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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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1, I tried to chat up Sharron Davies, but massive blood flow to my boaby affected my speach and resulted in failure.

2, My mate and I drunkenly chased Frank Skinner down Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow.

3, I do a 100 mile round trip to work every day in the car on my own, becasue I like my well paid job, and I don't want to live somewhere shitey.

4, I don't know how to ice skate.

5, I have never had sexual relations with any family member (as a fifer I know I'm in the minority)

Edited by Whistle Blower
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1. I once bought Glen Michael a pint in The Western bar but polietly declined his offer to go halfers and share a lapdance.

2. I was kicked out of the ASDA in Govan for licking the actual World Cup trophy.

3. I once shot myself in the face, suffering only shaky teeth, cut lips and a broken nose.

4. I stood beside actress Julia Stiles on the Circle Line one evening and could only offer up 'Nice Hair' to her when she acknowledged my staring.

5. When I make shit up I always ensure it contains a small element of truth so as to be convincing.

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1. I don't like making conversation with strangers, somehow this puts you in the minority at a huge company workplace.

2. Heights scare the shit out of me and make me feel sick, never been on a rollercoaster - can barely manage to stand on the top floor of the Howgate in Falkirk and look down.

3. I was run over by a green Hyundai in 4th year.

4. I have never driven a car in my life and at 20 years old, have no intention of doing so any time soon.

5. I never have sauce on any of my food.

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1. I dont give a shit about Global Warming etc.

2. I hate black people singing (dont know why , im not racist or nothin there just shit)

3. I always get in fights with people even though I dont look for them im 16 now and have had about 17 proper fights , first one being 8 years old when i was playing sevens , this gadgie from Dee Club squared up to me so I gave him a booting and gave his dad the finger. :(

4. I like football , drinking and lassies more than my wee sister ATM :(

5. Dont want to be modest or anything but im actually really smart.:lol:

Edit : 4th point was harsh , but you know what there like when there 13.


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1. I am vegan.

2. I think Muse are one of the greatest bands ever.

3. I have short legs. Despite being 6'2'' I have to buy 32'' leg jeans, and even then they tend to be too long.

4. I enjoy studying and learning foreign languages.

5. I have been known to choose to watch ice-hockey over football when equally important matches are on in each.

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1. I have played for Scotland in basketball. (pwoud, very pwoud!)

2. I have met and interviewed Sir Alex Ferguson (he was the nicest man!)

3. I cry at programmes like Animal Rescue or when they rescue animals in captivity and then release them back into the wild.

4. I LOVE marzipan, almonds, amaretto, amarena cherries.

5. I cannot stand bad manners or rudeness. (even simple things when you hold a door open for someone and they don't say thanks)

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3. I cry at programmes like Animal Rescue or when they rescue animals in captivity and then release them back into the wild. screwyiu7.gif

5. I cannot stand bad manners or rudeness. (even simple things when you hold a door open for someone and they don't say thanks)

See heres the thing I find. If I hold a door open for a bloke, they always say cheers. If I hold it open for a women, I don't even get a nod or a smile, let alone a thank you. In Oxford shopping I held a door open for a posh looking women and her reply was "I am capable of opening a door for myself" :lol: crazy bint

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1) I'm terrified of midgets.

2) I can't cycle and can barely swim (flapping around doing a very slow doggy paddle doesn't really count)!

3) I am doing a post grad MSc in Information Systems Development and have no idea why...

4) I have two tattoos. (A penguin and a gothic cross)

5) My favourite band are Journey.

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1. I couldn't care less about global warming and recycling and other environmentalist pish.

2. Football means more to me than anything else in the world, including any female, could.

3. My younger brother is gay and everytime I see him a part of me dies inside.

4. I suffer from massive stagefright and struggle to unrinate in public.

5. My IQ suggests I should apply for MENSA, but I don't want to incase I fail, which just so happens to be my biggest fear, failing.

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1. I've been practicing darts for about 6 months now, and I'm still happy when I hit a score of 100 or over. If I get a 100+ checkout I'm over the moon.

2. I tend not to like TV shows untill either 1) they're done or 2) about three series' in. Spooks is the latest in this line, as I've just begun to watch it. I got into Buffy after it finished, and got into 24 after season three was done.

3. I kicked a post in frustration at missing a penalty, and broke two toes.

4. I like both Sugababes AND Slayer.

5. I followed while one of my best mates decided to stalk Chris Millar all the way through the local shopping mall. A couple of mates actually tagged along. It was strange.

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1. I mumble when I get nervous so I hate speaking to people that I don't know very well. Due to the mumbling I once lied to an English teacher that I was dyslexic to get out of reading in front of the class.

2. I genuinally was the best football player in my year at school. I used to play for the senior side when I was still in 4th year.

3. I got lifted by the police when I was 14 for being drunk and disorderly. I had been drinking a gin, vodka and orange squash mixy :ph34r:

4. I got slapped by a stripper in Newcastle for saying "I only like good looking girls" when she asked me if I found her attractive. She was a hound.

5. During my Higher Human Biology exam in 6th year I wrote "I can't do this, bye bye" in the space for question 1 then walked out. It was the 2nd year in a row that I flunked that exam :ph34r:

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1. I mumble when I get nervous so I hate speaking to people that I don't know very well. Due to the mumbling I once lied to an English teacher that I was dyslexic to get out of reading in front of the class.

2. I genuinally was the best football player in my year at school. I used to play for the senior side when I was still in 4th year.

3. I got lifted by the police when I was 14 for being drunk and disorderly. I had been drinking a gin, vodka and orange squash mixy :ph34r:

4. I got slapped by a stripper in Newcastle for saying "I only like good looking girls" when she asked me if I found her attractive. She was a hound.

5. During my Higher Human Biology exam in 6th year I wrote "I can't do this, bye bye" in the space for question 1 then walked out. It was the 2nd year in a row that I flunked that exam :ph34r:


What school were you at?

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Shengus Khan- Classic :lol:

1. I believe that you probably shouldn't have sex with someone unless you love them

2. I spent my last birthday singing Bohemian Rhapsody with my brother in Dortmund. Good times.

3. I like a girl right now who has a serious boyfriend. It makes me sad.

4. I enjoy sitting on the toilet with the door open when i'm home alone.

5. I am studying journalism at college just now

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1. I absolutely love the West Wing. I could honestly recite the script to every episode.

2. I have no idea how I managed to end up doing the job I'm doing, and still have to pinch myself when I think about the position I'm in. I replay the minute I was offered the post over in my head at least once a week.

3. I like to have at least one w**k a day.

4. I am head over heels in love with Mary-Louise Parker.

5. I fucking hate Christmas.

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1) I really don't care about enviromentalism or animal rights etc, recurring theme it seems.

2) So long as it doesn't harm anyone else I couldn't care less what anyone does. People are far too quick to pass judgement on things that doesn't concern them.

3) I think all drugs should be legalised.

4) There are days when I really can't be fucked doing anything, usually about 1 in 3 at the moment.

5) I am actually pretty good at football, but can't be bothered playing for a team. I much prefer 5s now, you don't have to be fit or have pace.

Oh yeah, I was run over in Paisley a few years ago.

Edited by Supras
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I feel I should add some more.

1 - I have been run over twice, the last time was only about 3 months ago. Big b*****ding scar on my left knee, it's cool. I maybe shouldn't have jumped in front of the car like a complete c**t.

2 - I have ligament damage to both my ankles and a bad lower back, but I continue to play football constantly.

3 - I try to take shortcuts in everything I do and will skive work whenever the opportunitiy arises.

4 - I am a total introvert and I'm most comfotable on my own, but when I'm out with my mates playing football or whatever I become a complete extrovert.

5 - I am a very very very bad loser.

5. During my Higher Human Biology exam in 6th year I wrote "I can't do this, bye bye" in the space for question 1 then walked out. It was the 2nd year in a row that I flunked that exam :ph34r:

:lol: Quality mate :lol:

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3. My younger brother is gay and everytime I see him a part of me dies inside.

5. My IQ suggests I should apply for MENSA, but I don't want to incase I fail, which just so happens to be my biggest fear, failing.

A seemingly decent intellect and you're not reasonable enough to accept your brother's lifestyle choice? :(

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