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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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1) I quite like really small spiders. However, once spiders reach a certain size (when you can see the joints in their legs) I will scream like a girl if one comes near me.

2) I lived in Zimbabwe for 3 1/2 years when I was young. I believe this is where the fear of certain spiders came from.

3) I have only ever felt one set of fake tits, in a strip club in Toronto. This ranked as one of the greatest moments of my life.

4) I have spent a total of seven years at university, achieving three different qualifications and despite this, I am currently unemployed.

5) I am completely useless at trying to chat up girls in clubs. I really dont know what you're meant to say to them - its not as if you know them. I find this to be a hindrance when trying to pull.

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2. On the half an hour bus journey to Uni every morning I always see someone I went to school with and having to sit down and 'catch up' is one of the most hateful things in my day to day life. I don't care how anti-social it sounds but I want to sit listening to my iPod, anything else puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the morning.

Can totally relate to that one. Bus time is my time.

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Cracking thread.

1. I was once, back in the day, heavily involved in the hooligan scene surrounding Falkirk. I was an original skinhead with the Cherry Reds and everything.

2. I was given a ban from entering the Kingdom Of Fife after hitting a Dunfermline skinhead in the face with one of the old glass bottles of Lucozade.

3. Despite the drugs being a part of what happened in those days, i have never, ever taken an illegal substance. Including Hash.

4. I get so angry at the football most Saturdays i often resort to getting wasted and reminiscing about the good ol' days when me and my friends would wade into an opposing home end and sort their fans out if they sang anything out of order etc.

5. I have 2 kids and i never want them anywhere near Football violence or the like. I love them to Bits. :)

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Guest dougalldogg
This thread should be on the main General Nonsense board for more exposure, it's epic ;)

Good shout, it makes good reading, I always have a cheeky look to see if anyone has posted anything new on this 1 :lol:

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I'm sort of spreading my 5 statements across this thread, but...

I'm a truly terrible dancer. Utterly horrific. I just don't see what I'm supposed to be doing! I have to try and watch some other bloke in a club to see how he's dancing (which is clearly a cool thing to be doing) and just try and copy, but I just feel like a complete tool.

Fecking clubs <_<

Im exactly the same, sober. Get me drunk, and I am John Travolta gone to seed...a dancing god! :D

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I hate going to 'touristy' places on holiday. I always try and find out where the locals eat/ drink and go there, even if I can barely speak the language. My idea of holiday hell is going to Benidorm for a fortnight.

I am obsessed with motor racing. I have amassed a huge collection of racing memorabilia that, if I sold, could pay off half our mortgage, but I have no intention of getting rid of any of it. Our three cats are named after racing drivers. I work part-time as a freelance motor racing journalist, although I've never studied journalism.

As a kid I had a bad fall on the tiles at the side of Kirkcaldy swimming pool. Since then I have hated swimming pools and won't go near one.

I have been signed to a record company in the past and done session work with some well known artists. Despite this I absolutely hate the music industry and wouldn't trust 90% of the people I've met who work in it.

When I was a child I was a trainspotter :ph34r:

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Good shout, it makes good reading, I always have a cheeky look to see if anyone has posted anything new on this 1 :lol:

Same, I feel a slight addiction to this thread. So much so that I've posted nearly 20 "statements", no doubt I'll put more up soon :)

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Same, I feel a slight addiction to this thread. So much so that I've posted nearly 20 "statements", no doubt I'll put more up soon :)

I am quite surprised at how successful this thread has been. As I said in the first post I just wanted an excuse for a rant!! :lol:

Some of the stories on here are brilliant though. Particularly the ones on the other side of the law...

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Fantastic thread.

2. On the half an hour bus journey to Uni every morning I always see someone I went to school with and having to sit down and 'catch up' is one of the most hateful things in my day to day life. I don't care how anti-social it sounds but I want to sit listening to my iPod, anything else puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the morning.

Can totally relate to that one. Bus time is my time.
i can also relate, no offense to the folk but listening to my music for me has been far more entertaining than 'catching up' with them.

As Larry David would say, there is nothing worse than a 'stop and chat' when you can't be bothered.

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I am quite surprised at how successful this thread has been. As I said in the first post I just wanted an excuse for a rant!! :lol:

Some of the stories on here are brilliant though. Particularly the ones on the other side of the law...

You should feel proud :)

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I kinda stole some of these of other people, but...

1. I dislike speaking to strangers. And on the odd occasion I do, most of them bore the hell out of me. Don't get me wrong I have a fair amount of friends, but most people I meet now just seem to be pale imitation of my friends. Or complete arseholes.

On a similiar note, I prefer listening to music rather than having to chat to a 'friend' who I haven't seen in a while (for good reasons).

2. I'm an Engineering student in first year, and I hate maths. Unfortuantly, this is quite a crucial part of Engineering and I've seriously have lost count of how many times I've thought of quitting and doing something else.

3. The best times I've had with my friends are when we have just sat around talking. Going to clubs and getting pished it's really me. Most of the times we've just sat around after playing football etc. have brought the best stories/laughs/memories I really can think of.

4. I seriously wish I was still at school. Too often now have I gone weeks (weeks!) without seeing my friends, whereas school I seen them near enough every day. Also, beats traveling for an hour every day to Uni.

5. I like my family. Even though we always seem to argue, I wouldn't swap them for any others. And no, I'm not from Fife.

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I kinda stole some of these of other people, but...


On a similiar note, I prefer listening to music rather than having to chat to a 'friend' who I haven't seen in a while (for good reasons).

4. I seriously wish I was still at school. Too often now have I gone weeks (weeks!) without seeing my friends, whereas school I seen them near enough every day. Also, beats traveling for an hour every day to Uni.

Bit of a contradiction there, you seem to prefer listening to music than having a yap to a friend you haven't seen for a while and then go on to complain that you haven't seen your friends for a while. I think they are avoiding you because you blank them when they talk to you in favour of listenng to yer ipod :P

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I'm currently in my second year at Glasgow Uni, but still feel like i'm not Uni material, as i hate doing any work related to my course

Despite being nearly 19, i look like a 16 year old

I hate get my photo taken, i always look like a tit (may be related to point 2)

Despite not being very good at snowboarding i love going on snowboarding holidays, and am considering doing an instructors course

I believe i'm a fantastic social dancer, and believe i'm alright at dancing in general

Editied to add

I'm often told i have fantastic hair, but i'm personally never happy with the way it's styled and i never have a clue what to do with it when i go to the barbers, meaning it stays the same, except a change in length.

Edited by gc_smfc
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3. The best times I've had with my friends are when we have just sat around talking. Going to clubs and getting pished it's really me. Most of the times we've just sat around after playing football etc. have brought the best stories/laughs/memories I really can think of.

Sprt of along these lines some of the best times with your mates are reflecting on a nightout, the morning after, when you're all half cut. Just laughing hysterically at things that most folk wouldn't even find funny.

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