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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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I just fly about on my mountain bike, just general enjoyment and travel to work, the KOMs and things on strava, some of the times (obviously done on road bikes) are frightening, I made a few for my trip to work, pace myself and that.

Seem to have hurt my wrist somehow, it's pretty sore holding on to the handle bars.

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My cycling career is at an all time low - really can't be arsed and need some severe motivation.

Ditto - I've been struggling with severe pains (particularly in my feet) which I keep thinking will get better, but it doesn't.... :( I should really get back to the Doctors to get things sorted... Foolish I know, I just dinnae want to give in to a life of medication if I can help it.....

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I just fly about on my mountain bike, just general enjoyment and travel to work, the KOMs and things on strava, some of the times (obviously done on road bikes) are frightening, I made a few for my trip to work, pace myself and that.

Seem to have hurt my wrist somehow, it's pretty sore holding on to the handle bars.

Once the real racers get on the roads they smash the KOM's but its just an added bit of fun.

I'm taking the day off work tomorrow and going to cycle to Dunoon from Paisley should be fun weather looks not bad also. As the wee man is at nursery and the Mrs at work so take advantage of the situation I think

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My cycling career is at an all time low - really can't be arsed and need some severe motivation.

Ditto - I've been struggling with severe pains (particularly in my feet) which I keep thinking will get better, but it doesn't.... :( I should really get back to the Doctors to get things sorted... Foolish I know, I just dinnae want to give in to a life of medication if I can help it.....

Sorry to hear that chaps.

I haven't been out for a decent ride since the the Autumn of last year. A couple of commutes to work and that's about it. I've really started to feel the cold - particularly in my extremities (MISSUS!) - and this has put me off. I also experienced some knee pain the last time I was out for a longer ride.

All that said, I'm on leave this week, and the weather is cracking, so I'm going to venture out tomorrow.

About summer-time last year I had a realisation that I'm never going to be anything other than a trundling diddy when it comes to cycling. I think it hit me when I discovered that I'd pretty much missed all the scenery on a cracking day out because I'd been riding with my head down, worrying about my time and my average MPH. I was kidding myself on. It is great to push yourself from time to time, but not at the expense of enjoying getting out. I found I was missing out, and, from now on, I'll be looking to soak in what is going on around me as opposed to worrying about how I'm 'performing' during a ride (MATRON!). That takes the pressure off, and I reckon I'll get more out of my cycling. I'm not the competitive type....never have been. I think I let myself be carried away like a daft wee boy with all the shiny stuff in the magazines. I won't be renewing my subs to Cycling Plus meantime, either. Time for a bit of perspective.

FFS, I was even slabbering over the notion of purchasing a titanium bike this year. Time to reel it in a bit and just enjoy getting out from time to time.

Hope you guys get sorted out soon. Sometimes its just a case of getting that first ride for a while under your belt, and then you realise what you've been missing.

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Did today's weather not do it for you? Cycling tomorrow myself and looking forward to it.

Aye, me too. I'll be taking it easy or it it'll be a case of blowing out my hin' end after half an hour, though.

For the guys struggling to get motivated, why not get the bike out and give it a clean and some general TLC. I often find that spurs me on to get back out, even just for an hour or so.

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Great day for it yesterday. had a wee cheeky day off so headed out towards Dunoon 80 odd miles in the end up cold at times but ok in the sun. Rest and be Thankful was just brilliant. Also cycled to work this morning doing well :)

Bad luck on the way home pedal kept falling off. Thread has worn away more money :-(

Edited by paisleysaints
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What a day for cycling today was. Glorious sunshine, barely a breath of wind and only a wee bit chilly.

Had one of those days where you feel like there is absolutely no effort involved in getting up to a fair pace. Was out with a guy I work with and we were absolutely cranking the pace out to Eaglesham.

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Didn't get out earlier in the week as planned, but just back in from a ride over the lanes to Croftamie, then along the Gartness Rd before a pitstop for coffee in Drymen. Then back home. Not a long way, and hardly a blistering pace, but it just felt good getting out again. As others have said, we've been spoiled with the weather this week. Absolutely stunning for the end of February.

ETA: a wee snap I took while out.


Edited by Drooper
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Great cycling weather again this week. Meant to go downhill tomorrow, so good to enjoy it while it lasts.

While I'm here, I think my poor bike has taken one too many knocks. Even with a full service it's still not feeling right - like it's slightly off-balance. I wonder if the frame has been bent slightly.

So I think I'll be on the lookout for a new bike fairly soon. Another hybrid I think - I wouldn't feel safe on a road bike around here. The potholes are bad enough in a car.

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seem to have strained my knee. can't really do up hills, abandoned a cycle but ended up going a wee detour as well

I've been having knee problems, too. I was going to book a physio appointment, but will have to take a good look at my bike and cleat/pedal set-up first, as this is something relatively new.

I'm wondering if my seatpost has inched down a wee bit over the months, so one option is to raise it by a cm or two. It'll then be a case of checking the allignment of my cleats, and tinkering if necessary.

Don't assume your knees aren't up to the job. It's always a good idea to have a think about when and how you experience the pain, and whether it might be to do with your equipment (MISSUS!) and set up.

In other news, I cycled into work this morning, and felt the benefit of having been out on Friday for a decent spin. It doesn't take long to get back into it once the initial apathy has been shaken off. My intention is now to commute by bike at least twice each week during the Spring, increasing to four or five times in the summer. Sometimes life gets in the way (kids, usually), but I'm determined to get back into. It is good for my mental wellbeing as much as anything else.

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