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Posts posted by kyle*

  1. Kronwall is such a bitch. Does that guy EVER hit anyone without jumping? If it weren't for the league's Detroit-bias, this guy would be victimized harder than Chris Pronger or Sean Avery.

    I really hate how the NBC guys just let it slide, too. "He might have left his feet a little there..." No. He clearly fucking jumped. That's dangerous as hell and illegal. But... Ugh. I really hate him.

  2. And this will be the the first Stanley Cup final that I won't be tuning in for.

    Not bitter at all, but it really is boring for most neutrals. Well, maybe not boring, but certainly a disappointing matchup. One team returning is bad enough...

    I say Wings in five. And pretty much what I'm hoping for because I'm numbed out to the Wings winning. I do not want to have a Sidney Crosby lovefest. God.

  3. Ya I feel bad for the way this hat situation has been handled in the media. Especially the American media. This may be a conspiracy but the US media, which is primarily not orientated toward hockey, is constantly trying to downplay Crosby in favour of Ovechkin. They have made him out to be a whinger when all he was doing was trying to get the game going after a lengthy delay to pick up two waves of hat throwing. I always feel that the US is so concerned with their hockey rivalry with Canada that they are willing to elevate Ovechkin as their favourite star player. Thats not to say that Ovechkin isnt a great player, but so is Crosby, and it should be left at that.

    The continous references to Ovechkin vs. Crosby over here have become nauseating. This isnt basketball - two players do not hold very much influence over the final outcome of a series. It is a series between the Penguins and Capitals. With all this said, I am tipping Cros to have a blinder tonight, while Ovechkin will be as inconspicuous as he was in some of the Rangers games. I hope my foot is not approaching my mouth as I say this.

    I am also officially joining the Ducks bandwagon for the remainder of the playoffs. They seem to be the toughest team out there right now. If they get by Detroit I dont think any other team will be able to match them - including Boston, who I will continue to under rate.

    I don't think it's really the rivalry with Canada at all, I think it comes down to the recent explosion of Penguin fans and the NHL desperately trying to make Crosby the face of the league. The Crosby/Ovechkin thing is indeed nauseating, and I don't buy into it at all, but it probably works on some. Crosby really digs his own grave sometimes, though. In this situation, he should have just kept it shut. He's not going to change anything by talking to the refs, a concept that has eluded him for his entire NHL career.

    Note that I'm not saying anything about the wave of hats. It probably was stupid of Caps fans for the hats to come in waves, but oh well. 39 other skaters weren't complaining about it. But, you're not going to convince anyone in Pittsburgh that Crosby is... Well, you know.

    To Zanetti: It's more of the fact that it's Crosby doing it, who is a repeat offender of whining to the refs. It's not like when a captain talks to a ref, he just handles himself differently. And I don't want to sound like an internet tough guy, but if this were the old NHL, he would have been ripped apart by now.

  4. Crosby seems to be trying to prove a point in these playoffs, that he should've been nominated for the Hart Trophy too. Of course he'd never actually admit that, but it seems like he is to me, and I'd agree with him.

    Anyway, I'm not confident about this series now.


    Speaking of Crosby... (concerning the Ovechking hat-trick celebration)

    "People kept throwing hats. I was just asking if he could make an announcement to ask them to stop. The first wave came, and then I think they were all pretty much picked up, and more started coming," Crosby said after the game. "I just wanted to make sure that we kept kind of moving, kept the game going while we tried to get back into it. Wasn't complaining about anything."


  5. Malkin over Crosby?

    Have you actually seen them play? Malkin floats around like a fairy for the game and will finish his chance when he gets it. He would not have many of those chances without Crosby doing all the work. I didnt use to rate Crosby that highly but he is quite a special player now that I have seen him for a few seasons.

    Some might make the argument for Ovechkin, but I will never openly admit that a russian is better than a Canadian. I would actually say that Lidstrom is probably the best player in the league, but I also have a bias towards defencemen.

    Yes I have, thanks very much for the assumption. Unfortunately I was present for a 3:0 beating of my team when I was in Pittsburgh. But that statement wasn't about talent, it was about the fact that I hate Crosby and his attitude.

    I prefer Ovechkin over both of them because Ovechkin shows passion for the game, turns up his physical game doesn't whine when he takes shots, and doesn't dive like an Italian.

    Anyway, that Blackhawks/Flames finish was quite controversial. I don't think it should have been a goal. Kiprusoff was almost pushed over, but any interference on a goaltender should result in a penalty. If he can't make the save because of a player physically interfering with him, I don't see why that should be a goal. I've seen plenty of goals like that called back and I don't know why in playoff hockey that one went through.

  6. Sidney Crosby is a God amongst men who I genuinely believe saved the Pittsburgh Penguins.

    Anyway, I was genuinely shocked at the result last night with Anaheim. Maybe I shouldn't have been, I was expecting the Sharks to choke anyway.

    I'd take Malkin over Crosby. But it's a tired argument across the entire hockey spectrum.

    Honestly, I expected the Ducks to win last night. They really did dominate the past two meetings and are on fire right now. Hopefully they keep it up and take it to the Sharks again on Sunday.

  7. Sidney Crosby isn't even the best player in the NHL at the moment. ;)

    Sidney Crosby is a little bitch.

    (I have to say it on each page of this thread.)

    Also, tonight was pretty awesome.

    I'm so glad Hiller showed up the media. He is much older than most people think and has played big games in Switzerland and in international tournaments. He's super quick in the crease and that saved the Ducks tonight. Keep it rolling!

  8. Not shaving is itchy. And my jersey is pretty much not coming off. Wear it, febreeze it, wear it.

    Shouldn't be too hard for the Anaheim players.

    The fish will flop again. ;)

    The Ducks did dominate the last two games and are absolutely flying right now. I think San Jose is actually the perfect opponent for Anaheim right now with the last two results and the fact that all of the pressure is on San Jose. It'll be a good series regardless, though. FREAKING GO DUCKS YES LETS DO THIS.

    Anaheim vs San Jose

    Detroit vs Columbus

    Vancouver vs St. Louis

    Chicago vs Calgary

    Boston vs Montreal

    Washington vs New York

    New Jersey vs Carolina

    Pittsburgh vs Philadelphia

  9. Edit: Jesus. Look at the old lady in the right of the photo. No way she lived through all three periods.

    Marty Turco gets what was coming to him. Canucks 5 Stars 2.

    Oh god times a thousand. Turco is such a... Yeah. You know.

    "Oh wow! The net came off again behind Turco while the puck was close to going in. How does this keep happening?!"

    Ugh. Somehow just thinking about Turco can almost spoil my evening. But Ducks 7 to 2 over the Avs is pretty tasty. Biggest game of the season is this Friday folks. If you want a preview of some playoff hockey, that's the game to watch. Ducks are in 8th and a point behind Edmonton, who are in 7th with a game in hand (they'll play Phoenix tomorrow). It was already a rivalry due to the Lowe/Burke war last season, the Pronger trade, etc etc. It's going to be an awesome game.

    Also, Gerber losing his shit on the ice was hilarious. And listening to Leaf fans defending it, and then their commentators calling Cujo's relief performance "a miracle one" is a reminder of why I hate that damn team.

  10. Canucks have overtaken the bombing Hawks and are 4th in the West! Win our game in hand and we'll be one point behind the Flames for the division, happy days. Although if the playoffs were to start tomorrow I'd rather be in 4th and play the Hawks than the Blue Jackets. Still the best form team in the NHL over the last 10 too.

    What? No way. Blue Jackets are going to be HUGE underdogs if they get in the playoffs. Rookie goaltender? I'd be very impressed if he tears it up in the playoffs like he has done in the regular season.

    Toronto/Montreal and Vancouver/Phoenix in HD tonight. Cool.

    Dallas is down two against San Jose right now very late in the third. That's probably good for the Ducks, who with Dallas' loss would be three points out of Nashville in 8th with a game in hand. I'd rather see the Ducks get Detroit than San Jose in the playoffs...

  11. So Kyle, you were right when you said Pittsburgh got the better of the Kunitz - Whitney trade it seems, hat trick last night (okay, one of the goals was taken off him and he insists he didn't deserve it...) and in all honesty he has just been ridiculously good.

    Shocking. :rolleyes:

    Chris Kunitz puts up 12 points in 10 games under a system on play that actually works in today's NHL.

    Ugh. Winds me the f**k up. Carlyle is absolutely senile.

    I still hope Whitney becomes an elite NHL defenseman, though. While Kunitz is thriving right now, he is very streaky, and getting a point per game out of him is pretty much his peak. I haven't seen him play for Pittsburgh, though.

    At home for the game tonight. Absolutely exhausted, too. Ducks should put me to sleep by the second. :rolleyes:

    Edit: Nevermind. Bloody great game. :lol:

  12. Yay. The Sharks, or more to the point, Nabakov, beat the Ducks by one goal to zip. Moen scores again, looks like a decent pick up. Shelley and that guy with the moustache had a dull fight again.

    Excuse me?

    You better respect the stache.



    Also, Moen is a defensive forward. His six goals this year is almost his cap. And that goal was a lucky bounce. His most valuable asset is that he always fought really hard for pucks and doesn't back down against anyone. He recently lost that a bit, but maybe the trade (or playing for a proper fucking team :rolleyes: ) will awaken his spirit. Huskins, though... Pretty useless. :lol: (He has good speed and can take the puck into the offensive zone well, and he also has a hell of a shot)

    It was so Nabakov last night. Ducks were inches away about five times in the third. Verrrrrrrryyyyyyy frustrating to watch. One of those games that my head was just killing me afterwards, because they hadn't really played that bad. I know San Jose are the better team, but I think we could have at the very least pulled a point from that game.

    No one is a freaking scoring threat right now. And I hate our coach. <_<

  13. They better be praying he isn't another Steve Stamkos then. :P

    Alright, that's maybe unfair, but he's hardly set the NHL on fire.

    Stamkos isn't a bust yet. He is way too young and undersized for the NHL. The ridiculous hype that surrounded him forced him onto the ice in Tampa Bay. Even though Melrose is a egotistical mental case, he had the right idea with Stamkos by giving him fourth line minutes because Tampa Bay HAD to have him on the roster for some reason.

    Tavares has broken all of Gretzky's junior scoring records, he'll be better than Crosby.

    Wait... What? OHL?

    Bob Murray did a fantastic job with the Ducks over the trade deadline. We shed a lot of cap room, players who weren't going to resign here, and are younger and faster now. And by keeping Pronger, we at least have a small chance at the playoffs this year. Even though we would not be favoured as cup contenders, it would give a lot of experience to our younger players.

    Tomorrow's game with the Stars is going to rock. Tons of new faces in Anaheim.

    Bobby Ryan will be wearing the #9. An important number that most fans here spit at because of a certain someone and their betrayal of Anaheim. Hopefully Ryan creates a better history wearing it. Can't wait.

  14. Ott has been suspended indefinitely by the NHL.


    Turns out he eye-gouged Moen in the fight. Nice. Here is a video of the fight and what led up to it. Notice the cross-checks to Niedermayer, even as the buzzer goes.

    You guys don't know how awesome this is to me. It's like surprise birthday cake.

    Stars fans are looking like absolute idiots right now. Even their golden boy Modano admitted Ott had it coming.

  15. 5-4 win against Chicago last night, I'm absolutely delighted.

    Kyle, Kunitz got a goal and an assist last night, I'm thinking you might have been right on what you said about the trade. He seems to be settled already in Pittsburgh.

    Every game is huge now until the end of the season...

    Ha, I just popped on to say Whitney is looking really good as a Duck.

    The thing that the trade really hinges on is what Tangradi ends up being. If he ends up an All-Star, and Whitney doesn't become an elite defenseman, I'll say we got the bad side of the deal. It sucks to see Kunitz leave, he was here for five or so years and was really popular in the stands, but I think Whitney might be a good return.

    Beat the Stars today not only in terms of goals but fights, too. Ott was cross-checking the hell out of Scotty at the end and then had the life pounded out of him by Moen. Ott had a broken hand or something like that, but if he can't fight, he shouldn't be doing stupid things like that.

    To make it doubly delicious, he received a penalty for "intent to injure," which will likely result in a one-game suspension and a fine. And he had a bloody face. :lol: He's been a pest to Anaheim for a couple of seasons now, but Brown and Brookbank handled him very well today.

    Big win. Keeps Anaheim in the playoff hunt.

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