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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Could be any number of things, but not something you can afford to leave (obviously). If you aren't sure how to fiddle with them, ask a mate who does or take the bike to your local shop. Not worth taking any chances.

Chances are your cable has snapped, come away from the lever or caliper, or siezed.

I had a fiddle. It appears I have worn the brake pads away completely. all 4 at once. Had to cycle about 10 mile with no brakes yesterday. (Got off going down ridiculous hills) I have arranged new ones and will fit them the mora and see if that sorts me out

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Going out for a couple of hours tonight, as the weather has broken.

I went out for a 35 mile ride last week - first time in a fortnight - and was blowing out my arse by the time I got home. It was a hilly route, but nothing that should have troubled me too much. The trick is to get out often or the fitness goes in the blink of an eye, and this is particularly true when you reach a certain age.

The plan tonight its to take it easy and not scunner myself due to my fitness being below par. I reckon we sometimes forget to enjoy the ride and are too busy checking times and average speeds etc. I'll never be anything other than a recreational cyclist, and I reckon that'll do me just fine.

ETA: enjoyed that last night. Funny how you just have good days and not so good days on the bike just like pretty much anything else we do in life. I was riding at a pretty fast pace, and felt good on it, but reckon that not putting myself under pressure, I was more relaxed. One other thing I tried was to ride on a smaller gear at higher cadence, and I think this made a significant difference in terms of my endurance levels. I've often thought I try to turn too big a gear at times, but never got round to experimenting a bit on it before now.

On a final note, by way of a wee gear review, I'd bought a pair of Prendas socks when ordering some overshoes:

Prendas Socks

Prendas stuff has always impressed me, but these socks are a stand-out thus far. Very light, airy, and comfortable - and a great fit. They allowed the venting in my shoes to come into its own. Highly recommended (but make sure you don't snag them with your tonails!).

Edited by Drooper
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I finally did it. 200miles in one ride. Took me 14 hours and am beyond knacked but feck it, I have wanted to nail that one for a while now, have blown out at about 155-160miles that last two times I tried.

Well that puts my Sunday 54 miles in 3hr. 20 mins. bang in perspective ! :angry: Great effort, well done mate ! :D

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Anyone going for the glasgow 100 this weekend??

I opted not to bother. I was hoping to sign up for a third sportive to round the year off, but don't know if I fancy the Glasgow 100 again this year. £50 seems a bit excessive, TBH, though the organisation and feed stops last year were of a high standard.

I'm considering the Lord of the Lochs Sportive, but with only 37 people signed up so far, there is every likelihood I'd come last :ph34r:

Any P&B'ers doing the Bealach Mor this year?

I had a look at this, but having done the Skye Mor in May, I thought I'd leave this challenge to next year. Have you done it before? If so, was it a good ride?

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Went for a 6 and half mile cycle earlier on to give my shins a bit of a rest from running. Got to say you get a lot more pleasure on a bike going along scenic routes.

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For anyone doing the Sportive PFS, they've just released the elevation graph...


Last year turned out to only be 96 miles so they have increased it to 110 miles apparently.

Have looked at the map of the route and can't see where the additional 14 miles come from.

Looking forward to it anyway - at a Rugby Club Dinner in Durham on the Friday, it is my 40th on the Saturday then the cycle on the Sunday. :D

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Really gutted to be missing out on PFS this year, but alas work has to come first and I'll be in Vienna on the 9th.

I guess I'll just have to put the effort into aiming for the Sportive next year to make up for it ;)

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So...looking for some advice.

We are about to set off on a wee bit of a charity cycle. Starting on Saturday, three of us are going to cover 500 miles in the saddle from Mull of Galloway to John O'Groats. In 5 days straight.

Anyway, I rolled the bike out this morning for a wee photoshoot for the local paper (famous and ahin!). Tried to pedal - nothing. Thought the chain was off, but it wasn't. Eventually it clicked into place and started working.

Think the pawls in the freehub just got a bit stuck but just thought I'd ask the guys on here who are in the know if you've seen that before and if so, did it become a recurring issue? Basically...Can I just ignore it if it's working again?!

I've had the bike since March and covered just over 2,000 miles on it without a hint of an issue, sods fucking law that two days before we set off I start having mechanical problems!

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So...looking for some advice.

We are about to set off on a wee bit of a charity cycle. Starting on Saturday, three of us are going to cover 500 miles in the saddle from Mull of Galloway to John O'Groats. In 5 days straight.

Anyway, I rolled the bike out this morning for a wee photoshoot for the local paper (famous and ahin!). Tried to pedal - nothing. Thought the chain was off, but it wasn't. Eventually it clicked into place and started working.

Think the pawls in the freehub just got a bit stuck but just thought I'd ask the guys on here who are in the know if you've seen that before and if so, did it become a recurring issue? Basically...Can I just ignore it if it's working again?!

I've had the bike since March and covered just over 2,000 miles on it without a hint of an issue, sods fucking law that two days before we set off I start having mechanical problems!

TBH, if you're using the bike for a long ride over several days, it might be worth biting the bullet and getting your local shop to have a look at it. You might be right about the freehub seizing a bit, but it could be your bottom bracket (though that's less likely, as you'd have noticed that it was packing in with excess play/grinding etc).

I'm less informed than many on here, but would think that something as fundamental as your cranking powering the bike is worth getting checked out before embarking on a big ride.

ETA: best of luck on the ride - sounds a belter!

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