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P&b Running Club

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Well I ran well yesterday. I was an "A" runner and got paired up with a junior runner and we completed the 2 mile run in 15 mins. i did most of the running as my legs were taller than my partner. Followed that by taking a dip in the North Sea. Being in the water is not as bad as it sounds. It was warmer in the water than out of it. Next up tonight 800m efforts.

As an Xmas present the wife bought me entry into the Edinbourgh Half Marathon in May. Looks like i'll have to put in some miles.

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Hoping to brave the winds tomorrow and go out .

Not been out for a week and after 6 days of booze, chocolate oranges, roses, turkey, dominos pizza - think I will be breathing out of my arse come the chorus in the first song on the playlist. :o

Edited by Kejan
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Great North Run ballot is open if anyone fancies giving it a shot:


I've entered, but not particularly hopeful!

I'm bound to get offered an entry so I will not bother with the ballot.

Had 2 really intense sessions this week.

Tuesday was a pyramid session going hard up the hill and easy down the hill. Then we reversed it running easy up the hill and hard down the hill.

Tonight we did a Fartlek type session. Setting off at a normal pace then had 2 areas that we had to run hard on, then another area that we had to run hard up a short steep hill, followed by a hard lap round the running track. Managed 4 of them tonight. The overall lap was over a mile.

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I went to the Parkrun on 4th Dec and then didnt run again until New Years Day. Its amazing how much fitness I've lost in only 4 weeks. Really struggled to get motivated to go out running during Dec the weather was horrible and I can see it being the same in Jan. Am going to start going out running during my lunch break to try some different.

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Toward the tail-end of last year, I started running home from work (southside to town) which is just under 10k. Times have ranged between 58 mins (worst, and first attempt) and 47mins (best so far).

I really enjoy it and I'm going to be running the Men's 10k in June, and my target is sub-45mins.

I'm trying lose a bit of weight and tone-up, so hopefully running will help me achieve that, as well as it being great training for the Men's 10k!

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Well Done Neefie. Fancy being my coach?

I just signed up for my first half marathon. Inverness in March.

Also going to run the Edinburgh rock and roll half marathon.

Trying to make myself a training plan because I am still determined to break sub 40 min 10k and sub 20min 5k whilst getting the mialage up for the halfs.

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Well Done Neefie. Fancy being my coach?

I just signed up for my first half marathon. Inverness in March.

Also going to run the Edinburgh rock and roll half marathon.

Trying to make myself a training plan because I am still determined to break sub 40 min 10k and sub 20min 5k whilst getting the mialage up for the halfs.

I need to know -

What your latest 10k and 5k times where and when?

When you can train?

i can sort something out for you.

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I need to know -

What your latest 10k and 5k times where and when?

When you can train?

i can sort something out for you.

Great mate. Would be appreciated

Official 10k pb stirling 41:27 last sept (flat course). 10k on treadmill last night 42:28.

Official 5k PB 21:07. Few months back Falkirk park run (hilly). Can run sub 20 min on treadmill. Doing this tomorrow. Going for 19:30.

Can train any day of the week but restricted to treadmill when offshore. 2 weeks out of 5.

Currently doing 1 long run at an hour a more usually about 10 miles, 1 Tempo run, 1 intervals and a couple of steady runs in a week usually about 3 to 5 miles.

I have just signed up for the Bucklyvie 10k on the 21st this month. Would be great if I could better my PB.


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Went out yesterday for my first run since about October. Eased myself back into it with 4x5 minutes....hurting today!

Think I'll aim for the women's 10k again in May, got a plan from a magazine that I shall use as a bit of a guide.

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