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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 15 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Alba does not have 10,000 ex-SNP members.


    Why do you think they had so many roasters standing last May?

    Everyone I know personally is an ex-member, everyone who stood last year is an ex-member. 

    now it's possible there's a few members in there who've never been a member of a political party, but how likely do you think that is? It's generally the most politically geeky that actually join partys, you're saying that folks who'd never been in a party before were suddenly inspired when Alba launched? That's really your line here? 

  2. Just now, Wee Bully said:

    What is “an awful lot”.  I’m an ex-SNP member, and there is no way I would touch Alba with a barge poll.  I don’t know of any other ex-members who have any time for Alba either.  I suspect they only appeal to the Gammon wing of the independence movement, which is happily pretty small

    Well basically everyone who has joined is ex-SNP so there'a bout 10,000 activists gone, my own branch has had 3 or 4 activists go, hefty considering you're looking at at most 20 hard core volunteers, and a couple more are going to give it one last push or they are off as well 

  3. On 22/12/2022 at 21:45, Boo Khaki said:

    Straying into the 'BBC Bias thread' territory here, but I can't help but notice that the 'Is Sturgeon losing her grip on the SNP?' piece is still front and centre on their news page, as it has been for about ten days, when usually these things come and go and are replaced within 24 hours. So yes, I'd agree that there's a whole heap of wishful thinking going on in the media, rather than objective reporting.

    Awful lot of now ex-SNP members have debunked over to Alba, the fact 9 still went against the whip shows the level of discontent there. At least one MSP has admitted to voting for GRR solely because the party asked him to 

  4. Back in the market again boys, battery in the Wahway is starting to need a couple charges a day. 

    Fit's the current bees knees? 

    @Homer Thomson

    On 10/01/2018 at 09:43, Big Fifer said:

    I have the Redmi 4 (which I think is slightly different from the 4X?). It's a brilliant phone.


  5. 13 hours ago, Ding dong said:

    I'm wondering if there are any Dons fans out there willing to describe Cormack's reign as Chairman as anything other than an unmitigated disaster? 

    I think I read a whole ago that people were calling this a 'transitional period'. 

    Well , lol. I think we've gone well past that. 

    When Mcinnes left Cormack had one job, and one job only. To appoint some one who would build on the rather strong foundations that had been left behind. 

    Instead, in a fit of arrogance, hubris and utter incompetence that could well set the club back years, he appointed a mate who was wholly unsuited for and incapable of, managing a football team. 

    I dare say Cormack fancies himself as a cross between Donald and Anderson, but he's actually the Chairman equivalent of Mark McGhee.

    It's hard to believe how much our club has fallen in 18 short months, that now we're desperate for Dundee and the Fermers to keep on losing, to keep us in the league. 


    spot on mate 👍

  6. On 18/09/2021 at 21:07, Glen Sannox said:

    I voted no and vividly remember them trying to sell us this, with no currency plan and oil at millions of dollars a barrel. Fast forward 7 years and oil is taboo and they’ve still no currency plan. I think the Union is safe for a while yet, even with the most incompetent PM that Britain has ever seen. It’s dead in the water.

    What is the issue with currency do you think? What do you need to know, and why? 

  7. 3 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

    I fully expect some backlash for my opinion however why sack McInnes if you plan to hire Glass. 

    His managerial record as both Atlanta's reserve side and interim manager is exceptionally poor. He's at the level of Steve Paterson and Mark McGhee to name a few shocking Aberdeen managers of the past. Thats not the type appointment that going to increase season ticket sales.

    Are we genuinely trying to revert back to bottom six football? Is this a cost cutting exercise during the pandemic?

    Steve Robinson would be a considerably better appointment then Glass. We currently hold the most attractive managerial position outside the OF.

    Obviously its a premature reaction but I'll be absolutely gutted along with being utterly bemused if Glass appears in the Aberdeen dugout. Would be a complete lack of ambition.

    Agree fully.

    Would be happy enough with Robinson, also Goodwin, though compo no doubt an issue. With Cormack park we're a much more attractive option than ever before, be interesting to see if any outliers fling their hats into the ring. 


  8. On 11/12/2020 at 14:49, snafu10 said:

    2 of the last 3 days have been huge spikes in cases. They're normally explained a few days later as an outbreak in care homes or factories but I think Aberdeen will be moved up to tier 3 regardless because the case rate will be far too high. 

    Funny how it works eh? 

    You and Cormack feeling a bit daft this week. perhaps leave medical decisions to the experts that Scot Gov consult eh? 


  9. 8 minutes ago, snafu10 said:

     But some people think he's just a tory b*****d trying to damage their party. They're definitely the ones with brains.


    See that's where you're wrong, folk are angry because they can see an end now in sight with the vaccine on the way, but that's not enough for Dave-the-Ego, he wants the limelight, to be the one who sorted it all out, in what has clearly been two rabble rousing, pitchfork invoking tweets. Honestly he can f**k off right now. 

    But as you say, we're the ones with brains right enough. 👍

  10. 4 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

    I'm with Cormack here (even if he does love the sound of his own voice). I'd like to see the science that the government is using that is so different to the evidence down south.

    Like so much of the Scottish government's rule on fighting the pandemic, it doesn't seem to make much sense. 

    It's not, we just don't have a clown in charge, we have serious people, making better decisions.

    Look, there's a reason they site England, because most countries who were allowing fans back are now reversing that decision, they're just picking the worst case. Would you like the entire pandemic response to be run like Brazil's? 


    It's also completely disingenuous, England are only allowing back in certain tiers, Scotland also allowing back at specific levels, so really we are doing the same. What Cormack should be doing, is banging Lumsden & Laing's heids igither, and telling them to start working in their pandemic response, instead of bleating that things are a bit hard for them.  

  11. On 09/12/2020 at 13:16, Dons_1988 said:

    In all seriousness, it's quite poor from the SG if the communication is as bad as he's making out.

    I just always get the overriding feeling that he's playing to the gallery a bit and find it a little disingenuous.

    They have a JRG, no other industry has that, he is without doubt rabble rousing, hoping fans will get up their pitchforks, and they've sure rallied to the cause.  All that'll do of course is be counterproductive. 

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