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Posts posted by Bloobell

  1. wellllll, i wouldn't quite say style. the first and last sets were good, the third set to start with was shockingly poor, then he woke up and the second well the italian played well in that one I suppose.

    so style?...meh ok, but maybe better to say through with room to spare.

    Clay isn't his surface

    The Italian seems to be a bit of a clay specialist

    Job done, style or not

  2. We just lost to Afghanistan so it's all over

    Can't say I'm too bothered as I wouldn't have gone if it was in the sub-continent and wouldn't have been a patch on the St Kitts trip 2 years ago.

    Hopefully now we'll clear out some of the prima donna pish and start again


  3. I watched 3 films on the flights to and from LA

    Benjamin Button - 6/10 and distinctly average for Brad Pitt

    Yes Man - 7/10 and back to your typical zany Jim Carrey type film, although not in the same class as Mask

    Frost/Nixon - 10/10. Had me fixated from start to finish and is totally compelling viewing

  4. I watched 3 yesterday

    Leatherheads - 6/10 - RomCom but with George Clooney and Rene Zellwegger (sp) it was always going to be watchable and as it was about American Football in the 30's it was more so than usual

    Mystery, Alaska - 7/10 - Bit like that Mighty Ducks (it's about a wee Alaskan town playing the NY Rangers) but a better storyline and cast. Light viewing but very watchable

    In Bruges - 8/10 - not wuite sure what to make of this one but as I really enjoyed it something must have been tigh

  5. Am I misssing something here, or did Nicholson win that set 5-4? I thought he had to win by 2 clear legs, it only went to a tie break when it reached 5-5.

    Unless I'm mistaken he won the last 2 legs with 129 and 121 checkouts, the latter on a bull

  6. Joining this session late. Not missed the end of a set though. I dunno if this is his first name and I can't be bothered finding out.


    Set One Score : 3-2

    Set Two Score :

    Set Three Score :

    Set Four Score :

    Over 40 Outshots

    Klaasen : 41, 80

    JVDR : None.


    * Jelle Klaasen throwing 180s fof fun right now. Van Der Rassel is very steady with his tonnes though. Decent finishing from the older guy as well.

    He's Klaas :rolleyes:

  7. Anderson vs Wagner is the first match of the tournament, with a 1pm start. Anderson WILL struggle in that match. Not only does he not like early rounds of tournaments, he hates early starts as well.

    Had a change of heart about the darts and flogged my two sets of tickets on ebay

    Doubled my dosh so well happy B)

  8. Not really a betting man tbh but I've had 4 bets this season and 3 of them have won

    Yesterday I had money on Fulham v Man City to end 1-1 and an 8 team accumulator culminating in a nail-biter with Man Utd scoring in injury time

    £220 up so worth the sweat B)

  9. What this thread doesn't have is any indication of what the last two posters are talking about?

    What were the scores?

    Even the BBC website doesn't have them!

    I was pissed when I watched it but Terry Jenkins pipped Gary Anderson in an amazing game, 16-14 I think

    Taylor pumped a very good King 16-10 I think and will play Jenkins in the Final

    I have a 4 day pass for the last 4 days at Lakeside in January and cannae wait

  10. From what ive heard on the radio, the players are concerned that Stanford is spending a lot of time with the wags. I hope for his sake it is just hands that he is shaking.

    I spent a bit of time at that venue between flights in Antigua when we came back from the World Cup in St Kitts last year and it's a great venue for an event like this

    The complex is called The Sticky Wicket and it is beautiful and also has a cricket museum

    Anyone passing through Antigua airport should make a point of dropping in as it's 50 yards away from the terminal

    Sticky Clicky

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