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Posts posted by Bloobell

  1. Mr Hudson and the Library last night, which was ace, albiet after a difficult day.

    Cold War Kids at ther Barra's tomorrow and the Make Model at Barfly on Sunday.

    Gave 2 tickets away for Led Zeppelin at the O2 but going to see Take That there on St Andrew's Day :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  2. You must have a bloody big garden then!

    It is also quite different than being in the garden when the kids are asleep. For a start, you are on the premises and are able to monitor things much more effectively, including entry to your house! Sitting with your pals having dinner at different premises while you have left your toddlers a five minute walk away is neglect.

    Aye, especially when you leave the front door open

  3. Not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but look ad Gerry's body language when he talks about sedatives

    No eye contact whatsoever and playing with his ear lobe, classic traits of someone who is very nervous and/or uncomfortable

    Kate McCann also blinks for a prolonged period when the question is asked

    Very interesting clip

  4. Just another smokescreen, thought they were going to stay in Portugal till she was found but soon left when the focus turned to them.

    Said all along that eventually the media would turn their attentions to the McCann's and quite right too, if not for asking were they involved but for highlighting that they were totally irresponsible parents for leaving 3 babies in an apartment by themselves for lord knows how long

    I have my doubts that they were checking every 30 minutes cos if you look at the distance from the tapas bar to the apartments and consider the number of kids involved it just doesn't stack up

  5. I dont think Maddie is relevant in the fact that if she is dead, her mother would prefer to know instead of not knowing. By coming out and saying this, it is probably trying to tell the "killer" to atleast give information to the police where the body is, that way they don't have the false hope.

    DO you get it yet?

    I've always gotten it but it's one of those things we all get from time to time where you know it's selfish and know to keep it to yourself

    It simply sounds like 'I'm suffering here and want it to stop, whatever that takes'

  6. Not knowing if they are alive or not is horrible. If she is dead, and they find out about it, they can get on with their lives. That is much better than not having a clue if she is dead or alive. The key word in the statement you gave that you disagreed with is Knowing. I bet she will prefer to find out she is alive and get her back.

    Means the self same thing

    Ideally she would want to know she was alive but at least as long as she doesn't know there is a chance the lassie is alive, which is surely better for Maddie than being dead just so her irresponsible Mum can have closure

    Or does Maddie not count?

  7. She never said she would rather they were dead than alive. She said she would rather KNOW she was dead, instead of the not knowing. Maybe you should read what she says and undestand it before putting the boot in and making yourself look thick. Typical ***.

    Care to explain the difference ya sanctimonious p***k

  8. I think they'll end up getting divorced. I don't see how any marraige could survive the fact there may be an element of blame on one parent.

    Today she's saying she'd rather know Maddie was dead than carry on suffering all this uncertainty

    What a selfish bitch and with an attitude like that it's not surprising that she didn't bother about leaving them all home alone, nor appears to have shown much emotion since Maddie went missing

  9. He does always look like he has just shat himself a little.

    I said early on in this thread that the media worm would turn with this one and it's starting to happen now

    They have been very cunning in their use of the media, rightly so in the main, but surely they must have realised that eventually the spotlight would switch to them and their negligence???

  10. Good to see the Americans asking the hard question regarding their parental negligence today

    Old Gerry says the REAL crime has been committed by the adbuctor and although that is not in doubt the fact he doesn't seem to acknowledge that there could be more than one crime appears to be lost on him.

    Says much about him imo

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