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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Good to hear that the bike got sorted and you were able to take part. That was pretty decent of the shop to repair and replace parts for free.

The scale of PFS is one of the things that puts me off. I scunnered myself with the Glasgow half marathons for the very same reason. I reckon there's a point at which the amount of people taking part starts to detract from the enjoyment. There is a good buzz at big events, but if it is a bit chaotic it can become frustrating.

Yeah I have to say it was. They were sponsoring PFS and I had a voucher for a free safety check and puncture kit so were geared up for that, but as it was the only place open late on a Friday after work I just took a flyer. The guy couldn't be more helpful and he's done a very good job after 30 mins doing it. I did buy a wee cycle computer off them as compensation. Seriously Decathlon is everything Halfords would want to be- their staff are excellent and for a chain bike store it's amazing actually although their stock availability can be a bit mixed.

I agree with that- less riders than last year is surprising with Olympics. The mix of riders is down right dangerous to be honest. Some guys think it they are on the Tour and go far too fast given the once a year cyclist (nothing wrong with that either) and young kids are out. I wonder if they should 'grade' it like marathons- experienced guys go first, leisure guys next, kids and fun cyclists last, but not sure if that would detract from atmosphere and discourage people. I have to say it is fairly well organised and marshalled and they do tell people to slow down if they think they are going too quickly.

I was slower too by about 15 minutes, but I seem to remember we had the wind at our backs last year - today was perfect weather. Never saw the Easterhouse accident, but I did see the aftermath of a collision between two cyclists on the High St, 2 minutes after the start. Never seen a carbon bike snapped like that and the owner wasn't too chuffed.

Ouch. Carbon bike snapped at the start. laugh.gifblink.gif! I have insurance through British Cycling to cover me for third parties but ironically if you crash and the other party is also a member they just wash their hands of it huh.gif. Only things I had was someone tapping my rear wheel at the lights in Glasgow and a woman who was a bit flummoxed with the gears on a hill and swerved across the road as I was alongside. Both apologised and it was fine.

The accident in Easterhouse was right at the bottom of that large hill as you leave Easterhouse before you climb out towards Drumpellier. I got there about 09:20 and we were held up by a steward whilst treatment was being done. We all filled the lane in our direction queuing but some folk came up the lane for the other direction and blocked that with some moaning and others shouting about shortcuts. I mean someone is hurt just wait FFS! We waited about 5 mins before medics would let us walk past, and I had to walk up the hill as I'd never get going in clipless pedals with all those folk about. Never wanted to look as poor woman was in crying in pain and upset.

I think you're right about wind, it wasn't as behind us as last year. Actually I did it in 3.39.54 this year and 3.37.10 last year so not as bad as I thought.

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My first PFS and thoroughly enjoyed it. Long queue to get started - I arrived at about 7.40 and didn't get away until 8.35. It did occur to me: why not just start on High Street, but that would be agin the spirit of the thing. I thought the organisation and marshalling was probably as good as it could be. Would the events detractors seek to cap the entry?

Well done to you- you got to cycle past your teams ground.

Actually less took part this year so I don't know what was up with the start. Last year I arrived at 08:25 and was away by 08:40, but the queue was only back to Lord Nelson's Column. I was 20 mins later this year but it was a queue of 4 cyclists a breast and 500m long past People's Palace. Bit of a joke that you were there for the first start time but an hour to get going.

I did start on Saltmarket, against the spirit but I'd cycled from Paisley (getting caught by google streetview car laugh.gif) and was all warmed up. Didn't want to cool down again, and many others just said stuff it. Not sure why they were so slow in getting people off, the traffic lights bunch everyone up anyway and allow wee breaks in between cyclists.

The organisers did apologise on the tannoy as I arrived in Murrayfield so obvious it went wrong. One for them to look at, I'll ping them an email with comments. Other than that it was a great day.

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Got there at 7.30 and was away at 8.04 in the second batch of about 40. Got a bit fed up of them saying "last call for Sportive riders" yet they kept coming in dribs and drabs until 8.00. If the gate is meant to shut at 7.45 for Sportives, that's when it should shut imo.

Have to say I'm feeling quite warm & self-satisfied now that I'm home, scrubbed and rested. My knees were really giving me gyp today and I wonder if that was because it was my first real ride clipless?

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First of all, well done to all you guys who took part and completed the PFS this year.

I have to say, however, that it may be the last year I participate as the Sportive Route they had yesterday was just a bit too much. I appreciate it is meant to be a Sportive and therefore difficult but I am a keen but vey amateur cyclist and some of the hills they took you up were just brutal.

This year they stretched it from 94 miles to 110 miles and they freely admitted they had thrown in more hill climbs. There was one in particular just after the Douglas feed station where you turned right just before the M74 to head towards Abington and had a 6 mile climb into a 30mph wind on the worst road surface I have ever been on and that is no word of a lie. For the entire climb I was in my easiest gear and going at 6.3mph. There was also a couple of additional hills on the newly extended route which although I got up was going at about the same pace.

IMO it is truly a Sportive Ride and not one which you would do for a bit of fun as a charity fundraiser.

To add insult to injury my timing chip never registered at the end so my name doesn't appear in the paper this morning and it looks like i never finished!!

I did, however, and I managed to cover the 112.9 miles in 7hrs 54 minutes at an avergae of 14.2mph.

The one good thing about big climbs is big descents and I clocked 48.9mph as my top speed.:D

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I did, however, and I managed to cover the 112.9 miles in 7hrs 54 minutes at an avergae of 14.2mph.

The one good thing about big climbs is big descents and I clocked 48.9mph as my top speed.:D

That's a pretty incredible time given all the hills but that downhill would scare the living bejeesus out of me.

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Just looked at the paper and the fastest time was just under 5 hours which is just absolutely fucking unreal!!

I did wonder how you were getting on doing that one. After I arrived in Edinburgh about 1 I was told by people waiting for me that someone had arrived from the 100 miler. Don't think anyone believed him, even the announcer was amazed.

Sounds like it was really tough going and you deserve credit for finishing it.

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Finished pedal for Scotland about 90mins ago. Cycled in from Paisley and when I saw the queue to start it was unbelievable. Really slow going so ditched it and joined the back of a group on Saltmarket. Not exactly best thing to do but loads were doing it. Need to get the start sorted for next year.

I'll be doing that next year if I decide to do it again. We started queuing at eight and didn't get away until quarter to nine.

It was my first time taking part in an organised event, having just acquired a road bike earlier this year. I bloody loved every minute! I was aiming to break four hours given my speed in training, but did 3 hrs 31 mins :) . I think the good weather and adrenaline of taking part with everyone else pushed me on. In fact if I'd been a bit more agressive on the section before Limerigg I may even have dipped under 3 and a half hours ;) .

Got an internal one at my work in three weeks, then I'll enter a couple next year. Now I've got the distance, I'll need to work on my power/speed over the winter.

Any training tips? I was thinking about getting a set of those indoor cyclinder things. :ph34r:

I think that's my PB for the number of smileys in one post. :lol:8)

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I'll be doing that next year if I decide to do it again. We started queuing at eight and didn't get away until quarter to nine.

It was my first time taking part in an organised event, having just acquired a road bike earlier this year. I bloody loved every minute! I was aiming to break four hours given my speed in training, but did 3 hrs 31 mins :) . I think the good weather and adrenaline of taking part with everyone else pushed me on. In fact if I'd been a bit more agressive on the section before Limerigg I may even have dipped under 3 and a half hours ;) .

Got an internal one at my work in three weeks, then I'll enter a couple next year. Now I've got the distance, I'll need to work on my power/speed over the winter.

Any training tips? I was thinking about getting a set of those indoor cyclinder things. :ph34r:

I think that's my PB for the number of smileys in one post. :lol:8)

That's a decent time for what I assume is the longest cycle you have done to date. You are right about being aggressive, one tip would be not to relax on the easier and downhill sections, keep pedalling if you can to maintain a good average speed.

I have a turbo trainer in my garage and would have to say it is a decent investment as an exercise and keep fit tool, it would not really help you as a cyclist although my boss does have some training DVD's specifically for using on turbo trainers and it tells you when to increase gears / cadence etc.

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That's a decent time for what I assume is the longest cycle you have done to date. You are right about being aggressive, one tip would be not to relax on the easier and downhill sections, keep pedalling if you can to maintain a good average speed.

Cheers. I'd trained pretty steadily thoughout the summer, edging my mileage up each month so I'd done one of 41 miles and one of 47 in the month before the event. I did try on the day to blast the easier bits and I think that made a difference to my time. I'd cycled the route in bits beforehand, so I knew that from Limerigg is was largely downhill.

I have a turbo trainer in my garage and would have to say it is a decent investment as an exercise and keep fit tool, it would not really help you as a cyclist although my boss does have some training DVD's specifically for using on turbo trainers and it tells you when to increase gears / cadence etc.

Thanks. Think I'll get one.

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Wee question from someone who hasn't been on a bike for the best part of 15 years...

Quite fancy doing the local duathlon next year, which involves a 145km bike ride as well as some running(30k I think). I'm in reasonable shape and don't expect the running to be too difficult to get through, but the cycling I have no idea.

How long should it take to build up to being able to cover that sort of distance? What is a decent speed/time for covering that sort of distance?

Cheers in advance.

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Wee question from someone who hasn't been on a bike for the best part of 15 years...

Quite fancy doing the local duathlon next year, which involves a 145km bike ride as well as some running(30k I think). I'm in reasonable shape and don't expect the running to be too difficult to get through, but the cycling I have no idea.

How long should it take to build up to being able to cover that sort of distance? What is a decent speed/time for covering that sort of distance?

Cheers in advance.

that sounds mental

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Wee question from someone who hasn't been on a bike for the best part of 15 years...

Quite fancy doing the local duathlon next year, which involves a 145km bike ride as well as some running(30k I think). I'm in reasonable shape and don't expect the running to be too difficult to get through, but the cycling I have no idea.

How long should it take to build up to being able to cover that sort of distance? What is a decent speed/time for covering that sort of distance?

Cheers in advance.

If you reckon you would be okay to run for 30k then I suspect you would be fine to do the cycling as (again I assume) you would do that first?

To train for that sort of distance it would be very much like how you would build yourself up for the run. Start off with shorter cycles on the flat then start to throw in some hill climbs and increasing your distance as you go. 145km represents (in my mind) 90 miles and I would reckon you would only need to do a 75 miler to be confident you would cope with 90.

Perhaps the key thing for you would be the kind of bike you are going to do it on. If you haven't been on one for 15 years I assume you don't own one that would be fit for purpose and they can be expensive to buy if you are going to purchase one. For 90 miles a road bike would obviously be your best bet and there are plenty of posts further back on this thread suggesting decent one's - indeed Unleash The Nade was selling a decent one but not sure if he still has it.

In terms of the speed and time for that distance I would have thought that an average speed of 17-18mph would be decent (dependent on the course) which would take you around 5 hours but if you are fit and on a flattish course speeds of 20mph plus would not be out of the question.

The fastest time for the PFS Sportive (100 timed miles) on Sunday was just under 5 hours and it was a brute of a course in windy conditions.

Hope this helps!

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