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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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Right, 5 statements about yourself to give the masses an idea of what you're actually like. Nothing like 'I have blue eyes' or shite like that.

Silvio, this has been a brilliant thread, full of imaginative, oddball, true confessions stuff. I'm gonna add 5 more.

1. Until I was 15 my family went NORTH for beach holidays! Leven, St Andrews and even Findhorn.

2. I was one of the first owners of a Sinclair ZX81 computer. I would have bought a ZX80 but the day I was going to send for it I saw an advert for the new one. It had 1kilobyte of memory, that's one-millionth of the memory of the computer I'm using now.

3. My first guitar was the same one as Eno is holding on the inside of the cover of Roxy Music's For Your Pleasure album. I've never found out what type of guitar it is.

4. I am into genealogy. I traced back 14 generations (accurately, no guesswork) and found that my furthest-back traceable ancestors came from about a mile from where I now live although the inbetween generations didn't.

5. Also in the family tree I have discovered illigitimacies, a jailbird, a lunatic (shoemaker, too much glue?), someone who died of a drugs overdose (in the nineteenth century, before rock and roll), a great-grandfather who got two sisters pregnant at the same time and a kid who had 4 different names in the first year of his life.

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Silvio, this has been a brilliant thread, full of imaginative, oddball, true confessions stuff. I'm gonna add 5 more.

Me too.

1. I used to work in a supermarket and accidentally started a fire (Honest I never meant it!!). I hated the store manager and when he was giving me a bollocking it took all I had to keep from laughing.

2. I gamble far too much for the amount of money I earn. I enjoy it and keep a record of all my bets, and don't do too badly to be fair, but if any of my friends/family saw how much I actually bet they would be seriously shocked.

3. I have never been in a fight.

4. I believe that people are generally good and just need a chance to shine.

5. I have absolutely no compassion for animals or animal lovers.

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Guest Kirky_Clyde

I always storm away in a huff when my mum removes the laptop from my possesion.

I started crying once in Primary school on a trip to Gairlochhead (sp) as I never wanted to do abseiling.

I socialise absolutely no other way other than playing or watching football.

I got chucked out the Farmfoods in Dumfries for chatting up the woman at the checkout.

When I'm taking a free kick in football I always do a Cristiano Ronaldo run up. It works btw!

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5 more from me too.....

1) I broke my left leg so badly that my toes pointed right and my knee pointed left.

2) I blew 28k I made on a flat on f**k all, promised myself I'd make it back up and succeeded plus a little bit extra somehow.

3) I never feel comfortable with my appearance even though I was quite popular when single.

4) I met Noel Gallagher and Meg Matthews in the Waverley Centre, Edinburgh.

5) Was invited to the backstage party of an Idlewild gig at the Barras and was thoroughly dissapointed to see them drinking tea, eating biscuits (Non disco version) and having civilised chit chat.

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1. I really hate getting my hair cut. Every thing about it waiting in a que, talking to the woman/guy thats cutting it, having hair all down your back and on your shirt. But I hate my hair long so it has to get done.

2. I swear in nearly every sentace.

3. I'm really skinny especially my arms. The bones are so thin they've not grown since i was about 10 and I find it impossible to put on weight.

4. I hate phoning people especially people i dont know. I always get my mum or my mates to phone taxis or takeaways.

5. When i talk the voice i hear is totally different to what i sound like to other people. I sound fine to myself but i really sound like a ned. I cringe when i hear my voice on videos cause i sound like a right arsehole.

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1. I have a false tooth

2. I used to have long blonde hair and I loved it. The only reason I cut it was because people (mates,people on here,passers by) mocked me.

3. I drank my first bottle of Buckfast when I was 12

4. I once attempted to pee in a ticket machine at Queen Street Station

5. I have been a University student for a matter of months and I have already ammased a 4 figure sum of debt spread out over an overdraft and 2 credit cards.

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1. I've never been in Falkirk for more than 4 days, have lived in Glasgow all my life, 5 mins from Firhill

2. I'm a socialist

3. favourite type of music is Irish traditional

4. Play the flute

5. I'm a vegetarian

Edited by YOGI IS GOD
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Guest Kirky_Clyde

Five more..

1. I haven't saw my Aunt Ann in about 2 years, and she still sends Birthday and Christmas cards with money in them. However, I don't even have the balls to phone her and thank her for them.

2. I spewed all over the Inverness train station floor on 1st November 2008.

3. When I'm drunk I do very very stupid things, one of which was passionately kissing a condom machine.

4. Whenever I'm at Asda with my mum and wander off on my own. I can never be bothered going to look for her. So I just go down to Customer Service and tell them to announce on the tanoy to meet me at the front door.

5. I am still a virgin.

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1 I have had over 25 jobs and once had 5 different jobs in 3 weeks

2 On my last travel adventure I was 9 stone when I left and came home 6 months later weighing 12.5 stone

3 I have been sacked from 5 differnet jobs

5 I'm really terrible with numbers

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4. Whenever I'm at Asda with my mum and wander off on my own. I can never be bothered going to look for her. So I just go down to Customer Service and tell them to announce on the tanoy to meet me at the front door.

5. I am still a virgin.

I've got three kids, so if you need your nappy changed, let me know.

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hope no-one that knows me reads this, here goes.........

1.like another guy earlier, pretend i'm not sectarian around people, when, i am really.

2.was a smackhead for 6 years, and no one knows, apart from me. been clean for 7 years, i may add.

3.killed 8 people when i was in the army.

4. look like a total thug (baldy heid, loads of tattoos, 6' tall, 16 stone), when, really, i'm not.

5.been driving artics for the last 6 years...haven,t even got a driving licence!

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hope no-one that knows me reads this, here goes.........

1.like another guy earlier, pretend i'm not sectarian around people, when, i am really.

2.was a smackhead for 6 years, and no one knows, apart from me. been clean for 7 years, i may add.

3.killed 8 people when i was in the army.

4. look like a total thug (baldy heid, loads of tattoos, 6' tall, 16 stone), when, really, i'm not.

5.been driving artics for the last 6 years...haven,t even got a driving licence!


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1 - I once interviewed TV celebrity chef & shagger (allegedly) Gordon Ramsay about a game he played in East Kilbride in his brief career with Rangers.

2 - On my iPod I can listen to all sorts of diverse stuff such as Guns N Roses and Nickelback to Britney Spears and Girls Aloud.

3 - My all-time favourite computer game is Sensible Soccer from the Sega Mega Drive.

4 - In my first job at the local cinema, the new films that had just come out were Speed and Forrest Gump.

5 - I was in McDonalds when 9/11 happened, with coverage on the TV and ended up staying there for the afternoon as the horror of that day unfolded

i'll give you a spot of irony.......i heard about 9/11 when i was in the army, on a bus....en route to where?......anti terrorist duties!!!
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After I split from my ex, I let my two best mates watch the home movie I had secretly made of us, then stuck it on youporn. And no, I'm not yelling you lot which one it is.
Was really interested/fascinated by one posters comments.
Yer still not getting to know lol!
don't worry it is only a matter of time in my opinion.


Four posts in a row, great where a bit of selective quoting can get you :P

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Some more........

1) There is over 1 hours of my girlfriend an I's 'home movies' on the internet (one of them is rated 4.51/5 !!!)

2) I once placed several thousands pounds on a bet which came in at 8/11

3) I have climded 46 Monro's and hope to climb another 40+ this year

4) I now weigh 13 stone 1 lb and have lost a few stone in the last year.

5) I can count cards to a reasonable degree

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well everyone else has added 5 so I will too since it's Christmas.

1. I once had 2k saved up for a trip to NY in 2006, and I lost it in 3 nights betting on football. I couldn't get a break.

2. When I was 16 I lost £1k in a roulette machine and tried to tip it to the floor so I could jump on it, the manager of the betting shop restrained me.

3. Over the last year I have put on weight due to excess drinking and not enough exercise.

4. I aim to rectifypoint 3 in 2009 by laying off the swally and taking up running again.

5. I just placed my wknd bets. £80 on Stockport & Birmingham, £20 on Alloa, M/Well & East Stirling. Plus a £20 accy on all 5.

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