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That might have been me you saw a few times. I was doing the 100k route (kudos to those who done the 100 miler) and got 4 flats on the back wheel. I took two spare tubes with me. Had to borrow one of a fellow rider, which then exploded as it was getting pumped up as it wasn't seated right and then had to buy another from the mobile mechanic who stopped to help.

How much did they charge you for that then? Hope it wasnt a rip off.

And the little Glasgow 100 souvenir was poor. I wanted a bloody medal. Well I would have liked one lol

Edited by paisleysaints
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I don't think it is much to do with the dropped bars as I spend most of my time upright on the road bike.

Loads to do with the gearing / tyres as you mention - most hybrids have thick(er) tyres than road bikes and not so quick.

Mainly these,especially point 3

1. Frame geometry/seating position. -- The geometry of the frame forces you to ride more bent over, reducing wind resistance? Frame technology that is designed to reduce wind resistance in and of itself

2. Overall weight. -- Lighter frame, thinner rim/tire, lighter components?

3. Thinner rim/tyre. -- Less rolling resistance lets you get more distance per pedal?

The secret is to keep your tyres inflated to maximum pressure all the time.

I check mine every time before I go out and although they can sometimes feel firm enough to the touch,it's amazing how much pressure you can loose,even just overnight.

By keeping types fully inflated,it can also lead to less punctures,as a softer tyre can check and nip on some holes in the road,where a firmer tyre wont

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That might have been me you saw a few times. I was doing the 100k route (kudos to those who done the 100 miler) and got 4 flats on the back wheel. I took two spare tubes with me. Had to borrow one of a fellow rider, which then exploded as it was getting pumped up as it wasn't seated right and then had to buy another from the mobile mechanic who stopped to help.

Sounds like the cause of the original puncture was still embedded within the tyre. Always run your hand carefully around the inside of the tyre before putting a new inner tube in, has happened to me too.

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Good tip about anti-clockwise circular routes, ta. Can't help with the headgear problem as I have an awful sense of smell. I did ask the wife to sniff my helmet and she gave me one of those long cold stares. I did the 2 bridges Fife side first but the Forth road bridge had the eastbound cycle path closed and the westbound was covered with 10k runners giving me dirty looks as I pedalled against the flow.

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Re post # 779

Does no one else have this problem :(

Apologies for ignoring your smelly helmet syndrome.

I must admit I have not noticed it as an issue for me, yes my foam inserts absorb sweat but they don't seem to have a smell problem like yours. You seem to be doing all you can to keep your helmet clean, spraying it with Febreeze seems the next logical step...

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Good tip about anti-clockwise circular routes, ta. Can't help with the headgear problem as I have an awful sense of smell. I did ask the wife to sniff my helmet and she gave me one of those long cold stares. I did the 2 bridges Fife side first but the Forth road bridge had the eastbound cycle path closed and the westbound was covered with 10k runners giving me dirty looks as I pedalled against the flow.

Cheeky running fickers - that is why there is a cycle path and a pedestrian path on the bridge!

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Apologies for ignoring your smelly helmet syndrome.

I must admit I have not noticed it as an issue for me, yes my foam inserts absorb sweat but they don't seem to have a smell problem like yours. You seem to be doing all you can to keep your helmet clean, spraying it with Febreeze seems the next logical step...

f**k me,I was getting paranoid,until I found this


Looks like it is an affliction suffered by many cyclists and not just me who's a smelly b*****d!.

Your Fabreeze remedy is suggested here MB,but I was frightend it would react with my skin and I'd get huge red lines across my forehead :lol:

Water and vinegar solution suonds best option,with lots of sunshine and fresh air for a healthier helmet

Edit to Add;Just found this link http://planetgreen.discovery.com/fashion-beauty/properly-clean-bike-helmet.html

See point 5.

I'd like to see the wifes face if she saw me going into the shower wearing my cycle helment

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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f**k me,I was getting paranoid,until I found this


Looks like it is an affliction suffered by many cyclists and not just me who's a smelly b*****d!.

Your Fabreeze remedy is suggested here MB,but I was frightend it would react with my skin and I'd get huge red lines across my forehead :lol:

Water and vinegar solutio sonds best option,with lots of sunshine and fresh air for a healthier helmet

So rather than Fabreeze you would go for an option which means that if you ever stopped in Glasgow you would have locals trying to dunk chips in your helmet!!:lol:

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Were you out with the cycling club on Saturday?

Aye did a good run of 38 miles.

Shorter than last week,but much hillier.

I'm building up to go out with them on a Sunday before the season ends though.

However,met them in oub after thweir run yesterday and tey did 91 miles in 4 hours and 5 minutes!

TBH <i dont know if I'd manage that distance at that pace and dont want to make a tit of myself,but at the same time desperate to give it a go to see how I get on.

Will probably be out every night this week,except Thursday as at Tynecastle

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Aye did a good run of 38 miles.

Shorter than last week,but much hillier.

I'm building up to go out with them on a Sunday before the season ends though.

However,met them in oub after thweir run yesterday and tey did 91 miles in 4 hours and 5 minutes!

TBH <i dont know if I'd manage that distance at that pace and dont want to make a tit of myself,but at the same time desperate to give it a go to see how I get on.

Will probably be out every night this week,except Thursday as at Tynecastle

Was your hand shaking whilst typing this!!:lol:

91 miles in 4hrs 5 mins is scary.

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How much did they charge you for that then? Hope it wasnt a rip off.

And the little Glasgow 100 souvenir was poor. I wanted a bloody medal. Well I would have liked one lol


I got hee haw other than the wee bag with a few bits and pieces in it :blink:

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How much did they charge you for that then? Hope it wasnt a rip off.

And the little Glasgow 100 souvenir was poor. I wanted a bloody medal. Well I would have liked one lol

Got charged £4.99 for it but I was a capitve audience and had no other choice. The price might have included the fact he fitted it for me.

Every time i had the tyre off, i ran my fingers round both the rim and inside of the tyre and could not find a source of the problem. It did not look like my tyre was being pierced in any way, which is why it pissed me off so much.

I don't know if these fell into the category of pinch flats rather than punctures. It always seemed to happen just after a particularly rough section of road.

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