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Posts posted by LordHawHaw

  1. What's the up to date with the Rangers Fighting Fund? I just googled it and there's not much news about its activities since its launch almost a month ago. The official Rangers website said last week that it was standing at £300k, which is just over £6 per head for every seat in the stadium. Is it just me that thinks that's pretty crap?

    It's Rangers fans wanting to something...it's like pissing in the wind, shame on the administrators for pushing it too

  2. I don't hate both sides, I hate the shame and ridicule that both cheeks bring to our game and our country.

    I go to most away European games and I see no shame being brought on Scotland with our fans behaviour, in fact it's the opposite, just because you have a need for Celtic and Rangers to be equally culpable in all areas, seemingly including the cheat that's gone on for decades does not make it so

    The more discomfort that both sets of fans feel the better. There's only two reasons for supporting the old firm, bigotry or gloryhunting The latter being a vehicle to either perpetuate bullying or gain favour with bullies the former speaks for itself. None of you are in it for footballing reasons.

    You believe that pish :D

  3. It's posts like this which make me realise that regardless of the outcome of the whole saga we will have months or even years of Old Firm baiting. One half is always going to be spitting the dummy. It's their wives and kids I feel sorry for.

    ETA part of me wants Rangers to limp out of this now so we can have a go at the other lot properly, I feel like one of those Celtic supporting bigots at the moment, I am sure it's not quite legal just to laugh at one set of OF supporters.

    Why? if it was ICT I'd have said the same thing.

    Just because you, like most on here, break your back bending over to be seen hating both side equally is your problem,

    Celtic have not cheated the tax man, Rangers have, it's uncomfortable for you, too bad

  4. ^^^^^ is this it? Is this gem of legal knowledge what I need to go to school for? :lol:

    Fucking hell, you've got Rangers bang to rights there! :lol::1eye

    Yes it is, if the big tax goes the way it should then I think I'd be right in assuming criminal charges could be brought against ex directors, Bain certainly would need to explain his actions, maybe there is other evidence also. However I'd be happy for you to explain as to why you think Bain could not be charged with deliberate tax evasion and potentially fraud as shown by channel 4?

    I've quoted your response just 3 posts above! :1eye

    I can see why you weren't too keen on posting it again! :lol:

    just giving me another option of pointing and laughing at your posts! :lol:

    :D I was doing "a Captain"

  5. Good, it'll be easy for you to dig them out then and post again.


    Well it was in response to your previous question, if you are too lazy then I might....otherwise you could direct your question to some others whom I assume you also think are wrong that charges could be brought against some ex executives of Rangers FC. They might be able to give you a longer explanation than I would. You might have to go back to school mind you ;)

  6. "Bling loyalty"? You're a jewel, you really are. ;)

    You and others should save your insults and jibes for someone who gives a stuff. I stand by what I've said. If that doesn't fit with what you want to believe, too bad. I'm not saying everything was sweetness and light before Whyte come in - certainly not - but things were manageable at that point.

    Things have not been manageable for years, even keeping a lid on it meant cheating. Murray and all those directors put Ranegrs in this situation....letting the childlike Whyte loose in the sweet shop for the last year simply put a cherry on the cake of fail being baked for the last couple of decades

  7. My God just having the briefest of reads through that release.....just a laughable mess....of the few intersting points I've seen so far..........

    The Playing Staff are by nature typically those with the highest salaries. Therefore in order to achieve the necessary cost reductions, the vast majority of the first team squad would have been made redundant, retaining only a small number with the highest transfer values. This would have resulted in a detrimental effect on the team‟s performance for the remainder of the season, which in turn would have reduced the SPL prize money to be received

    So basically even now run with a squad way beyond their means to achieve a higher finish cheating other teams out of a potentially higher prize.

    As at the Appointment Date, the Company had cash at bank of £3,373,170 which was held at Bank of Scotland plc. These funds have now been transferred to the Administration bank account to assist in funding the ongoing trading operations.

    Despite the huge list of poor buggers desperate to get payment for their legitimate businesses they're going to use what they have to plough into further financing a failing business still losing money,

    As at the Appointment Date, the Company was owed £3.8m from other football clubs in respect of deferred transfer fees which will fall due over a period of time up to 31 May 2014. The Joint Administrators may seek to accelerate receipt of these monies.

    :lol: That just takes the biscuit when you see what they owe others and don't give a monkeys

    The Joint Administrators‟ time costs for the period 14 February 2012 up to and including 31 March 2012 totals £1,199,356.

    So what it's costing for these clowns to run things is basically the £1M a month reductions they made in running costs mainly from the salary cuts. For the period of this report, 14 February 2012 to 30 March 2012 trading revenue totals £1,020,234. So their monthly income only pays for the administators ....so debt is just going up despite the cuts?

    Just about sums up the thinking at ibrox, and elsewhere. Listening to former players and media fitba pundits highlights the complete lack of any critical moral assessment

  8. Thought this was a bit of light relief


    To mark the moving on of their captain David Weir, Rangers commissioned Glencairn Crystal to supplier a premium decanter set and blue glass trophy. Both the decanter set and blue glass trophy where engraved with Rangers' crest and the signatures of his team mates.

    Glencairn would like to wish David Weir all the best in his future.

    Creditor list: Glencairn Crystal Studio Ltd – £354

    What a brass neck these cnuts have

  9. Recent correspondence between Salmond and Rangers - includes some quite boak-inducing brown nosing from Salmond to Walter Smith:


    Love the fact that Salmond will not release his discussions with HMRC on Rangers as "It would prejudice relations between London/Edinburgh govts" why is that Alex?

    When is the SPL investigations into double contracts reporting?

    Have the police investigated double contracts as some evidence seems to indicate tax avoidance, potentially fraud

    The amount of people in the media trying to keep a lid on certain areas by not asking questions that should be asked is sickening, the game is Scotland is truely in the gutter

  10. Deary me. Yet more uninterntional comedy

    Yet again, I'll ask. Please tell us what criminal charges you think will be brought and who they will be brought against?

    I'll make it easy for you. The reason you don't answer is because you haven't got a clue what you are talking about. ;)

    Oh I think a chief executive of a company asking for his salary increase to be paid as a EBT, then asking for the document signed by a director agreeing to that to be shreded might indicate a knowledge and acceptance of tax evasion, and what consitutes evidence of that ;) Who knows what else is out there just waiting to be discovered or already in the hands of the authorities :P

  11. You're the one who made the point. You tell us what is actionable.

    Go on, I fancy a good laugh. :lol:

    Naw, lets set a little work project, come back after the Motherwell 4 Rangers 2 game that's just about to happen and tell me that no potential criminal breaking of the law was exposed ;)

    Don't worry, I'm sure the latest tainted title win will boost your self esteem again. :lol:

    Only a decent run in eurozone does that, psychiatrist will need to suffice until then :(

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