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Black Rock's a great race, Chris.

Well done eddie; I was down for Stirling but I'm injured just now...looks like it was a damp one! Not the only one to slag off the laps, either - I wonder whether they'll pay any heed. Is there anywhere else obvious they could go to make up the mileage?

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We got soaked and I was freezing cold, which I think led to me cramping up so badly at the end.

The concept of laps is fine, but the route they choose was up and down hills, through narrow underpasses and lots of sharp turns. The worst of conditions from 17 miles in and certainly killed the legs and put pressure on the knees and ankles.

If they could increase the loop round the Uni and widen the loops round the town so you were on the road as opposed to footpaths through a scheme it might work better.

I forgot that I had to sprint into a hotel in Bridge of Allan for an emergency shite too. Fair play to the staff who couldn't have been nicer about being confronted by a sweaty mess shouting "where's the gents". Marathon running and ulcerative colitis is dreadful combination.

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I was also in Stirling yesterday. Really enjoyed the route even including the laps although they could do with amending those laps slightly. The biggest issue for me was the finish area, in the cold and wet there was no signposts for the baggage buses which were about 5 mins walk away either through a narrow gate or climbing over a wall!

Didn't quite get the time I was targeting but I took 5 mins off my PB to finish in 3:36 - last 4 and a bit miles were a real struggle and had to stop and stretch a few times.

Black Rock race next!

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I struggled with cramp as well on Sunday - Front of my thighs were goosed from mile 17 onwards - never experienced cramp in this part of my leg before so it was a horrible surprise.  There is a picture of me crossing the line and you can actually see how tight the muscles.  

It was really disappointing as I was coping well up to that point and was on target for a 3:30 in the end I came in just under the 4 hour mark. 

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Hi all, new on here. Just recently started running ( despite always considering myself a fairly athletic guy as a youngster I realised it's probably pushing 10 years since I done any regular exercise!!). Try and push to 5km a few times a week round forest trails ( got my time down to around 27mins after 3 weeks) and hoping to do my first parkrun at Strathy Park this Saturday if I get home from work on time! Just looking for some advice from more experienced runners, a quick Google search had my head spinning with how complex running can be made to sound!! Things such as breathing techniques, conditioning training, resting, any words of wisdom really would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

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It's just as easy as putting one foot in front of the other and building your distances up bit by bit mate. The techy stuff is all well and good, but just find your pace and go a wee bit further when you can. Don't be put off by any of it, running is easy to get into and personally speaking it has done wonders for my mental and physical wellbeing. Good luck.

Top times from the two posters who did Stirling, I'm just delighted to get below four hours. Two marathons in a month kicked my arse though, time to cut the distance down a wee bit and just run for pleasure instead of part of a seemingly never-ending training plan.

The only advice I would give you is always warm up with some dynamic stretches before running and always take time to do some static stretches and cool down afterwards. It will definitely reduce your risk of injuries.

Edited by eddiemunster
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Cheers Eddie thanks for the reply. Will carry on as I am then and slowly build up my distance, maybe mix it up with some higher intensity sessions and hill work. The Mrs has just taken the plunge to step up from 5k to a 10k so looking forward to being able to push on up to that level too.

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Would suggest joining your local running club. If you're just starting out running with folk, even if it's just once a week, will help you. Chances are they'll have a beginners/improvers session that's only a few miles and isn't with the super speedy folk :)

Edited by Stu
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How did you get on?

I'm embarrassed to say actually but last year I did 54 minutes and last night was 58 minutes. I did a couple of 8 milers last week and was feeling not too bad about it and thought my pace wasn't too bad but I don't have age on my side. And I'm another Morrison. ..
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Kirkcudbright Half Marathon today was brutal. No sign of the forecast rain or thunderstorms (probably a good thing the latter was missing) but once we got inland there was no heat and it was horrendous.

A couple of minutes over my PB but faster than Dumfries and Kirkcudbright last year (the latter was my first and I took about 15 minutes off that time today). Think I finished 16th overall which is a shock! Also thought I'd be part of the winning team then realised they'd missed another member's club off and they fixed it.

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Well done to those running over the last few days.

Did the Luxembourg Night HM on Saturday, starting in about 29 degrees and feeling even hotter. Deeply unpleasant, walked often. Thank god I dropped down from the full! Edged slightly under 1:50 but just glad to finish!

Good support along the route, would have enjoyed it more had it been 15 degrees cooler! It was about 25 even when the sun disappeared.

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