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Buckshee Fizz

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  1. Tried it - cut out after the first five minutes. Is something sinister going on here? Has Cosgrove been declared an un-person and sent to room 101 fir reconditioning?
  2. That's if they still exist. I think a year out will do for them. They may be done for already, come to that - Ibrox maintenance plus all the other overheads, set against, what was it, only 1,000 season tickets sold.
  3. Watched the video and I can't believe this Brown guy - " He will be hunted for the rest of his days! " Surely that's clear incitement to violence, delivered right in front of a posse of Strathclyde's finest?
  4. Power to the people! Fan power - Scottish football's Arab Spring, Spencie called it ( and also, hopefully, a Dossers, Fermers, Jam Tarts, Dandies, Hibees etc Spring ). So, shouldn't we also take the Orcs' opinions into consideration? ( Yes, I know, you can take tolerance too far ). According to the 'The Rangers' Media, they don't want a Blue team playing in SFL1 or SPL2, do they? That would just perpetuate the situation whereby they are a 'cash cow' for all those vindictive, bigoted, blood-sucking little teams that want to inflict draconian punishment on them, but can't survive without them. I can see them pressurising Green to take them down to SFL3, ' that'll learn they iggerant cnuts no tae mess wi' ra Berrs, an' nat!' They will depart, needless to say, with dignity. . ( They're big on dignity, aren't they? )
  5. Nothing that f...wits like Raygun and Dungcaster do much surprises me any more. Credible that they might come up with the sort of jiggery-pokery claimed by the retard in an attempt to minimise damage to the peculiar institution that was Rankers. Even so, let's not panic here. Consider, they (Newcogreenies, that is) haven't a pot to piss in, apparently not even a bank account. It seems a good bet that, if they are playing next season, their team'll consist basically of McCulloch and the ballboys. Relegation would surely be a more likely prospect than promotion. That's not to say, mind you, that the alleged fiddle isn't a stitch-up of the most shameful kind, if it turns out to be the case, and I agree that we should leave no stone unturned in protesting.
  6. Woof! Just spent best part of three hours playing catch up. I'd actually been starting to think that the great days of this thread were behind us, with something like twenty pages of garbage when all those Tipex Rangers fans came trolling, but today it's back on track with a vengeance. Who'd have thought that there'd be so much good clean wholesome fun to be had from the terminal twitchings of the MAGICAL Glasgow Rangers (they of the incredible shrinking tax returns)? A club that was unsaleable, attractive only to shysters bent on a fast buck, and suddenly, AFTER liquidation, here comes a gallant band of would-be saviours, riding to the rescue doubtless on canonically correct white horses! (Fat Sally on a horse - it'd have to be a Clydesdale). BUT, the current Shyster-in-residence, the sartorially-challenged one whose name is altogether the wrong colour, has got hold of the ball and is refusing, for now, to let them play. You just couldn't make it up! Watching Rangers die is an adrenalin sport. Good thing we've got the Euros to help us unwind. Football that is not a matter of life and death.
  7. It's from 17th February, so a bit out of date. Some interesting comments, however. One notes that the OF rivalry is to be distinguished from other noted local derbies by the sheer level of hatred involved. Another states that 'the Scottish championship is going to lose the little interest that it had if liquidation goes ahead.' News for you, mes amies, for most of us it's been of zero interest for a very long time (maybe with the exception of helicopter Sunday when the 'Well stepped in to decide it at the last moment) which of Tweedledum or Tweedledee was cock of the dunghill in any particular season. At the moment, there are revolutionary possibilities afoot, LIBERTY from the bullyboy billyboys, EQUALITY and a more level playing field, and, to complete the revolutionary triumvirate, the FRATERNITY of the non OF fans - I hate that expression 'diddy teams' - demonstrated daily on this thread of threads. NOUS SOMMES VRAIMENT LES PEUPLE!
  8. { Sorry, slow on the uptake when it comes to money matters, but surely, if Rankers have gone to that great stadium in the sky or are taking an enforced sabbatical to get the big hoose in order, that gives all other teams a better chance of benefiting from a possibly more equitably distributed pot. Or am I missing something here?
  9. Playing catch-up this evening, my eyes are bubbling (and no, that doesn't mean verge of tears). IMO, the scenario has switched from, will there be a Rankers next season? to, will Scottish football, in any form worthy the name, survive this? For, make no mistake, if Rankers emerge from the shitstorm with a mere flesh wound, THE GAME'S A BOGEY!
  10. While I've been asleep this thread made another of its great leaps forward and I don't have time to catch up before work, so apologies if it's been said, but why are folk mocking sammy the orc? He seems to me a far-sighted guy. He's realised that Rangers aren't going to lose their history. On the contrary, history could be ALL they're left with, so he's prepared his little garage/shrine for the accomodation of such trophies as remain to them - the Glasgow Cup from 1903, Struth's bowler hat and collar stud, maybe that bike. Fair play, Sammy!
  11. The prince and the porn star stole the show. Looking forward to the reaction tomorrow. Bit puzzled, mind you, that the Beeb can come up trumps with this sort of stuff, while continuing to employ those totally discredited brown-nosing hacks Thick Young, Traynor and co. Death by a thousand cuts! Night all.
  12. Ok, I can lurk no more. This seems a quiet day and a good time to out oneself, primarily to say a big thank you to all those who've contributed to making this thread a legend in its own lunchtime. Special mentions to Pozbaird, Drooper, Chuckinho and the other frequent posters whose wit and intelligence are clearly of the highest order. It's been a rollercoaster ride with giddying ups and downs (Dancing shoes ready, they're the walking dead! Oh, no, they're going to ooze out from under that big stone that fell on them!). A special thank you to Waffen Thin Mint, who, whenever things have looked particularly gloomy, ie good for Rangers, bad for the rest of us, has remained defiantly optimistic. It's been like an old-fashioned melodrama with a clearly defined cast of characters, the good, the bad and the muppet Scots media, and with a plot that continually twists and turns in the most unbelievable ways. Most of all, though, it's been a hoot! Can't remember when I was last moved to laugh out loud so often and so uncontrollably. And how will it all end? What's William Hill offering on the Buns' chances of survival? I hope this disgusting institution dies the death of a thousand cuts, but that a careless assistant torturer slashes an artery on June 1st, which just happens to be my birthday. Whatever happens, I feel that Scottish football is at a watershed and things will never be the same again. Someone should edit this thread - "The B.R.A.T.'s Greatest Hits" - and it should be preserved for posterity. That is all.
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