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Last scene was live. Plenty are questioning whether Max was actually meant to say YOU or WHO killed Lucy.

Eastenders official Twitter account said it was "you". I'm not ruling Abi out completely yet. That little witch has been up to something.

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I'm not going to take what Max said seriously until I hear what Phil has got for Ian.

That is intriguing. I don't think we can rule anything out just yet. Seriously cannot wait until Thursday now.

I wish Peggy would f**k off. I've never liked her. At least if she's going to keep cropping up, could she try and remember to bring Gwant with her?

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That is intriguing. I don't think we can rule anything out just yet. Seriously cannot wait until Thursday now.

I wish Peggy would f**k off. I've never liked her. At least if she's going to keep cropping up, could she try and remember to bring Gwant with her?

Jane sexting Grant for sure!

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This debate was had among all at my in laws - I thought he should've said 'who' but it was definitely 'you'...

If it is Abi, the actress's reaction may have been genuine as Jake Wood has fucked the whole week up lol!

He's confirmed on Twitter that it was "you" now as well. Clearly then, it wasn't Abi. She's still a wrong'un though.

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I made it onto digital spy for my tweet stating my annoyance at folk who thought the whole episode was live and substequently wondering why Jac Jossa/Lauren was in it :lol:

I wonder if Abi was who Summerhayes came up with when she apparently solved it, or is it someone else?

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So the story is thus, Lucy killed herself, left a suicide note calling Ian all the b*****ds, Jane went home and found her lying deid then read it, tried to protect Ian from reading it so hid the body in the woods. While trying to move her she started panicking and shat hersel then Max helped her(for some reason or another, maybe the fact he was pumping her and didn't want anything to be revealed to the public domain or possibly she was pregnant??) Anyway Jane didn't want to go to the funeral because she couldn't face seeing Ian in the obvious state knowing what'd happened and what Lucy had thought off him and such so disappeared to Birmingham to let things settle down before re-emerging.

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Who was the guy at the very start of the episode and who was looking for Ronnie that Phil referred to as "trouble"?

That was his first appearance. They've not used his name yet so I don't know what it is but he's played by Richard Blackwood.

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I will be amazed if it is not Cindy Beale. She is lurking in the background with not a lot of focus on her and her motive would have been jealousy of Lucy as Ian adores her and hates Cindy.


What does NAP actually stand for?

I reckon it was Cindy.

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Cindy is my shout as well. I rekon Phil will tell Ian Cathy is still alive, either that or Grant is coming back for the sole reason of pumping Jane then going back to Portugal. I will lose my shit if the murder was an accident, like some are suggesting with Bobby being the killer, because it wouldn't be murder and it would totally disregard Emmas meeting in the park when she says "its still murder"

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