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He is, but I did feel a bit sorry for him last night.

That's the thing with his character, he was a total c**t, then him and Jean had a really nice friendship and he showed he had a decent side, then he stole her cash and made her out to be mental (again) and now he's showing a softer side again. he's a very complex character.

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Catweazle is moving to the square

Probably the worst fake bard ever seen in the history of anything.


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I can't believe their dubbing Kat's next fling as the biggest whodunnit since Phil was shot. Who really gives a f**k who's banging her behind Alfies back? The dirty slapper has already slept with half the square anyway.

Who the f**k will stick their dick in that anyway? She's bowfing!

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I can't believe their dubbing Kat's next fling as the biggest whodunnit since Phil was shot. Who really gives a f**k who's banging her behind Alfies back? The dirty slapper has already slept with half the square anyway.

Who killed Archie Mitchell was a big one remember

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Well that was utter pish tonight. The football was farcical and wasn't helped by Kat flashing her knickers at anything that had a pulse.

I reckon it was the coach from the other team that done it in the kitchen with the rolling pin.

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that was a grim episode - the half time team talk from kat is not quiet pacino in any given sunday is it? as for the storyline i am very confused as to what constitutes beautiful to the writers - kat is a cheap slag and not a pretty one at that - i still shake my head thinking bakc to the the time phil ditched dawn for shirley the terrorhawk

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This is a heave of shite the now. Although some more involvement of Lola has been pleasing to the eye. Not much gossip about whos fathering her baby though. Probably end up a birth bombshell in contrast to Darren being Georges father but with someone ridiculous like Fatboy or Tyler.

This soap has died a death since the Dennis Rickman and Johnny Allen days. Still find myself watching it though...

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This is a heave of shite the now. Although some more involvement of Lola has been pleasing to the eye. Not much gossip about whos fathering her baby though. Probably end up a birth bombshell in contrast to Darren being Georges father but with someone ridiculous like Fatboy or Tyler.

This soap has died a death since the Dennis Rickman and Johnny Allen days. Still find myself watching it though...

ben's the father of lola's wean is he not?

as for current storylines, when they have to invent a football team storyline just to give Kat Moon a part in the show then its a sign that her time is up, the whole Jean and Micheal thing has just dropped off a cliff, the Ben killed Heather storyline needs finishing as its a fucking joke that Shirley is still being a clown about it

Also the Joey thing is a disaster imo, pointless bringing him into it tbh

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