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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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1. I am obsessed with the Pars so much its untrue, mates who are fellow pars fans love it, people i know who dont like football find it amusing and those who support other teams absolutely hate it. I like to think that when the pars get beat they think 'get it up ye Robert'

2. I'm fascinated by the EDL and BNP but also the IRA and that side of the coin.

3. When I got thrown out of Easter Road earlier this season I told the plod that was doing it that I loved him.

4. My grades are awful but I'm really a lot smarter than what they reflect.

5. I'm joining the army soon.

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1. I am obsessed with the Pars so much its untrue, mates who are fellow pars fans love it, people i know who dont like football find it amusing and those who support other teams absolutely hate it. I like to think that when the pars get beat they think 'get it up ye Robert'

2. I'm fascinated by the EDL and BNP but also the IRA and that side of the coin.

3. When I got thrown out of Easter Road earlier this season I told the plod that was doing it that I loved him.

4. My grades are awful but I'm really a lot smarter than what they reflect.

5. I'm joining the army soon.


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1) I was in America when 9/11 happened and was due to go home that day

2) I play for Turriff United

3) I went to the same school as Richard Foster (Im a couple years older)

4) I hate cricket

5) I spend too much time on my computer

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1. I dont particuarly support a team, I follow Celtics results but don't claim to be a "real" supporter. I've played football on a saturday for years and much prefer playing than watching.

2. I'm looking into the possibilty of becoming a referee once i'm too old/fat to play football. There's too many referees these days on a power trip, who's never played the game and probably don't fully understand the dynamics of the way players act, fouls etc.

3. I've had a pretty easy life, when i finished school I got a job straight in my dads business. I've only ever had one interview before. When I was younger we'd go on three or four family holidays a year.

4. I'm an unidentical twin.

Edited by Cyber_soccer
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2. I'm looking into the possibilty of becoming a referee once i'm too old/fat to play football. There's too many referees these days on a power trip, who's never played the game and probably don't fully understand the dynamics of the way players act, fouls etc.

I can assure you the roles of player and referee are not even remotely similar. Your experience of playing won't help you.

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I can assure you the roles of player and referee are not even remotely similar. Your experience of playing won't help you.

Reason being?

I think i've read somewhere before you do refereeing, I could be wrong. I'll stick to my guns with this one though, i'm certain playing the game for years at a (farily) decent level can only help with making decisions on fouls, simulation, knowing your way around a pitch etc. Even the likes of communication. Having countless number of refs over the years you get an idea of how to interact to certain situations.

Edited by Cyber_soccer
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Reason being?

I think i've read somewhere before you do refereeing, I could be wrong. I'll stick to my guns with this one though, i'm certain playing the game for years at a (farily) decent level can only help with making decisions on fouls, simulation, knowing your way around a pitch etc. Even the likes of communication. Having countless number of refs over the years you get an idea of how to interact to certain situations.

The reason they are not similar? There are quite a lot of drives to get ex pros into refereeing but they shit themselves and quit within a few weeks. I've seen some ludicrous suggestions that a player with 20 years playing experience would be a better referee that someone with 20 years refereeing experience.

Knowing your way around a pitch? You've already said you would only do it if you were fat. And you would know how to react? In my opinion many players don't know how to act appropriately on a football pitch. If they lose their temper and start swearing whilst they are refereeing they would be finished.

Obviously, watching and participating in the game wiill give you a fairly reasonable grounding but if you go in thinking you are going to be good because you've played before then you are in shock. The roles are totally different, and you will learn that whenever you do become a referee.

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I can imagine Supras as a ref. He has just the right personality, or lack thereof, to be a success in that profession.

Keep living the dream, Supras.

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The reason they are not similar? There are quite a lot of drives to get ex pros into refereeing but they shit themselves and quit within a few weeks. I've seen some ludicrous suggestions that a player with 20 years playing experience would be a better referee that someone with 20 years refereeing experience.

Knowing your way around a pitch? You've already said you would only do it if you were fat. And you would know how to react? In my opinion many players don't know how to act appropriately on a football pitch. If they lose their temper and start swearing whilst they are refereeing they would be finished.

Obviously, watching and participating in the game wiill give you a fairly reasonable grounding but if you go in thinking you are going to be good because you've played before then you are in shock. The roles are totally different, and you will learn that whenever you do become a referee.

You're a fanny.

Edited by smpar
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1. I have had a drink, discussion of fashion + music and hugged, whilst incredibly pished, musician Pete MacLeod.

2. I am such a hit or miss at singing. For example, on the karaoke, I can sing a good few tunes, some quite hard, like "Drops of Jupiter", really well, but struggle with a lot, and make a right c**t of myself in public.

3. I think I'm part of the 2% of the population that has never ate a Nandos, nor do I intend to have one anytime soon.

4. I have no troubles, like quite a few people have, of taking a Henry White in a public toilet, or at college/school. Couldn't give a f**k if I've stunk out a toilet, or the dirty looks when I come out the cubicle to wash my hands, as long as it saves me from having a much more embarrassing experience of BMing in public.

5. I've never been to the Barrowlands for a gig.

Edited by DAFC.
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You're a fanny.

There's never any shortage of random pondlife on this forum, is there?

This moron even had to edit such a short and meaningless post. Deary me :lol:

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Yeah, man. Imagine having the temerity to notice that he'd made a mistake. And, even worse, to go on to correct said mistake.

Obviously the actions of a total moron.

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Yeah, man. Imagine having the temerity to notice that he'd made a mistake. And, even worse, to go on to correct said mistake.

Obviously the actions of a total moron.

Making at least one mistake whilst writing three words then failing to notice it at the time is the actions of a moron. Was he smashing the keyboard with his face or something?

Of course, there is a chance he wrote some erudite, lucid contribution then choose to delete it in favour of a childish insult but I doubt it.

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Making at least one mistake whilst writing three words then failing to notice it at the time is the actions of a moron. Was he smashing the keyboard with his face or something?

Of course, there is a chance he wrote some erudite, lucid contribution then choose to delete it in favour of a childish insult but I doubt it.

I'm not going to debate this too deeply because both the subject and you as a person are far too boring.

If he'd got something wrong and not noticed (like you did in the first sentence of the above post. I'll leave you to see if you can find it or not.) could be seen as moronic, but making a mistake and correcting it (assuming that that's what happened) couldn't really.

Nonetheless, it was good to see you rising above the level of 'childish insults' with your references to 'random pondlife' and 'morons'. Keep fighting the good fight, StMir...er, Supras.

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Making at least one mistake whilst writing three words then failing to notice it at the time is the actions of a moron. Was he smashing the keyboard with his face or something?

Of course, there is a chance he wrote some erudite, lucid contribution then choose to delete it in favour of a childish insult but I doubt it.

You're a fanny.

No edit needed.

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