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  1. I believe his organisation because they counted them you fucking separatist p***k.
  2. I know that I said I am an engineer. For the second time you thick as f**k piece of shit I was not talking about that. Now, go and get yourself to f**k you scummy c**t.
  3. Again it is not him doing the counting. How fucking thick are you ? p***k.
  4. What absolute bullshit. You do not know what I do or have done in the past so don't dare call me selfish. Its people like you that are prepared to have independence at any cost, f**k the consequenses. That is selfish.You are the type of person that is wrong with Scotland.
  5. It is you thats the fucking spangle as I'm not talking about my job. f**k off.
  6. We are very lucky in this country. Of course there is some people that don't have much but real misery is in other countries. Independence would cause real misery in this country. And I'm far from well off but what I have I have worked hard for. I have had nothing handed to me. And I'm certainly not selfish. I could say what I do but I'm not sharing it on this forum.
  7. That is not being simple, that is the sensible choice. Rather that than years of misery.
  8. I'm not simple enough to vote for independence and put Scotland and its people through years of misery. You obviously are. Bye then.
  9. Not at all. I reply in kind. Glad you think I'm angry. Beautiful flag
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