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Posts posted by Growl3th

  1. Little Baby Jesus Mother of God...that dickhead Morton supporter Ryan O'Donnell who keeps appearing on my newsfeed due to some friends of mine liking his shit has reappeared as Return Of The King Ya b*****ds. He claims to be a 'comedian'.

    I defy anyone to go onto his page and watch any of his videos without immediately going down to your local shady pub with dubious Northern Irish connections and enquiring about the going rate for a hitman.


    Fucking brutal!!!!

  2. If you think some cars on Arnold Clark website are cheap it is for a very good reason as I have found out. I purchased a used 08 Honda Civic from them recently and within a week I realised the clutch had gone-£400 to replace. Another week passed and I noticed that the air conditioning was not working. I was told by a friend that it could be the air filter. On checking the air filter I found it completely clogged but Arnold Clark had apparantly serviced it and stamped the service book which in theory should mean changing things like air and oil filters- any way it took £40 to get the air conditioning sorted. This is partly my fault as I should have looked at everything before buying it or taken a mechanic along. Realising their service meant nothing I had it serviced again - the engine oil looked black as though it had never been changed. While I was at it I had the spark plugs changed as well and a full diagnostic done on it costing £200.

    In hindsight I fell for the 'big' name and glitzy show room assuming to my cost they could not stoop so low.

    After I left them a negative feed back they called me and said that I should have taken the car back to them as there is a 60 day gaurantee. There is no such gaurantee mentioned in the paperwork I received or was told by the sales rep. In fact he offered me the one year gaurantee which I declined and said if anything went wrong they would not sort it out.

    I do not know where they get 94% customer satisfaction which they quote on their websites from. They are by far the worst car dealer I have had the misfortune to buy a car from. Please be aware and if buying a used car get it independently inspected. DO NOT TRUST THEM.

    You should have taken it back if the clutch went after a week. If you didn't it's your own fault.

  3. Before or after it gets killed? :P

    Put me in the didn't realise it had any sectarian links section heard the term Orc used loads never once realised it was sectarian thought it was in reference to the knuckle-dragging fans and the fact Celtic fans often refer to Ibrox these days as Mordor. Still you learn something new everyday.

    Me too.

    Pride of Fife is a secret Orc IMHO.

    Just saying.

  4. As ever people completely overlooking the fact that most medium-to-large Scottish towns are much of a muchness - there's not much to do, some shite parts, some really nice parts, and crime isn't really a big deal.

    The worst places to live are schemes either within cities or on the outskirts (Possilpark, Parkhead, Ferguslie, Niddrie) or shitey inbred villages in the arse end of nowhere with no escape (Fallin, High Valleyfield, Merkinch, Shortlees, Newton Stewart, etc).

    Other than that it's all one big cockwaving contest. "We've got a new cinema", "aye but we've got a bowling alley", "your high street is shite", etc.


    Most places have their good and bad spots (even Kirkcaldy).

  5. This is idiotic to say the least, it's not like this surge of 'Britishness' suddenly happened out of the blue. So when bad stuff like a British soldier savagely getting killed on a British street, Rangers fans should pretend not to be British until it quiets down so people don't think we're looking for attention? f**k right off.

    Why should "The Rangers" supporters be more outraged by this murder than any other unless it fits their agenda?

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