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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Sincere apologies, fecking hectic at work over last three weeks!!

Count me in for 6th May, more detailed posts to follow, just jumped on to confirm my participation!

Lads I am really sorry to do this but my good lady has just reminded me that I have my kids coming over all weekend next week!!

Shows you how much my head is up my arse at work if I can't even remember that.

Going to have to pull out the cycle, bike is getting rusty through lack of use. :angry:

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Apologies as not been on for a wee while as just back from working over in HK & China,which was absolutely hectic.

So,looks like approx 8 of us now MB has also confirmed

Ill get grub organised with Pub for next Sunday

Drooper,may be worth sending round a final PM to all of these who have commited ,confirming time,place etc

Getting ready to go out this morning,which will be the first time in 2 weeks.

Had intended to go to the gym every day when I was away,but too busy & knackered,so fitness level definetly dropped and I fully expect to struggle this morning

Aye, I'll PM the troops.

Lads I am really sorry to do this but my good lady has just reminded me that I have my kids coming over all weekend next week!!

Shows you how much my head is up my arse at work if I can't even remember that.

Going to have to pull out the cycle, bike is getting rusty through lack of use. :angry:

That's a pity, mate, but we'll organise another ride soon.

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Lads I am really sorry to do this but my good lady has just reminded me that I have my kids coming over all weekend next week!!

Shows you how much my head is up my arse at work if I can't even remember that.

Going to have to pull out the cycle, bike is getting rusty through lack of use. :angry:

Never mind, we'll save you a scone!

Seriously, sorry to hear that though

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Took the bike out on Saturday without any concrete plan other than to ride at least 40 miles. In the end, I covered 90 miles from home to Inveraray and back, traversing the Rest and Be Thankful (X2) in the process.

It was a monster route and sections of the road back seemed to go on forever, but I enjoyed it all the same. As I sat in Inveraray, it occured to me that there was no alternative but to cycle the 45 mile return leg, and this was a sobering thought, but sometimes you just have to push yourself a bit. I prefer circular routes, as returning the same route you have just covered can be a bit soul-destroying, but I fanced tackling the Rest, and thought I'd press on, with Inveraray being the next centre with any shops to replenish my fluids and buy a Milky Way :P

Edited by Drooper
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More details for anyone who's interested


Theyre trying to get keen local cyclist Douggie Vipond involved.

He often comes out training with us on a Thursday night and I've tanned his arse a few times :lol:

This looks decent, though I can see Dougie far enough, TBH <_< Might be an option for a future Team P&B ride?

On a related matter, there's still time to sign up for the inaugural Team P&B ride on Sunday. A 40 mile(ish) ride at a sensible pace in Stirlingshire, with refreshment stop(s) and a boozer at the finish line. Can't say fairer than that 8)

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This looks decent, though I can see Dougie far enough, TBH dry.gif Might be an option for a future Team P&B ride?

On a related matter, there's still time to sign up for the inaugural Team P&B ride on Sunday. A 40 mile(ish) ride at a sensible pace in Stirlingshire, with refreshment stop(s) and a boozer at the finish line. Can't say fairer than that 8)

Free pies and sausage rolls,you forgot to mention the free pies and sausage rolls

It cold be the clincher!

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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don't think I could quite manage 40+ miles. The most I've done is 28 out on the road. I can do spin classes back to back right enough.

Maybe next time!

Dont be a woose.

It woud be good to have a female member there and when in a large group,its amazing how better you perform ;)

Seriously....you should give it a go

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Well 4 of us turned up this morning, New Born Bairn, Broon Loon, Drooper and me

After waiting for any potential latecomers,we left Larbert at 11.30 waiting for the designated 42 mile route

However,after about 3 miles we hit a hail/ sleet storm where the temperature seemed to plummet by around 10 degrees in a matter of of a few minutes

It was so bad we had to take refuge under a motorway flyover

Thinking the worst had passed , we continued to push on, but very quickly it became apparent that now soaked and freezing, the 42 miler was going to big a big ask,

We changed to plan B and just did a more local route of about 17 mile in terrible conditions and retreated back to the warmth of the pub.

A few pies ,bridies and drinks down out neck. Soon sorted us out, but just a shame the conditions were so shite

A big thanks to the three other guys who turned up, two of which travelled a considerable distance and a special mention to Broon Loon for bringing down some " proper" Forfar bridies

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Well 4 of us turned up this morning, New Born Bairn, Broon Loon, Drooper and me

After waiting for any potential latecomers,we left Larbert at 11.30 waiting for the designated 42 mile route

However,after about 3 miles we hit a hail/ sleet storm where the temperature seemed to plummet by around 10 degrees in a matter of of a few minutes

It was so bad we had to take refuge under a motorway flyover

Thinking the worst had passed , we continued to push on, but very quickly it became apparent that now soaked and freezing, the 42 miler was going to big a big ask,

We changed to plan B and just did a more local route of about 17 mile in terrible conditions and retreated back to the warmth of the pub.

A few pies ,bridies and drinks down out neck. Soon sorted us out, but just a shame the conditions were so shite

A big thanks to the three other guys who turned up, two of which travelled a considerable distance and a special mention to Broon Loon for bringing down some " proper" Forfar bridies

Aye, it was quite an adventure - I can just about move my fingers now! :lol:

Good to meet the guys who showed up, though - spot-on lads, and your hospitality was spot-on, UtN. Much appreciated, and will be reciprocated when you're over this neck of the woods for a ride sometime soon.

We'll try again over the coming weeks, hopefully.

As you say, thanks to Broon Loon for the bridies (though I won't be partaking, I'm sure my mother-in-law will enjoy them!).

Edited by Drooper
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Cycling is never really on when your arms are covered white wi 'sna & hailstones'....:(

Anyway it was good to meet up with like minded cyclist / fitba troops, hope the Bridies hit the spot and look forward to another venture, without snow and hail.................:rolleyes:

I really enjoyed the territory, ideal for road cycling at my age/level (IMHO)............It tends to be a bit mair "up and doon" here in Angus...!

Thanks again to UTN for the hospitality, very much appreciated.......;)

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Cycling is never really on when your arms are covered white wi 'sna & hailstones'....:(

Anyway it was good to meet up with like minded cyclist / fitba troops, hope the Bridies hit the spot and look forward to another venture, without snow and hail.................:rolleyes:

I really enjoyed the territory, ideal for road cycling at my age/level (IMHO)............It tends to be a bit mair "up and doon" here in Angus...!

Thanks again to UTN for the hospitality, very much appreciated.......;)

I agree with this. It's ideal if you want to be able to have a blether etc. I'm up for travelliing through again for the next meet in better conditions. Sometime mid-June perhaps?

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It was good to put faces to names and the bridies went down a treat with my Dundonian wife - cheers. I thought everyone was very gracious in not mentioning my incredible lack of fitness - today was a bit of a shock to the system. Hopefully by the time the next one comes around I'll have got more miles into my legs.

Well done to UtN for his organisational skills and hospitality.

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