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Everything posted by Larbert_Par

  1. Couple of more annoying things: People who have emoticons for near enough every f'cking word on MSN,so that when they type something it takes about 5 minutes (or longer) to work out what the hell they've typed. Also,wireless mice seem brilliant,but they don't half piss you off when the batteries are going down and they stop working every 5 minutes. Ggrrr.
  2. I've had it with fecking rolls-yet again,as I went to butter one to go with my soup,this horrifically poor roll (from Asda may I add) bloody well falls apart so im left with vast crumbs of bread.Pish!
  3. Highland Cathedral,Bagpipe version.Fecking brilliant
  4. Snakes on a Plane-6/10. Reasonable,Samuel L Jackson was decent but it ended quite abruptly when the plane eventually landed.Some of the snake attacks were a bit far-fetched too. Watched a film on BBC 1 last night after MOTD,some horror film which i forget the name of but it was pretty decent.Some lassie went a bit off the rails after her friend committed suicide and it turned out she had some disorder that enabled her to move things with her mind and she caused a huge amount of death at a party after being humiliated by other folk at her school following the event.
  5. Green Day-Wake me up when September Ends.
  6. I thought it was a pretty decent film-of course,it helps if you don't get too much of a dodgy stomach watching horror films
  7. Currently reading Archie MacPherson's biography of Jock Stein-thoroughly enjoying it so far
  8. In Cinema: The Break Up-4/10.Distinctly average. At home: Schindler's List-9/10. One of my favourite all time movies,very powerful and very moving,showing how brutal the Nazis really were.Liam Neeson is superb as Oscar Schindler as well.
  9. Ah,I wondered what big Albert was up to these days Better do Better- Hard-Fi
  10. Ice Age 2 is indeed excellent,though I'd give it 8/10 I particularly liked it when Scrat used a stick to do a pole vault style jump over a gap to try and get the nut,but he misses the ledge spectacularly The ending was obviously predictable and happy,but still it,along with the first one,are 2 of the better animated films ive seen for a long while.
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