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Everything posted by kyle*

  1. First meeting of the year tonight between the Ducks and the scum Kings. Always the most enjoyable or most miserable games of the year. Also, Joffrey Lupul via twitter All kinds of awesome.
  2. ^^ Dallas looked similar last night hosting Anaheim, I would have guessed there was easily less than 10k. They announced 12,378. Also, the 2010 NHL Beer Cost Index. For science.
  3. Announced attendance in Phoenix last night was 6,706, but there were probably only 5 or 6 thousand people there. You could definitely hear it on TV, too. I have no idea why anyone wants to keep that team there.
  4. I now approve of the Penguins' fanbase. Ducks are back tomorrow!
  5. Edit: ^^ If you don't count OT losses, then there are five teams with losing regulation records. And there it goes... Giguere to Toronto. Toskala/Blake to Anaheim. A shame because Toronto is one of the few teams I can't bring myself to root for. Ever.
  6. J.S. Giguere is likely on his way out of Anaheim with the Ducks re-signing Jonas Hiller today for 4 years/$18 million. With Giguere's $6 million cap hit gone, Bobby Ryan will likely re-sign here. It'll be sad to see both Giguere and Selanne depart this off-season. Those two are easily the most popular and best Ducks in the short history of the franchise. Positively thinking, though, I'll be sitting ice level for the Ducks' thrashing of the Queens next week.
  7. First meeting of between the Ducks and the Queens takes place in Anaheim tomorrow night. Beat the scum in regulation! Nothing pleases more than seeing LA fans leaving early.
  8. Close game, but poorly played. Anaheim were terrible defensively, but Giguere was absolutely fantastic tonight. A shame to give Calgary a point, but at least the Ducks take two. Also, Iginla is a twat. Go Ducks!
  9. You've no chance 35 miles down the road in Anaheim. (I'm going!)
  10. The Ducks and the refs helped the cause. The latter is something I rarely complain about, but the officiating was definitely shoddy. Hardly matters, though, because the Ducks are beyond atrocious at the moment.
  11. That sounds about right for Montreal. They have a massive fan-base, as do all of the Canadian teams including the Leafs. They're just not the trendiest pick right now as they've missed the playoffs for a few years. The Leafs are one of my least favorite teams right now with the whole Brian Burke thing. Especially the way he left everyone here in Anaheim. If Kessel flops, I'm going to laugh for years.
  12. Can't believe it either. There must be something in the story that isn't being told, or they were drunk, because that just seems so incredibly stupid. Especially for someone making 3.7 million dollars this season...
  13. Bouwmeester -> Calgary Pronger -> Philadelphia Philly gave up a freaking TON to the Ducks. Two first round picks, two former first round picks in Lupul and Sbisa, and a third round pick. Also, they have to take his $6 million salary on for this year and after that he is a free agent. Also, the Kings picking Schenn was hilarious because of Burke's reaction... Who had really messed up hair the entire first-round. I think his anger is forcing him to finally lose it.
  14. His age is no excuse. If he takes the C on his chest, then he takes the responsibility of being the leader and role-model for all of his team. His age and experience means nothing, because he took the C and effectively said that he can be the image of the team. Yes, Crosby surely wanted the cup badly, but so did 24 other Penguins, and they all managed to get in a line. There are 49 other players out there and two sets of coaches who managed to have no problem with it. This report says Lidstrom waited around for Crosby for a while, but didn't have any luck. It isn't Detroit that should be showing patience, but the new Stanley Cup champions. And of course, most importantly, their captain. And again, this of course is a completely isolated incident. The last issue I heard concerning handshakes was the Avery/Brodeur snub, but that's a completely different thing. This is just immaturity.
  15. This is f**king exactly why I didn't want the Penguins (Crosby) to win. You get in a line and shake everyone's hand. It's not that hard. Teams of five year olds do this. Only one person failed to do it. As always, it's one person complaining about hats on the rink, or a hard hit... I really hate to be a broken record with anti-Crosby posts, but I believe in sportsmanship and classy behavior, which he often just forgets to show. Also, this is a fantastic puck daddy entry. And Emery to Philadelphia. :lol:
  16. Well, congrats to Pittsburgh. Especially Guerin and Kunitz. Suck it, Hossa. Osgood, you're useless. Crosby is still a little bitch. Quack Attack to take it next year!
  17. Are you lacing up the skates, or...? 1:17 left and Pittsburgh is responding tremendously to the pressure. Osgood off. Edit: Oh, lol. Detroit offsides with 32 seconds left.
  18. Jesus. Two misconducts for Pittsburgh and none for Detroit? What the heck happened? I didn't watch, just checked the score now... I wonder if this is one of the biggest blowouts in finals history. Edit: lol, malkin crosscheck.
  19. Detroit should have buried it in the second. Bitch of the game goes to the entire officiating crew for missing the 6v5 for 21 freaking seconds.
  20. Even if you take away the issue of should he be suspended or not, it was not only a dumb move, but an embarrassing one the way Malkin "fought." But just as with Kronwall, if this were Pronger or Avery, there would be an immediate suspension. No question about it. Malkin missing game three is bad for the NHL, and I'm not going to put a tin-foil hat on and say that's the only reason he isn't being suspended, but it certainly is part of it. Malkin probably wasn't trying to send a message, mainly because he is incapable of sending a message via his fists, but the fact that he is getting away with shedding frustration by going at players shows how the NHL is constantly fighting it's own hypocrisy. Kronwall leaping into players: 0 games Malkin going apeshit on the ice: 0 games Avery said a dirty word: 6 games (Always the highlight of the NHL's stupidity.) Anyway, I'll continue my trend of watching five minutes of each game (I'm tuning it at just the right time) and awarding someone bitch of the game. So far the series is tied.
  21. Even if you take away the issue of should he be suspended or not, it was not only a dumb move, but an embarrassing one the way Malkin "fought." But just as with Kronwall, if this were Pronger or Avery, there would be an immediate suspension. No question about it. Malkin missing game three is bad for the NHL, and I'm not going to put a tin-foil hat on and say that's the only reason he isn't being suspended, but it certainly is part of it. Malkin probably wasn't trying to send a message, mainly because he is incapable of sending a message via his fists, but the fact that he is getting away with shedding frustration by going at players shows how the NHL is constantly fighting it's own hypocrisy. Kronwall leaping into players: 0 games Malkin going apeshit on the ice: 0 games Avery said a dirty word: 6 games (Always the highlight of the NHL's stupidity.) Anyway, I'll continue my trend of watching five minutes of each game (I'm tuning it at just the right time) and awarding someone bitch of the game. So far the series is tied.
  22. I had the second period on just before I went out. The thing that also surprised me is how fast Detroit looked. Everyone has been building up the young legs of Pittsburgh, but Detroit was flying. Also, I really hate the argument that Pittsburgh have gained so much experience and now are worthy opponents. The obvious flaw in that argument is that Detroit has also gained experience on top of an already veteran-heavy squad. I'll be missing tonight's game, though. *shrug*
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