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Mo Wonderboy

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Everything posted by Mo Wonderboy

  1. Cruel Intentions (7/10) Was going to be a 6 however SMG in the temptress role is amazing and well worth another point. B) Hmm next either Deja Vu or Happy Gilmore
  2. Just invested in 6 DVD's from ASDA so here is the first one watched Kidulthood (8.5/10) Very gritty British film. Very fast paced but still develops the characters well. Would advise anyone under the age of 30 to see this. Up next Cruel Intentions
  3. 21 MIT students set out to take money from Vegas, has nice plot twists and is engaging enough to keep your interest. 7.5/10
  4. Wild Things (6.5/10) Filled with lots of interesting twists in the film. Nice ending sequence. Was originally going to only be a 6 but the three-some brought it up .5
  5. Very bored last night with nothing going on so made my way through 3 films... Balls Of Fury (5/10) Some funny moments espescially when you remember that it is a film about ping pong. But pretty weak plot and very obvious finish. Rocket Science (8/10) This was a film I had never heard of before, randomly came across it and decided to give it a go. For an American comedy surprisingly the humour was subtle and not in your face, the characters speech impedimant was not overly played so actually allowed you to make a connection with his struggle. Overall a really good film only the slight rushed ending stopped this gettin a 9! Good Luck Chuck (8/10) Another really funny film but this time the humour was more crude and in your face. Despite this it did exactly its purpose with making me sit there pissing myself at the many jokes, Dan Foglers character was excellent here as everyone knows someone brash like him.
  6. American Pie: Beta House 7/10 Much better than the last two attempts and some really funny scenes involving animals! Seemed to end to quickly though but was a nice funny time filler.
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