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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Did my further cycle run yesterday of 92 miles,from Larbert- Stirling- Bridge Of Allan- Braco-Comrie (via Comrie moor) - Alongside Lochearnhead-Strathyre-Callander-Doune-Blair Drummond-Pakers Lane-Cambusbarron-home.

Decided to break from the group with 9 miles left,fully expecting to be caught,but managed to be first man home

92 miles in 5 hours 2 minutes,so average of just over 18mph.

Legs are totally buckled today though!!

Anyone doing the evans Sportive from Callandar on Sunday?

Entry fee only £5.00.5 guys from our club already doing it and think I'll join them


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That's a cracker of a hill, I was low gear all the way then at the top the only thing that limited my speed was the condition of the road and my fear of a bad pothole incident. I was doing about 55kph but others were passing me no probs at some rate.

It is a great climbing hill and well worth it when you reach the top as from memory the descent is quite gradual and long and you can belt down it.

I distinctly remember sticking my legs out to the side going weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I was relatively new to cycling at the time!:D

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Having bought a bike a couple of weeks ago I might start contributing to this thread.

First thing - I clearly need to buy some cycling shorts, in a wee bit of discomfort.

Secondly - Does anyone know if the cycle route from Kilmarnock to Irvine/Kilwinning is any good?

Thirdly, you see some great things out cycling that you wouldn't see in a car - I found this in Kilmarnock yesterday:

You should have knocked on my door and come in for afternoon tea and scones!!

Cycling shorts really are a must, regardless of how soft you think your saddle is, nappy rash is not for the faint hearted.

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Did my further cycle run yesterday of 92 miles,from Larbert- Stirling- Bridge Of Allan- Braco-Comrie (via Comrie moor) - Alongside Lochearnhead-Strathyre-Callander-Doune-Blair Drummond-Pakers Lane-Cambusbarron-home.

Decided to break from the group with 9 miles left,fully expecting to be caught,but managed to be first man home

92 miles in 5 hours 2 minutes,so average of just over 18mph.

Legs are totally buckled today though!!

Anyone doing the evans Sportive from Callandar on Sunday?

Entry fee only £5.00.5 guys from our club already doing it and think I'll join them


This is the one that my boss refuses to do as the road surfaces are not that great.

He does, however, live not far from the Dukes Pass and chooses his own routes on the good roads and says it is brilliant. Dukes Pass is a lonnnnnnnggggg three mile climb if you haven't seen it before!!

Edit to add - I am away with the family this weekend or I may well have done it for the sake fo the miles.

Edited by monkeyblair
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Just back from only my 2nd ride of the year - 25 miles of UtN's route. My legs are like jelly and I thought I'd have a heart attack at a couple of points but I made it. Decided I'm a plodder not a racer sad.gif

Go on, give us your time??

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Had thought about the Evans thing, but I'm away with the missus for the weekend. Still up for the Team P&B ride on 6th May.

Going out for a long one tomorrow. Weather is fantastic so it's shorts and short-sleeve jersey time at least a month earlier than expected. Superb stuff!

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Shucks - 2 hours. I'm all embawassed now.

In my defence, I've spent the winter eating pies and posting nonsense on t'internet.

Just ignore them. Enjoy yourself and bugger anyone else (unless they've been in the saddle a bit too long, that is....).

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Okay so lets assume it was really 2hrs 15 minutes!!

I'm shocked at the very suggestion - shocked I tells ya! wink.gif


2hr 3min, 25.43 miles.

It was just nice to get out and stretch my legs a bit in the sun. Thoroughly enjoyed myself and not even the utter b*****d wankstain c**t who nearly wiped me out near Doune could spoil it.

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Edit to add - I am away with the family this weekend or I may well have done it for the sake fo the miles.

I'm away with the missus for the weekend.

Hmmm.!.....sounds cozy!!

Change the worsd "German" for "Scotland" and "Sparkle" for "Lycra" and I think we'll all get an idea as to what you're both up to!! ;)

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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I've got an old falcon road bike i use to get to Dundee from Arbroath and back for work once a week,on average it takes about 2 and a half hours there and back for 36 miles,the bikes still in good nick for its age(over ten years).I was wondering for a tight fisted cyclist,is it worth it to get a more modern bike as in would it actually be much faster and do these modern bikes improve performance significantly.Thanks in advance for any replies.

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I've got an old falcon road bike i use to get to Dundee from Arbroath and back for work once a week,on average it takes about 2 and a half hours there and back for 36 miles,the bikes still in good nick for its age(over ten years).I was wondering for a tight fisted cyclist,is it worth it to get a more modern bike as in would it actually be much faster and do these modern bikes improve performance significantly.Thanks in advance for any replies.


I don't really play golf, but even if I went out and bought the 'latest, bestest, sparkliest' clubs, I would still be a shite golfer...!

In saying that bikes have changed over the years, but I doubt if they're faster?

Things like integrated gear shifters, clip in pedals and a bit of carbon here and there might make it easier and comfier though..?

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I've got an old falcon road bike i use to get to Dundee from Arbroath and back for work once a week,on average it takes about 2 and a half hours there and back for 36 miles,the bikes still in good nick for its age(over ten years).I was wondering for a tight fisted cyclist,is it worth it to get a more modern bike as in would it actually be much faster and do these modern bikes improve performance significantly.Thanks in advance for any replies.


I don't really play golf, but even if I went out and bought the 'latest, bestest, sparkliest' clubs, I would still be a shite golfer...!

In saying that bikes have changed over the years, but I doubt if they're faster?

Things like integrated gear shifters, clip in pedals and a bit of carbon here and there might make it easier and comfier though..?

Good advice from Broon-Loon here

I'd stick with what you have and see how much you get into it.

If its just for getting you from a to B, then fine,but if you want to start going out more and speed/ time/comfort becomes more importan to you,then you can upgrade then.

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I'm just back from my second cycle on the new bike. Shieldhill -> California -> Avonbridge -> Standburn -> Whitecross -> Linlithgow -> Polmont -> Brightons -> Reddingmuirhead -> Shieldhill

24.90km in 1:19:41, an average speed of 18.8km/h. Still plodding along but almost 1km/h faster than yesterday. Had to push it for a bit towards the end due to the ascent from Brightons through Reddingmuirhead to Shieldhill, two miles of solid climbing.

Really enjoying it though - loving the speed. Already hoping to have a budget of about £500 in the summertime to buy something a bit better, one with integrated brake / gear levers is a must and more than 14 gears.

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I'm just back from my second cycle on the new bike. Shieldhill -> California -> Avonbridge -> Standburn -> Whitecross -> Linlithgow -> Polmont -> Brightons -> Reddingmuirhead -> Shieldhill

24.90km in 1:19:41, an average speed of 18.8km/h. Still plodding along but almost 1km/h faster than yesterday. Had to push it for a bit towards the end due to the ascent from Brightons through Reddingmuirhead to Shieldhill, two miles of solid climbing.

Really enjoying it though - loving the speed. Already hoping to have a budget of about £500 in the summertime to buy something a bit better, one with integrated brake / gear levers is a must and more than 14 gears.

Gaz,sounds like you got a bloody god deal there for £90, going by this My link

Hopefully you'll be joining the P&B masses for their first ever"team" outing on the 6th May.

Fine and handy for you as starts and finished at The Station Hotel in Larbert,with beer,pies & bridies afterwards

Drooper has all the fine details and I think will be re-posting them on this thread soon,once he finishes his fucking flapjack....lucky b*****d!!

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