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What's the chances of a storyline popping up soon that Darren starts porking Abi?

Anyway, decent stuff tonight and Thursdays should be interesting.

BTW has anyone watched the extra scenes about Lucas and Denise via the red button? I missed last nights cause I had 5's and I haven't seen tonights yet, but I'll get a chance before midnight this time. Just wondering if they're actually decent or what?

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Does anyone seriously think that in the time between Denise being reported missing, and the time a body was found, it is likely the police wouldn't have bothered searching the quite obviously empty property next door? :blink: It would have been a fairly obvious first place to look, no?

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Does anyone seriously think that in the time between Denise being reported missing, and the time a body was found, it is likely the police wouldn't have bothered searching the quite obviously empty property next door? blink.gif It would have been a fairly obvious first place to look, no?

even though she was seen driving out of the square and her car was found abandond hours later?

The police we happy to take the leads Lucas gave them wink.gif

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I thought Lucas was gonna snatch the tart back in as she was putting the key in the door, also, how fucking long has the gaff next to them been abandoned? it was like a war zone!!

P.S. not posted since the first Ben inside the nick show, are the show writers basically making it obvious that Ben is taking an arse battering rather than a cueball in the sock aboot the puss? The boy bullying him was muchos homo-erotic "oooooh our secret".

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I want to know how Lucas got into the place when it was boarded up. He came in and out the same stairs that Denise used to get out, so how was he managing it? Plus, he lives on the same square as Dot, Peggy, Pat, Zainab and all manner of gossips. Not one of them saw him going in and out of that house and questioned it?

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Only a desperate virgin would find Ronnie attractive.

no mate, You've got it all mixed up, see what you're watching on the tv is NOT real life and the boring, dull stuff you do all day IS real life. :)

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I want to know how Lucas got into the place when it was boarded up. He came in and out the same stairs that Denise used to get out, so how was he managing it? Plus, he lives on the same square as Dot, Peggy, Pat, Zainab and all manner of gossips. Not one of them saw him going in and out of that house and questioned it?

Was thinking the exact same. A back door maybe?

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How did nobody hear them shouting? There were obviously bits of gaps in the boarding of the windows and they were having a right go at each other for ages the other day.

On Thursday I have it on good word that Patrick says "Yeahhh man, you're back" then things just carry on as normal.

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How did nobody hear them shouting? There were obviously bits of gaps in the boarding of the windows and they were having a right go at each other for ages the other day.

On Thursday I have it on good word that Patrick says "Yeahhh man, you're back" then things just carry on as normal.

I hope they shit it and think she is a ghost and freak out and in the melee libbys birthday cake flies into the air and the knife comes out of it and right into denise, Lucas comes around, sprinkles holy water and convinces them it was a ghost that possessed her corpse and they bury the body in the garden.

An outside shot I grant you...

also unrelated, but I think wee boaby beale must be the most neglected kid in the world, Ian might as well just sell him into slavery as he never makes an appearance and hardly gets a mention.

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If they had CCTV, murders would be cleared up in seconds, and it'd just be no fun.

The club had CCTV did it not. Was there not a couple of storylines involving it, one of which being Janine trying to blackmail someone? (that or a webcam she must have used)

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