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Managed another 13km last night, about 30 seconds faster than on Saturday. Feel fairly comfortable and could have managed a bit more, but it was pitch black by the time I got back towards the house so decided to call it quits. Will see if I can manage 15km on Saturday and add in a hill.

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Bloody hell. I won't bother applying then!

Not that I could do a marathon anyway. Managed another quarter marathon last night in preparation for the the GSR at the weekend. Did it in a decent time, but now my kneecap feels rather shoogly, so I might have to give the Nike run a miss tonight.

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Kenzie; that's a brilliant time, well done! The sunglasses makes me a bit surer I saw you then - were you wearing green under the Macmillan top? Should've taken the chance of making a tit out of myself. That really is some time on that course.

Cheers mate. Yeah, that was me, I realise I said Marie Curie before, getting my charities mixed up! :1eye

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Bloody hell. I won't bother applying then!

Not that I could do a marathon anyway. Managed another quarter marathon last night in preparation for the the GSR at the weekend. Did it in a decent time, but now my kneecap feels rather shoogly, so I might have to give the Nike run a miss tonight.

You doing the 10k or Half mate?

Accepted for London! Feck me, first time applying.

Congrats mate.

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Quite right. No point risking it at this late stage.

I will be happy with anything under 1 hr 25 mins. Have done 1 hr 26 mins dead in training, so should be doable. Guaranteed a pb regardless (barring injury) as my current Half Marathon time is 1hr 45 mins+.

Good luck!

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Good Luch bishy, that is some time improvment.

Thanks. Although tbh it was 3 years ago and I was doing 5k in about 21 mins then rather than the 18 mins or less I do them in now. So the difference in pace is not exactly surprising!

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Apparently it is the 10th anniversary of the Parkrun UK this morning ,the first one was ran by 13 people in some place called Bushy Park. Amazing phenomanan now right enough. To celebrate we had cake at our local run, also they are trying to arrange a fancy dress run for the 1st November. It's become a real community event in out town , whats it like in the local ones to all the P&B runners?

Edited by Co.Down Hibee
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Apparently it is the 10th anniversary of the Parkrun UK this morning ,the first one was ran by 13 people in some place called Bushy Park. Amazing phenomanan now right enough. To celebrate we had cake at our local run, also they are trying to arrange a fancy dress run for the 1st November. It's become a real community event in out town , whats it like in the local ones to all the P&B runners?

BBC Breakfast had a fair-sized feature on parkrunning this morning.

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