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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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I'll do my own one for Aberdeen folk then :(

We'll hopefully be arranging future rides in other areas, so should be more accessible for you and others at some point.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first Scottish Bike Show sportive event yesterday. I opted for the 65 mile route, as the 100 mile alternative would have been pushing it this early in the year.

That said, it was a tough route. Pretty hilly in parts (including the Duke's Pass), with some tricky road surfaces, but much of the ride was on very quiet roads, and for every climb, there was a cracking descent.

My chip time was 4 hrs 41 minutes, including a couple of stops to replenish my fluids and have a banana, so probably around 4 hrs 20 minutes cycling. I'm happy enough with that given how tough the ride was. I'll certainly repeat the route again, and it might be a decent shout for a future Team P&B ride. The weather was tremendous, and some of the scenery stunning. As for the event itself, it was very well organised, with almost 1000 people taking part by all accounts. A good atmosphere with friendly banter helped, too.

What was particluarly good from my perspective was that I could cycle to the start from home, and then back home again afterwards. While this added another 10 miles to the total, it was great to not have to bother faffing about getting the bike on the car and finding somewhere to park.

I'd certainly recomend that people give it a go next year.

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I was hoping to post something less grumpy for my 1k post, however such is life.......

In some way I can understand why us cyclists get a bad name after my experience about an hour ago.

Cyclist on a nice road bike decides to undertake me in my car as we go straight ahead at a mini roundabout. What's worse he seemed pissed off and made it known by his body language/shake of head and verbals. Anyway, we eventually end stopped up at a junction further on and much to my daughter's embarrassment I explained my disappointment to him.......

The Cyclist is no happy like, apparently I'm the Dick..........!

He must read a different highway code......?


On the flip side of this of course is the experience of paisleysaints. Hope you are OK, sorry to hear you may not make the May outing :( and that you make a speedy recovery from any injuries.....

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I was hoping to post something less grumpy for my 1k post, however such is life.......

In some way I can understand why us cyclists get a bad name after my experience about an hour ago.

Cyclist on a nice road bike decides to undertake me in my car as we go straight ahead at a mini roundabout. What's worse he seemed pissed off and made it known by his body language/shake of head and verbals. Anyway, we eventually end stopped up at a junction further on and much to my daughter's embarrassment I explained my disappointment to him.......

The Cyclist is no happy like, apparently I'm the Dick..........!

He must read a different highway code......?


On the flip side of this of course is the experience of paisleysaints. Hope you are OK, sorry to hear you may not make the May outing :( and that you make a speedy recovery from any injuries.....

The problem is there is idiots both on bikes and in the cars.

couldn't believe this idiot this morning drove up by the side of me then she cut across me to go left at the next junction i had no where to go but into her no time to brake . she then proceed to drive off into the distance. a guy chased her down to which she respond yeah i seen him fall but i thought he just fell off his bike, at the time i was to shook up to be angry. couldnt thank this guy enough took me to hosipital dropped my bike off at the bike shop of which he is part of the cycle team to get checked over. he also reported it to the police which im grateful for

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The problem is there is idiots both on bikes and in the cars.

couldn't believe this idiot this morning drove up by the side of me then she cut across me to go left at the next junction i had no where to go but into her no time to brake . she then proceed to drive off into the distance. a guy chased her down to which she respond yeah i seen him fall but i thought he just fell off his bike, at the time i was to shook up to be angry. couldnt thank this guy enough took me to hosipital dropped my bike off at the bike shop of which he is part of the cycle team to get checked over. he also reported it to the police which im grateful for

Not good, you all OK now? Polis taking it seriously- where was it roughly?

On a slight topic change, anyone aware that endomondo has become really ropey since the update? Few complaints on their site and I'm finding it tracking only parts of my ride. Not happy, going to switch back to runtastic as it was very reliable.

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The problem is there is idiots both on bikes and in the cars.

couldn't believe this idiot this morning drove up by the side of me then she cut across me to go left at the next junction i had no where to go but into her no time to brake . she then proceed to drive off into the distance. a guy chased her down to which she respond yeah i seen him fall but i thought he just fell off his bike, at the time i was to shook up to be angry. couldnt thank this guy enough took me to hosipital dropped my bike off at the bike shop of which he is part of the cycle team to get checked over. he also reported it to the police which im grateful for

Sorry to hear about this, mate.

I hope you're on the mend soon.

The silver lining, if you're in a position to regard anything as that just now, is the support you received from the club guy. I hope the police take it seriously.

I think I'm now persuaded to buy a helmet cam for my commute.

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couldnt thank this guy enough took me to hosipital dropped my bike off at the bike shop of which he is part of the cycle team to get checked over. he also reported it to the police which im grateful for

Hope your all right mate. Sounds like you had some luck with the Samaritan.

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Don't think I'm going to make may cycle some bitch knocked me clean off my bike this morning on the way to work. Had to go to hospital so not sure how I'll be

Just picked this up PS.

Hope you're on teh mend.

If all else fails,there will still be a few pies with your name on them!

Hope you make a good enaough recoverty to manage along in May

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Well, I managed to ride 75 miles on some of the worst road surfaces known to mankind on Sunday without a puncture.

Took the bike out for the first time since the weekend to ride to work and made it as far as the next street and the back tyre blew as I hit glass scattered on the road. The tyre is fucking ruined - a half-inch slash across the contact surface. This is the tyre that had been bought two weeks ago to replace a tyre that was little more than three weeks old and had been shredded by broken shells on the road (see a few posts ago).

FFS, I'm seriously pissed off about this. £60 or so worth of tyres gone in the space of little more than a month.

I've bitten the bullet and ordered a set of cheap wheels to fit with bombproof 25mm Conti Gatorskins (I've a set in the loft) for commuting use, while my current wheels with race tyres will be reserved for weekend rides. I'll also need to invest in another 10 speed cassette. This biking business isn't cheap, and my missus will be lynching me if I spend much more <_<

Edited by Drooper
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What's happened? Has everyone chucked it?

We need to organise arrangents for the inaugural P&B training ride on Sunday week - assuming anyone else is coming along.... :unsure:

It's in my diary........

I've been struggling to get out on the bike recently, so I'll be the "lantern rouge"

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Apologies as not been on for a wee while as just back from working over in HK & China,which was absolutely hectic.

So,looks like approx 8 of us now MB has also confirmed

Ill get grub organised with Pub for next Sunday

Drooper,may be worth sending round a final PM to all of these who have commited ,confirming time,place etc

Getting ready to go out this morning,which will be the first time in 2 weeks.

Had intended to go to the gym every day when I was away,but too busy & knackered,so fitness level definetly dropped and I fully expect to struggle this morning

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