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About Sunrise

  • Birthday 24/11/1989

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    Largs Thistle
  • Gamertag
    plaing2411 (Wii U) theeselsunrise (Switch)

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  1. They are not a Rutherglen fan, and it is not their first account.
  2. How reliable is that post in the other thread? Yes, I have had a phone call asking me if it is true.
  3. Could be risky to jump to conclusions - best wait for any investigation.
  4. Obliterating misinformation and bad patter tbh. The COVID-19 thread is just too much of both, so here is safe. I go to games when I am able.
  5. Did we not leave this patter behind when we left junior football? I did not miss it, during my long time away from forums and football. (I am doing well, in case you ask.)
  6. Have you ever been on the end of a social media pile-on that has left you too anxious to leave your house for two days and had to turn off all your social media? That was me last Thursday and Friday. After checking Largs Thistle social media about a statement I wrote. How long will this go on for? A few weeks? Every time I post something about streaming? I’d rather not deal with it again, but I know I will be. I’ve tried to avoid saying much on the matter. But it’s where we are. I’m still learning what we can and can’t do, in football and society in general, during coronavirus, and I have good reasons for being cautious and strict. I’m less and less sure we will even have a full season. I don’t live in Largs, incidentally. I wasn’t there last Saturday and I haven’t seen a match since March. There are bigger things going on in the world, but we’re getting there. For the benefit of doubt, there were lots of reasons I felt as I’ve described above. But this situation doesn’t help one bit.
  7. When you share a statement on social media and get abuse because of it... that’s not good for my already messy mental well-being. There’s much bigger things at stake than just football, and if anyone knows me I’m hardly available during the day hours (and won’t be for some time... and I live well away from Largs... and, well, I can explain privately if anyone wants me to). Posting this as I’d otherwise do something I’d regret or would cause trouble. Please be a bit kinder, folks, coronavirus doesn’t care for footballing rivalries. Pie and Bovril is a decent place and it’s Twitter etc that is bad, but take heid. (It’s obvious what this refers to...)
  8. He did this... https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/politics/labour-councillor-escapes-disciplinary-action-over-humza-yousaf-tweet-237400
  9. Ah, vultures - I get it! I'm very silly, please explain the visual pun (I suspect I'd like it).
  10. Not quite TA, but a Facebook page that did the round during the 2010 World Cup - “I only support two teams: Scotland and whoever England are playing” - which has a cack-load of followers for that time, changed its picture to a choob waving the Scottish and U.K. flags shortly before the first indyref, staying they were proudly supporting the union. The demograph exists...
  11. To be pedantic, there are no juniors in Ayrshire anymore.
  12. Bad news = bad takes - https://twitter.com/wee_albert58/status/1313856698910638082?s=21
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