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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Is your name really Grendel?

Cooooooooooool 8)

I was determined to cycle to work at least a couple of days this week regardless of the shite weather.

Once again, the beauty of cycling has been brought home to me in that I didn't really notice the rain (the wind is more of an issue in any event).

I've cycled in the rain often enough, but if you get out the way of it - by that, I mean getting the bike out and setting off while it is pissing down, as opposed to being caught when you're already out - then you start to convince yourself that it is a hellish experience. It really isn't that bad at all (in the warmer months at any rate).

ETA: your name clearly isn't Grendel :bag

Shame all the same.

Sadly not. Jester was taken on the forum I originally posted that on.

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Does anyone else on here use Strava? It's a free iPhone/Android app that tracks your cycling routes. This is me on Strava: click.

I've been doing circuits up to Waterfoot and back round a lot recently to get up to a proper level of fitness before going further afield.

Interesting picture. Have you had a stroke?

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Oh dear Lance....The Media are gonna love this.

After the heroic efforts from Wiggins et al, the world of cycling hits rock bottom again. :(

Shame, but probably inevitable given the rumours.

Lots of work to re-arrange the winners names and not a given that 2nd or 3rd will be any better. dry.gif


Edit for typo...

Edited by broon-loon
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With PFS 110 miler in three weeks I have just been back out for the first time since ripping the tendons in my heel last month.

Reasonably gentle 17 miles in exactly an hour and the heel held up well.

Most concerning thing was the pain in my calf muscle which has been there for a while as a result of having to hobble around on the ball of my foot of late.:angry:

Going to try for a minimum of 60 miles on Monday.

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Need to make a judgement about the condition of the roads you're travelling on as well. If your rides are generally on smooth, well-paved roads in good condition you can have it higher. If the roads are in poorer nick then you need it a bit lower.

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FFS so it is!

So much for trying for at least a 70 miler on Sunday have you seen the forecast.:angry:

Man up! As the great Tom Waits says, a little rain never hurt no-one. Forecast here is decent, but I'm building bloody steps in the garden, so no bike for me today :-(

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