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On 5/28/2017 at 13:55, die hard doonhamer said:

2:21:03 for the Edinburgh half. I'm quite happy with that. And I managed to run it all, other than a toilet stop 2 miles from home.

Did the 10k on Saturday.

1:05:15 was my time in my first 10k.

Not too bad but could have been better 

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Watching the live stream of Comrades on youtube...bloody amazing stuff. I know two people running today, both going strong, and one of them running her third. The 12 hr cut off's around 4.30pm if you want to tune in the some cruelty.

A definite bucket list race.

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Carlisle Tri Club 10k last night, finished 31st in 42.07 which was comfortably a PB. Main annoyance was no showers afterwards and it was two hours after finishing before I got home.

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Got the Giffnock North 10k tonight. Ran 12k on Monday as prep (not really because I only signed up when drunk on Tuesday).

That was the longest I'd ever ran and only done 10k + about 3 times before it. Best time I've got for a 10k is about 43 minutes but would like to think I can beat that tonight. Always tend to perform better in a race when I have other people to try and beat

Edited by paul-r-cfc
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3 minutes ago, diamonds2002 said:

I cant seem to motivate myself at the moment.  skipped the run this morning - need to sign up for something to get me out of bed

I can't motivate myself either. Last year I was running marathons and 7 minute miles and now I would struggle to run for the bus. One thing I try to do is get my mates to do parkrun with me ... if I know I'm picking up someone and going to the parkrun, I'll never dinghy it - whereas if I was just doing it on my tod, I'd probably end up in the pub on Friday night. 

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I cant seem to motivate myself at the moment.  skipped the run this morning - need to sign up for something to get me out of bed

Must be something in the air I seem to have fallen off the wagon a little too. Had a bad cold a few weeks ago and still trying to convince myself it will be more beneficial to skip my runs! Hasn't helped that it's coincided with a few milestone birthdays in the family too so far easier to just go out on the sauce than get up early for a run!

Sent from my D2303 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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Managed the rouken glen 10k in 41.57. Quite a tough, hilly course so I'd fancy my chances at getting below 40 on a more straightforward one.

Dragged myself out for Pollok parkrun on Saturday too. Not the best performance as I was still a bit tender from Thursday. 20.32 was decent enough all things considered. Aim is to consistently score under 20 with the eventual goal of going after my pb of 18.52. Lot of work to do on that front

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How can you all run so fast! 43 minute 10k?! Insane [emoji20]

Lots of practice! My first 10k was 52 mins; now I've run a couple of sub-40s. That was 5 years of progress, mind.

Structured sessions helps...first couple of years I was going out and running at the same pace all the time. Intervals and the likes made a big difference. And parkrun was initially great motivation, chasing the clock and people! But toy know this!

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I finally found out the cause of my many months of hobbling - there's a tear of the cartilage inside the hip joint, caused by the hip being slightly the wrong shape. I need surgery and it sounds lovely - they basically pull the joint apart far enough to get a camera and surgical tool between ball and socket, then smooth out the cartilage and sew up the tear. Brutal as it sounds, I'm counting down the days to the op! I was also told that there are some early signs of arthritis though, so I'm really hoping I don't get told to stop running completely - that would be pretty hard to accept.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that, and if not, I hope to be back to it to some extent by the end of the year.

I've been looking at some stuff to help with recovery and getting the muscles working again after the op, and pilates looks like it might be worth a shot. It seems that it's mainly women who do it but I'm not especially put off by that. Has anyone had a shot, and if so, how did you find it?

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Great to hear you've finally got an answer to your troubles, Socks. And, er, I had my good luck! You're due some.

In smug news, GFA for London opened up today, and application is in. Not that I'm running myself just now, but I'm sure it'll all work out...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Parkrun at Strathy yesterday was unremarkable except for the heartwarming moment when my boss whom I inveigled along (and who hadn't exercised in nearly two years), was struggling in the last half K. Some kindly elderly gentleman slowed down to give him encouragement. And the pair of them ran neck-and-neck to the finish. Cue the almost farcical scenes where they were both trying to persuade each other to cross the line first. Long after the barcodes were scanned, they were hugging and congratulating each other. Lovely stuff. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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