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Posts posted by gmfc

  1. 12 minutes ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

    Odd how we are laughably pathetic, on our knees, about to be relegated to the seaside leagues for the first time in 40+ years without so much as a wimper, are quite rightfully the laughing stock of Scottish football at the moment and deserve all the slagging we are getting and more - and  yet I can still say with a degree of comfort that we will be back, finishing above Morton and challenging for promotion to the Premiership long before they have achieved anything of any note? 

    You are pathetic you are just a championship club at best who think they are bigger than they are this season has cost you north of 500k which will take your club a while to recover now take your medicine gracefully and get to the league below.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    We are shite but please don’t have children and bring them up in Greenock.

    You likely are either unemployed or have s drug problem (stats confirm that) so please don’t bring your problems onto innocents.



    No I work and also have a brain but enjoy the seaside league champ.

  3. 49 minutes ago, cappiecat said:

    In that case, if the evidence was strong enough, a new trial would be called.

    Even if Morton v McKinnon/Falkirk became a legal case (it won't) it would be a civil action and as such any decision reached would be based on 'the balance of probabilities', same as the SPFL panel.

    You're fecked.

    Falkirk will lose their so called we have new evidence appeal. Falkirk will not want this going to a civil court. Both legal teams will get together to thrash out compensation then it will be up to Morton to except it that is the way this is going to pan out.

  4. 29 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

    You obviously don't know the back story and have decided to type some random pish.

    A Falkirk fan typed some days ago that he believed that some new evidence was to come out. Yer man Branchton informed us all that new evidence couldn't be used in an appeal. I'm just asking him why but he appears to be reluctant to tell me for some reason. 

    Incidentally, why would Falkirk 'play for time'. What would that achieve exactly?

    The evidence is in black and white and no amount of Falkirk fans who are saying there is new evidence is going to change it. The SFA are NEVER going to overturn a Scottish League decision. And the sooner the fantasist within the Falkirk support except it the better.

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