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Everything posted by Handsome_Devil

  1. Nah, I'd be with you on that one. Could we have done better in the cups? Absolutely. But you consider how many folk feel now, while on the brink of Europe (no snickering at the back) and I just can't help but think 'cheers' for those two seasons (not 2013/14, amazing as the end was). Not only were you turning up confident of winning, you were turning up confident of winning by two or three while being fair entertained...it's not quite once in a lifetime stuff for us but rare enough that for me the good still outweighs the bad.
  2. Indeed, who knows. Though I heard through two separate channels (neither of which were SO) discussions were talking place...whether that's, as you say, with a view to parting ways sooner rather than later or just the monthly review I've no idea. I must say I'd have been hugely surprised if he'd left this week. At the end of the season would still raise eyebrows but I think there's a lot more logic to that from both sides than now. Anyway, onwards and downwards.
  3. I thought Hughes came on a free, like Porter, but both were very well paid. The combination of them, two bits of A+ quality, and McGhee frankly working a miracle on some others changed things. Agree on McCall A and B, him getting C to second with that squad was nothing short of astonishing though. we seemed to win game after game clinging on 2-1 or by the odd goal having not played especially well. Perhaps that's my mind playing tricks on me. The Robinson fun time I think was just a coincidence of a youth group breaking through together combined with a solid defence, Gorrin suddenly being brilliant and Main, despite never scoring, actually playing an important role for the team. re the strips the youths were wearing in video, they not just hand me downs from the Paddy Power campaign? With the club churning out regular #content on Twitter btw, is everyone just going to forget about the fervour of yesterday and quietly move on like it didn't happen?
  4. Ah I see. Interesting if true that he's giving up then, you'd have thought sixth at worst and the chance to refresh would be appealing. Certainly a better option than thumb twiddling and seeing what comes up. Because four failures - and yes we'd be a debate but getting huckled out the backdoor by mutual consent not a great look even if his idea - out of four makes you wonder just who'd take a chance on him next.
  5. If he has a bunch of staff coming up why does he want to be out of work and unable to hire them? Sorry if I'm being dense, I just don't follow the logic.
  6. Given the final two rounds of fixtures a draw is perfectly fine for County. You wouldn't take it in advance - because we're shit - but if you're above us come Saturday night that's almost certainly how it'll be at the end of the season, even if there is a brief midweek flip. That said, I have a sneaky feeling we'll get something from this one. Based on no logic or reason, obviously, but I reckon 1-1 at worst and maybe even a mugging by the odd goal. Assuming no one back other than KVV I'd keep it the same at the back, MOH, Slattery and Cornelius in the middle, Tierney in support of KVV and Woolery drifting around.
  7. Dunno about that. Win the next two and we're almost certainly in, don't beat Hearts and I think we're out. Which is hardly a gimmie. If you assume everyone loses to the OF in the next two while we beat County and even draw with Hearts, it's 44, 44, 41 going into the last day. We'll inevitably lose at Celtic, County beat United who have nothing to play for and we're sixth on GD. And I'm not convinced one of them won't pinch something from the OF, Rangers will surely begin jogging a bit in the league now to recover between the EL and the cup final.
  8. Must admit that exact thought occurred to me as well. I suspect everyone going a little crazy and win/lose the next three games, a few weeks off will do everyone the world of good.
  9. I'd be surprised if he goes now. There's certainly arguments for it, which don't need repeating, but there's plenty against as well. It's not as cut and dry as Gannon, Baraclough, McGhee etc. The caveat is there's something we don't know about - the long-awaited delegation from the players has finally found the chairman's office say - because otherwise it is a major risk from a club/board not known for taking massive punts. But should he stay, the support need to accept it and get behind everyone again come summer. That'll require a bit of finessing from the club but the new media guy can earn his corn right away...
  10. Today needs some perspective. As part of the 14-game run it's a sackable offence, as a one-off it barely registers. We should never have lost but the effort at 1-0 was hardly enough to merit sympathy. Win next week and all is forgiven. Don't and we're counting down to September 1 when the gtf calls will be overwhelming.
  11. A draw would have been fair, United obviously lucky with their winner, but the context of our run makes it another very poor day. Only positive is the County result sets up a do or die next weekend. Can guess what will happen mind.
  12. I made my declaration a while ago that I was going to be positive because f**k it why not but christ it's hard. Even on game day - which I'll get to watch in company for a change as a mate is visiting, there's nothing more than a sense of 'must we?'. For perspective I mentioned to him - a regular home and away fan - I'd take a tablet along to to the pub and his reaction was 'oh, you want to watch the game?' At least there'll be beer. I appreciate one flukey result from nowhere could change the mood. United fans, I'm sure, will be kicked out their apathy when Europe is all but confirmed by 5pm. But I just can't see it for us. The biggest positive today could well be the County result from Tynecastle and even then I'm far from convinced they won't get something.
  13. Is the implication that being an occasional starter in a Motherwell side with one win in 14 isn't 'making it'?
  14. Starting early and getting a 'run' makes a big difference. I was actually disappointed we'd start at Q2 not Q1 if we squeak in this time. The consecutive summers of Llanelli-Flamaturi-Steaua and Breidablik-Aalesund-Odenese were great fun and much better than starting unseeded at a higher level and getting an instant papping.
  15. All of column B for me. I find European football great, I really don't understand people being meh abou it. it's just the fact it's something different to yet another league game with Hibs, cup tie with Morton etc. Plus it makes a bucket of cash and should you make the away leg you get a belting trip. So even if we're shite now, even if we're still shite in July, I'd be happy to make it. But when we're so, so bad, usually so negative, often with an inexplicable team selection and plan...it's very hard to get excited about anything. It's nearly May and we've won twice away in the league all season. One win in 14 in the league (I think - I'm struggling to keep up), one clean sheet in 18 (again I think) in all comps...it's an embarrassing reflection on the league we're anything other than relegation fodder never mind 'chasing Europe'. And I also know that I/we will be going mental with frustration/rage on Saturday (and a week on Saturday) at blowing an absolutely glorious chance...who really looks forward to that?
  16. Still a good goalie though not at the heights of the loan spell. Whether his six months Jan-May last year or this season is his true ability it's hard to tell...I certainly don't blame him for being a little hacked off with what he has in front of him.
  17. I actually clicked the link to vote with good intentions there then went um....I mean who on earth has had a good full season? Toss up between Kelly and KVV but if we're fair it's probably Watt and he fucked off four months ago!
  18. It'll immediately be countered by United getting a red card so they can play with 10 men.
  19. I actually really enjoyed the winter break because I had a feeling things wouldn't quite continue in the same form but I was still looking forward to seeing just how well we'd do...pre-season 2022/23 can't last long enough tbh.
  20. I think the whole shitshow of the last four months can't be helping, I bet they've been good to go for yonks but keep thinking let's wait another week till there's a good mood for it!
  21. Fair assessment. But I think all in all its very hard to judge. GA has implied the alternative of having Watt play to his best for another six months wasn't there because of his attitude. Was he right? Who knows. If he was wrong then letting him go and seeing our form collapse seems a massive error. If he was right then 100k not to have him taking up space looking miserable was a good deal even if the fact we bollocksed replacing him makes that harder to accept.
  22. Well no, but even if he's playing slightly differently, it's hard to call moving to a team which finishes higher up the table and reaches Europe, all while earning more money on a longer contract, a mistake!
  23. If we lose again United are 99% in Europe which rather suggests Watt's move was anything other than a mistake.
  24. I'm hopeful we'll steal a point based on nothing but blind misplaced optimism. Logically United should win. A draw is a good result for us, meaning we'll turn up with no intention of anything other than defending for said draw and as we can't defend for shit we'll lose.
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