £15 quid cheaper but don't mind that since the service was so good. They analsyed a video of me running in each pair and examined my old trainers for wear etc.

It turns out I run a bit strange, my left foot dooesn't land straight so the trainers might help prevent any over pronation that that causes.

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I think the rain yesterday afternoon killed my iPod Nano :(

Well, it still works as an iPod, but it doesn't seem to recognise that it has a Nike+ receiver plugged into it. This possibly explains why it cut off 3.49km into my 5km run yesterday.

Trying to restore the iPod in iTunes and hopefully that will fix it.

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I play three or four games of fives a week and find this to be a perfectly adequate substitute for Fartlek or sprint training.

Aye i usually play 4 times a week as well, but decided to knock it on the head, as i tend to pick up fairly regular injuries laugh.gif

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Good luck with your training and remember that if it all goes wrong then it Reina's fault.

:lol: Yes yes, very good... ;)

I think the rain yesterday afternoon killed my iPod Nano :(

Well, it still works as an iPod, but it doesn't seem to recognise that it has a Nike+ receiver plugged into it. This possibly explains why it cut off 3.49km into my 5km run yesterday.

Trying to restore the iPod in iTunes and hopefully that will fix it.

I managed to drop mine in the bath last week, but a system restore fixed it, so hopefully the same will happen for you. I was gutted as I lost the run data for my 9 mile run.

I've got a fecking cold and I feel like shite, so no run for me today. Had planned a gentle 12k this morning, but it was a struggle even to just get down the stairs. :(

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Managed 3 miles in 24mins 53secs. Have to be happy as I'm just getting back into it, it had just been snowing and as it was on the canal, thick with mud.

Happy days.

Thinking a late entry in the Grangemouth 10k next month is not out of the question.

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I've dione some 400M sprints 2 weeks ago. 200M uphill and 200 downhill. Managed 9 sets.

Then did 1K efforts. The wind and rain last week was horrendous. Still managed 4 mins 20 secs for 2 of them.

Ran another X-C race last weekend. 6.5 miles along the Town Moor at Newcastle. The course was wet. Imagine the Vicar of Dibley sketch where she gets covered in the puddle and double it. Well I ran 54mins 23 secs.

Last Tuesday it was the 3.3mile handicap race. I ran 23mins 34 secs and finished 3rd.

On thursday it was a 45 min tempo run.

On Thursday I got the e-mail saying I've been successful in my entry for the Great North Run. So that's 1 half-marathon this year.

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Hey guys,

I'm currently "in training" for the Meadows (half) Marathon in Edinburgh on the 6th of March. I was out running last Thursday when my left knee sort of went, and it became too uncomfortable to continue. I'm pretty sure that it was "Runner's Knee", as the pain was coming from just below the kneecap.

I want to get out and resume training at some point soon, but I'm worried about aggravating any injury. My knee feels better, but not 100% - even when I'm walking around the house it doesn't feel quite right.

How long do you think I should leave it until risking it again? Would getting a tubigrip help?


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Have been really good with the running this week. Rewarded myself with new trainers this morning after my old ones look as if they are suffering from a gun wound. The cushioning had totally gone below my right ankle and they cut into my ankle resulting in a surprisingly large amount of blood, considering I didn't even notice until after running. They have served me well and went out with a bang. Invested in some comfy bad boys from Run4It, which was recommended before in this thread.

Trying to build up to do longer runs, and doing them outside. In the past week I've done:

Sunday: 34:40mins (outside) – 6.75k

Monday: 20:54mins (gym) – 5k (also jogged 3.5k to 5-asides in the evening)

Tuesday: 25mins (gym) – 5.53k

Wednesday: 30mins (gym) – 6.66k (fartlek)

Friday: 43:56mins (gym) – 10k

Sunday: 54:50mins (outside) – 12.25k

Monday: 19:59mins (gym) – 5k (will be jogging to 5-asides in the evening)

Delighted with my 20 minute 5k this morning, I laughed when a mate said he could do it about a month or so back. Had kind of set that as a target ever since. Really enjoyed the beast of a Sunday run and I really want to have the motivation to keep doing them. I find it much easier to go to the gym, but my membership is up at the end of the month and I can't afford to renew. I will badly miss it, it has helped me shift almost 2 stone. I've got a track nearby and I'm going to plan some routes in my local area for a bit of variety. Hopefully that will help keep me interested and motivated.

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Hey guys,

I'm currently "in training" for the Meadows (half) Marathon in Edinburgh on the 6th of March. I was out running last Thursday when my left knee sort of went, and it became too uncomfortable to continue. I'm pretty sure that it was "Runner's Knee", as the pain was coming from just below the kneecap.

I want to get out and resume training at some point soon, but I'm worried about aggravating any injury. My knee feels better, but not 100% - even when I'm walking around the house it doesn't feel quite right.

How long do you think I should leave it until risking it again? Would getting a tubigrip help?


Get it checked out NOW and not by a GP but by a sports injury specialist. That's exactly the same type of pain I had. Pain just below the left knee cap, difficult to walk up stairs? I made the mistake of just resting for a couple of weeks and then when I tried to run I had to give up after about 5 steps because the pain in my knee was unbearable.

After about 6 months of p!$$ing about with GPs I was eventually sent for an MRI but that didn't show any actual damage just some tendonosis. The fix was rest and doing leg/muscle strengthening exercises. I started cycling for a few months just to try to keep my fitness up but I'm back running now. I'd also recommend accupuncture as I found that helped with the pain.

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Your times are really impressive, Kenzie. I'd be delighted to run 10k in under an hour!

Cheers. I must have been around an hour about one year ago for a 10k. I'm impressed by the improvement, I'm at the fittest I've ever been right now. I'm normally a lurker in this thread, but I enjoy it along with Gaz and your blogs, it helps with the motivation.

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Hey guys,

I'm currently "in training" for the Meadows (half) Marathon in Edinburgh on the 6th of March. I was out running last Thursday when my left knee sort of went, and it became too uncomfortable to continue. I'm pretty sure that it was "Runner's Knee", as the pain was coming from just below the kneecap.

I want to get out and resume training at some point soon, but I'm worried about aggravating any injury. My knee feels better, but not 100% - even when I'm walking around the house it doesn't feel quite right.

How long do you think I should leave it until risking it again? Would getting a tubigrip help?


I agree wi Swarley, go to a sports injury clinic or physiotherapist for ttreatment. A private one will cost you prob about £30 a visit but you can refer yourself to hospital physio, might be a wait though.

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I agree wi Swarley, go to a sports injury clinic or physiotherapist for ttreatment. A private one will cost you prob about £30 a visit but you can refer yourself to hospital physio, might be a wait though.

I didn't know you could self-refer yourself to the hospital physio. I have only been to the sports injury guy at the gym (he was excellent even for non-sports injury) and some treatment at the Nuffield which was rubbish

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I'm really hurting today after the english National X-c Champs yesterday. Got up at 5am to get ready for the bus at half 6. The 4 hour trip to Alton Towers as we had a few junior runners in the races before the main event at 3pm! Well the ground was soaked. that was just where the club tents were. The ground cut up really easy. Walking about was dangerous as you had to wade through 6 inches of mud. As the day got on the course was cutting up badly. The races got delayed and delayed as the paramedics couldn't get to injuries on the course. 5 runners had serious injuries, including a snapped achillies ankle.

So it got the point where we were going to start 30 mins late, which meant that we wouldn't be able to run as the bus had to leave at 4:45pm to get back in time so the driver could get us home (only allowed to drive so long in a day by law). So I was looking at travelling all that way and NOT running! The organisers then cut the womens race from 10K to 8K and the mens from 12K to 10K and managed to get to only 10 mins behind time.

So, after a lot of frettig I eventually lined up with that other 1500 runners for 10K of what I will only describe as a muddy hell. At best the mud was 2inches deep. There was sections where there was patchy grass. After a pretty level start the course had a few twists and turns, which where pretty muddy. A dowhill section of 10 metres then back up the hill, which you could not get any purchase on. Another level seciont and back round to the start. Then the next 2 laps were bigger, where you didn't go back to start, but down a hill into a valley, along a level section then turned up the hill from hell! It was practically a vertical climb of about 150 metres. Fortunatley it was level after that. The mud was worse, with it being churned into 8 inches deep, fortunately it was that soft it was like water.

So I got round and finished 1094 out of 1300+ finishers. There were people dropping out after the 1st short lap.People were dropping out at the hills or near the start. My time was 59 mins 35 secs, whcih I thought was bad, until I seen some of the other times.

On to next weeks X-c and hopefully less mud!

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