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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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1. I fecking hate rollercoasters - to the extent that on mario kart wii there is a rainbow coloured level, where the track dips down and u cant see where u r going. It makes my stomach to a little flip

2. Im very loyal, and i think folk know that and take advantage of me

3. I can put my leg behind my head

4. Havent always been a killie fan, used to be a Rangers fan, until I got with the ex, and he made me change!

5. Hate dance, rap or r&b music.

Edited by killiegirl08
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1. I fecking hate rollercoasters - to the extent that on mario kart wii there is a rainbow coloured level, where the track dips down and u cant see where u r going. It makes my stomach to a little flip

2. Im very loyal, and i think folk know that and take advantage of me

3. I can put my leg behind my head

4. Havent always been a killie fan, used to be a Rangers fan, until I got with the ex, and he made me change!

5. Hate dance, rap or r&b music.

heeeeeeeeeellllllooooooooooo :lol:

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i have never used a public toilet

when the final harry potter book came out i waited in a queue for three hours to get it. i then read it in 4 hours and posted on the internet everything that happened in it

i broke my laptop by throwing it agianst a wall when it was working slowly

i failed my first driving test for cutting a red light a nearly causing a car crash

when i was drunk was i tried to take a shit in my neighbours wheely bin and got stuck.

Are you an acquaintance of Stuart Dickson by any chance? :rolleyes:

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i have never used a public toilet

when the final harry potter book came out i waited in a queue for three hours to get it. i then read it in 4 hours and posted on the internet everything that happened in it

i broke my laptop by throwing it agianst a wall when it was working slowly

i failed my first driving test for cutting a red light a nearly causing a car crash

when i was drunk was i tried to take a shit in my neighbours wheely bin and got stuck.

Maybe you should reconsider your attitude to public toilets. I have to say it says something about your mental state if you prefer wheelie bins to buildings designed for the purpose.

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Difficult to think of 5 genuinely interesting things about myself but I'll give it a go!

1. When I was about 5 years old, I got stuck in a public toilet because I couldn't unlock it. Ever since then, I've been very reluctant to lock toilets doors, other than the ones in my own house, and this has resulted on people walking in on me a last a couple of times.

2. I have met, shook hands with, and a had a picture taken with Stone Cold Steve Austin. :D:lol:

3. I passed my driving test on my 3rd sitting

4. I like buying random football shirts, probably the most random of which is Etoile Du Sahel, of Sousse in Tunisia.

5. I completed the full 20 seasons on LMA Manager 2004 twice. :lol:

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2. I have met, shook hands with, and a had a picture taken with Stone Cold Steve Austin. :D:lol:

I took a pish next to Carlito while Stone Cold was dropping a log in a cubicle behind me.

The reason i knew it was him was because the sounds coming out of the cubicle went along the lines of...







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2. I have met, shook hands with, and a had a picture taken with Stone Cold Steve Austin. :D:lol:

I met and shook hands with the one that murdered all his family. Beat that!! (chris Beniout??)

1. Although being average at footie I've amassed about 13 differant trophies including a player of the season trophy.

2. regardless of how much I spend on clothes I still look like a tramp.

3. like to think myself as a smartass and always willing to crack jokes normally at the expense of others

4. I have two recurring dreams. I'm either in a rock band or I'm an action hero in the style of john mclean.

5. I have awoken with a hard on every morning for aslong as I can remember.

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I took a pish next to Carlito while Stone Cold was dropping a log in a cubicle behind me.

The reason i knew it was him was because the sounds coming out of the cubicle went along the lines of...







:lol: Thats excellent.

The only time ive really met a wrestler up close is when I met MVP outside Braehead. My brother (who was about 9 at the time) asked him for an autograph. He pretended to sign it before heelishly throwing the book away. I found it hillarious. My 9 year old brother did not.

Another 5 from me I suppose.

1. I think Bon Jovi are the best band in the world and I am beyond the point in caring about getting slagged for thinking it.

2. I was once attacked in Queen Street Station and had to get a blood transfusion. About this time last year.

3. I like wrestling better than football.

4. When I drink too much I often piss in the kitchen mistaking it for the adjacent toilet.

And now the big one.

5. I bought Gola trainers today :ph34r:

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I fucking love Britpop and most indie music. Inparticular Ian Brown and the work he's produced since 1984.

I swear quite a bit even in company I shouldn't really do it infront of. I may have tourettes.

I'm quite racist at times. :ph34r:

I've only properly punched one person in my life. On holiday in Turkey when I was 11 or 12 I was wearing a Galatasaray top and I was confronted by what I assume were a punch of Fenerbache fans. Leathered one of the c***s and ran for my life.

I have a German surname.

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I have met, shook hands with, and a had a picture taken with Stone Cold Steve Austin. :D:lol:

Lucky b*****d...

I took a pish next to Carlito while Stone Cold was dropping a log in a cubicle behind me.

The reason i knew it was him was because the sounds coming out of the cubicle went along the lines of...







:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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1. I love women, but they dont love me.

2. I play of a seven handicap respectively even though i barely play(prefer matchplay to strokeplay as i get away with mistakes more)

3. I love rock and alternative and hate rnb and dance

4. Hate buses and yet i still dont know how to drive

5. I love watching movies, my dvd collection is getting huge!!

go for five more

1. i lost my virginity through the help of a bottle of straight vodka(barely remember much of it!)

2. i taught myself how to play guitar for the last two and a bit years and am starting to lose interest as i cant seem to make anymore progress

3. Out of all my mates, i'm the only one who went into full-time employment instead of uni, as i wanted to get paid to learn through an apprenticeship.

4. I like watching the x-factor but i hate all the songs that have came from them.

5. i think southern comfort is the best drink in the world(also made the same year that hearts were founded!)

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1. I watch Grey's Anatomy religiously. I'm the only male person I know who likes it.

2. I'm pretty sectarian, but I try and keep it secret from people I know.

3. Although I support Clyde, I've never been in the town of Cumbernauld and have no plans to.

4. My hair's extraorindarily thick and curly. It takes me forever to dry it but I think I look pretty cool with it.

5. I talk like a complete ned. I get quite embarassed when I speak to people I don't know due to my accent as I think it gives the impression that I'm an idiot.

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4. I have never been to East Anglia and have no intention of ever going there.

This is just one of the wonderful things about living in Cambridgeshire...... :)

1. I usually fail the first attempt at anything I do. I always succeed eventually

2. I love the idea of infidelity, but I always shit myself before I can do anything about it.

3. Point 1 is obviously therefore a lie.

4. Point 3 will also be a lie if I am ever unfaithful.

5. I tend to go on a bit before getting to the point..... :D

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