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The Neighbours Thread

DA Baracus

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Today's the first day i've seen it in a while. Please tell me Declan was supposed to be in the play and that's the reason for his ridiculous hairdo?

I know i've said it time and time again but 'Didge and Declan are so sickly sweet it makes me really angry. "That's what i've been telling tadpole" Fucking tadpole?!

And then her saying Rebecca should be sorry for going out wi Paul? I hate her.

And Zeke's pathetic ode to Sunny. Ringo is really rubbish too.

This show is fucking bollocks.

I woulda been watching Everybody Hates Chris on Fiver but it was a repeat.

Edited by Gall09
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From that i also see that Elle and Dan are leaving. :(

their replacements better be fucking awesomeee.

I'm not really bothered about Dan leaving however Elle going is a bit shit.

Thankfully Donna is still there and hopefully will be for a while.

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From that i also see that Elle and Dan are leaving. :(

their replacements better be fucking awesomeee.

Aw what?? Dan is one of the only saving graces in the show right now, and Elle is lovely. I will tell you this now, their replacements will be shite. It's all part of the great character-cull. :(

Did anyone see today's episode? I don't think I've wanted to spew more in my entire life. The poor boy that plays Zeke must lie awake at night wondering how the actor that plays Ringo gets to pull Donna while he's stuck with that ugly hamster.

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Neighbours has got so shit that i'd rather read about what happened on here than actually watch it.

Surely it can't be that hard to cast good, interesting people. And failing that then very hot people. No one wants shakespeare but come on! at least give us hotties to drool over if you're going to give us awful actors.

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I haven't been watching for a few weeks but the three Ramsay kids are serious competition for bridget, especially the boy. He looks like a sex offender. No doubt Susan will adopt them the mad bint that she is.

With a bit of TLC, the older one (Katie I think?) has some potential in my view. If only she would smile.

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I haven't been watching for a few weeks but the three Ramsay kids are serious competition for bridget, especially the boy. He looks like a sex offender. No doubt Susan will adopt them the mad bint that she is.

she wont do that as she is going be the surrogate for Libby which does back up the mad bint theory

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With a bit of TLC, the older one (Katie I think?) has some potential in my view. If only she would smile.

Even without the TLC I still think she's looking no bad. Hopefully we get some sort of decent storyline for her.

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Agreed about that w****r Ramsey boy. What a dick head. I was saying to my housemate i'm seriously considering re-jigging my Neighbours order of hate.

Zeke - Really got on my tits when his voice was breaking. When all of a sudden he became hard as nails for learning some martial art? Then he was that Lost Boy c**t.

Zeke's Bird - Lets Zeke put her dick in him. Ugly as sin. Googly eyes. Acted like a twat when she first arrived, tripping over bags and stuff - what was that all about?

Ramsey Boy - Pube headed w****r. Your mum is dead - get over it. Hates the world and I think the world hates him.


Now i'm seething after writing that I think the order goes


Ramsey Boy


Zeke's bird

There's very, very little between them all now though.

Edit to add that I would finger oldest Ramsey girl.

Edited by Nick_BCFC
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