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    Football, Tennis, Jogging, Tapas, Cooking, Going Out, Travelling, Writing.
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  1. And, ladies and gentlemen. We have a winner...if you can call Forth a town.
  2. I just read what Craig Burley said yesterday in the Sunday Mail. Calling all lower league chairmen "muppets" and that clubs with an average gate of 500 should not be deciding on 'The Glorious Rangers'' future. Ok Burley and a chairman who had a club with an average gate of 50,000 knows better does he? It is because of this chairman Rangers and Scottish football is in such a mess. I'm sorry but I would rather have Annan's chairman Henry McLelland deciding what happens to Scottish football than a Rangers bias Gordon Smith, Stewart Regan or Craig Whyte. At least McLelland puts Scottish football before money and size of club. BBC Scotland's Post on Annan
  3. I feel sorry for the majority of Rangers supporters. Having felt similar feelings when Livingston almost said 'Goodbye'. It is not their fault that the club have been dodging their taxes for years but yet they are the ones being punished. Punished for the failure of others. SPL do need to say NO to Green's new club as does the SFL. It will be the death of Rangers as we know it. However if the Rangers following are as strong as they make themselves out to be. They could form a club themselves, supporter-ran and build themselves up the leagues. It might take long, some of the gloryhunters might leave (which can only be for the best) and support other clubs. But the loyal supporters will stay and trust me if they do finally go back to the very top. The new supporter-run club first league title will be sweeter than 50+ before. But they should not by waiting for Green to balls it up. They should form a club NOW. They should not blame the rest of Scottish for kicking out the former club and rejecting Green's new one. The rest of Scottish football is only doing it for the good of Scottish football (not for the money). RIP Rangers
  4. Ahhhhhh, boo hoo to The Blue Bigot Boys. Isn't it a wee shame they cannot get their own way. Oh boo hoo. Isn't those boys from the SFA bad boys? Oh you poor overweight overgrowed babies. I mean, Rangers were conned by a conman who promised them the world only to leave the club on the blink. But the SFA need to keep their standards up. First they relegated Gretna to Division Three before they finally did go burst. They relegated Livingston after we were conned but we have fought our way back up, While Dundee got away with murder and only got points taking off them. And because its the GREAT! BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD! WE ARE THE PEOPLE! (piss) Rangers they think they can get away Scot-free, just have a wee ten points taken away - nae harm done. No sorry Rangers, your club broke the rules and your poor club have to pay your duties like what Livingston has done. I do not think the SFA have went far enough. I would sent Rangers down to Division Three, give them a 5 to 10 year suspension fine of a couple of millions and put a transfer ban of three years (but I would allow free transfers) plus a salary cap. Rangers can still have Old Firm games if they meet Celtic in the cups. Plus Rangers supporters can visit new places on their journey back to the SPL, Annan is lovely wee town. Playing the Blue Brazil is something not to be missed.
  5. I am just weeks away from finishing at Queen Margaret University in Musselburgh and I can not wait after 5 years of being there. Its an ok university and I would recommend it to anyone, but the nightlife is crap and I wish it was still in Cherwood, Edinburgh.
  6. He is from Mid Calder - thats how they all look how is the asbo town lately?
  7. I would rather QoS got the full 100%. Livi now seems doomed and it might be for the best. The club has been poorly managed since day one and a new club will hopefully be born out of the shame, disappointment and greed left in LFC's wake. We will be back - stronger, better organised with more passion. With a club run by the supporters and not some low-life Italian or Irishman who is more concerned about money than the well-being of a club and its local people. RIP Livi and we shall raise again!!!!
  8. What I don't get is why would anyone want to pay these prices for a night out in Livi and when there is no where to go afterwards. Cos there is only to opinion pish Earth or bed. Its better to book it in Bathgate, cheaper funcations, better clubs with more choices. Livi dead in so many ways...
  9. The feelings I'm hearing is that a lot of season-ticket holders are giving up renewing their season-ticket because of Massone. We do not know what to believe from the club any more and by theating the fans poorly will drive them out. If we want to celebrate the great things our players have done this season then so be it, we need something to cheer us up. A quick death is better than a slow painful death Massone. If you are serious Massone then prove it by sticking to your promises and PAY THE PLAYERS AND STAFF ON TIME. We wont sign anyone if you don't pay the wages and dont tell us crap like "In Italy..." this is Scotland and our WONDERFUL banks DEMAND payments come on time or they fine us big time. In the end it might be better to sign for the likes of Morton than us because at least Morton pay their players and staff on time. If you can't do that then go back to Italy and eat pizza-pie and let us die in peace with the very-little respect we have left in Scottish football.
  10. The new Harry Potter book! And do you know what...I loved it!!! Best Harry Potter book ever! until the next one (they will be a next one!) Oh and I've also read The Rule Of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomson in the past few weeks - good book.
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