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come on shire

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Everything posted by come on shire

  1. Yet again we go to Murrayfield to play Edinburgh and put in another horror show. However Hastings got into the Xmas spirit by sending Edinburgh a couple of gifts.
  2. Two sides naturally playing their strongest sides. I'm more hopeful of winning at Scotstoun as Edinburgh are unbeaten at home this season. However, whilst they've been good in Europe, they've been a bit more mediocre in the league but at the same time they'll raise their game as it's a derby. On paper we've got the better backs but, barring the front row, the packs are fairly even though I'd JUST give Edinburgh the edge. The likes of Ashe and M. Fagerson have been excellent so far this season but Hamish Watson and Bill Mata are established heavyweights. Edinburgh could cream us in the front row as Stuart McInally is the 1st choice Scotland hooker whereas our 2 main hookers are injured. Grant Stewart is defo one for the future but still learning the trade.
  3. Scotsman Mike Adamson to ref the Edinburgh v Glasgow game this Sat. In the return fixture at Scotstoun next Sat the one and only George Clancy has the whistle...
  4. Jonathan Humphreys to quit as Glasgow's assistant coach to take a job with the Welsh union at the end of the season. One of Wayne Pivac's backroom staff with the Wales national team I'd wager.
  5. The most miserable I've ever felt at Scotstoun due to the weather today. My mate's also a Partick Thistle fan. His dad took him straight from Scotstoun to Firhill. He'll be getting treated for hypothermia tonight no doubt.
  6. Absolutely delighted with that win in awful conditions. Had that been the old grass pitch it would have been postponed. I sit behind the posts where Lyon scored their try in the 2nd half. Missed tackles in the lead up as the players were losing their footing. I wouldn't have been surprised if the ref had abandoned the game in the 2nd half. No Glasgow fan will moan about no BP after the weather but we need to target 5 points when Cardiff visit in the next game. They can no longer qualify so will send up a 2nd string I'd think. Stupid yellow card for Gibbins but agree with Lyon's red aswell.
  7. Tommy Seymour signs a new deal until 2020. Oh my giddy aunt. I need to sit down for a while.
  8. On paper I'd say Sarries are the best team in the group though. So if they have 1st wrapped up and we go there needing something my thinking is that Sarries will rest their big players.
  9. Glasgow's play was beautiful to watch vs Lyon who had to win to stay relevant. Though I wasn't happy until I knew Lyon had run out of time to get back into the game. Mainly because the ref was giving Lyon penalties like a panto dame throws out sweeties and he binned Swinno late on so we had to front up. An irritant to me was the camera focusing on the Lyon head coach with every opportunity. I get he's an ex-France scrum-half and he prowls the touchline like a Barclays Premier League football manager but come on! Wouldn't mind seeing Sarries take 10 points from Cardiff over the next week. If they have 1st wrapped up by the final game then they may rest players if we go down there needing something. Glasgow's back row is so in-tune these days they're like rugby's version of the Rat Pack. Ryan Wilson will have to work hard when he gets back...
  10. We're going into tomorrow's game with better form in Europe this season than Lyon. They've lost 2 from 2 so this will be their last chance (it'll still be a tough ask for them to qualify). If we click then I'm hopeful we can win as our attack is lethal. However Nick Grigg's defence concerns me. Scarlets scored a try last weekend when Grigg missed a tackle on the 5 metre line.
  11. I'm proud of our effort tonight to get that win. A weakened team playing an almost full strength Scarlets side with a player down for what was a yellow at best. Ashe and Niko must start next week.
  12. Munster 3 tries and 19-0 up after 20 mins. Not sure if it has much to do with the strength of the teams. Just basic mistakes tbh.
  13. That's what I thought till I saw the team that Scarlets are sending up.
  14. I agree with you about doing both. In rugby you can fight on 2 fronts. It's not like football where Europe's played mid-week and because of rest protocols it's easier on the players (though some may disagree as player welfare is a hot topic atm). I hear you completely about having breathing room, but any team worth their salt really has to front up and win their home games. Especially since the other teams in our conference will probably get BP wins over the Southern Kings and Glasgow play Leinster away this season which will obviously be tough. Also, we're in Treviso just after the bells and still need to go to Parma at the start of March. The Italian teams aren't a guaranteed win anymore away from home. That makes our home game vs Scarlets huge.
  15. I've navigated around the Haymarket queue. I've never missed a Scotland home game at Murrayfield since 2012 but I've always had the minimum of fuss. Heading back I take the tram from Murrafield into St. Andrew's Square which serves Edinburgh Waverley. The trams are fairly regular so the queue goes down quicker. Then, I can get on at Waverley station which means I've got a seat when the masses get on at Haymarket. However, the worst experience I've had was on a rare occasion I go to a Scotland football game. This was vs Wales at Hampden just a few years ago. The queue to Mount Florida wound down alllll the way to the bottom of the hill where the entrance to the Hampden complex is! Almost missed my final connecting train! Whilst seeing Scotland win at football is nice I guess, it's just a wee night out for me and not worth missing my last train over. I've been to only 3 other Scotland football games and just took the car. Far easier...
  16. Oaft! Two furious gentlemen! I heard about the Uphall station-gate scandal though. It's like a mistake one of the characters in Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends would make.
  17. Europe is very important. We have the upper hand as Lyon have already lost 2. If we can snatch a win in France then expect a 2nd string Lyon side visiting Scotstoun. However, the Pro14 is still the "bread and butter" which makes the Scarlets game massive. The Kings game was an example of what happens when you turn up just expecting 5 points.
  18. It's an important game for us but we're at home which helps. I just hope we can front up. This is where losing the last second penalty at Munster and the horror show at the Southern Kings may catch up with us. Unlucky not to snatch the win. Our full back found a gap with just a few mins left. I thought she had made it.
  19. Scarlets visit Scotstoun this Saturday. Since the Autumn Tests have just finished I'm hoping that the Scarlets rest their warlords. If they do I'm hopeful of a win.
  20. Watching Glasgow on Fri night was like poetry. They had a similar team to us regarding absentees but they just couldn't live with us. We'll need to be better for the Scarlets game but just a week on from the autumn tests they'll be resting a few players I think (I hope). After all, the Welsh backline is basically Scarlets. Scotland weren't great but we got the job done in poor weather vs a team who loves an arm wrestle. Our defence was excellent imo. The Pumas are on a losing streak but still beat SA at home then Oz away at the end of summer. Barring 2, all of the Pumas squad play for the Jaguares Super Rugby team so they'll know each other inside out.
  21. We've got a decent team for tomorrow night but it's going to be tricky. If you have FB check out Cardiff Blues official page. The likes of Aled Summerhill, Tomos Williams, Nick Williams and Halaholo are all starting.
  22. I'd describe the Scotland game on Saturday as a "must win". Happy with the showing vs SA but naturally disappointed with the narrow defeat so recovery and a win before the 6N is vital imo. Finn CAN play centre maybe to cover a sin-bin or subs but that apart he's an out and out 10 imo. A bit too experimental for me... The bread and butter of the Glasgow game first though. Ireland's John Lacey is the ref on Fri night...
  23. Taken on board. Thanks for the info. Also, an odd question but do any of the pubs that show sports in the area happen to show Premier Sports? Ta muchly
  24. If you look on the Springboks FB page you'll see their team. Whilst I can see that they're starting WC experiments since the Rugby Championship is over, they're clearly treating this game with respect.
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