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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 18 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

    Tbh, I'd take anything in excess of 40 seats for SNP

    Below 40 is an utter disaster, 40-45 is ok, but disappointing, 45-49 is decent, 50+ and it's an excellent result. 

    Yoons keeping their seats (IMO), Carmichael, Murray, Laird, Jack, Zowie Bowie (despite this being SNP's most canvassed seat) 😪 😭 so I think SNP can only max out at a possible 54. 

    Too close to call: LoJo, Duguid, Colin Clark, Kirstene Airheid, Rangers Lino, Fluffy, Jardine.  Say they all cling on due to tactical voting Yoonery, we're down to 47.


    I'll nail my colours to 47 SNP MPs now (for argument sake, if Laird loses to Hanvey, I'm counting SNP there). 


  2. 21 hours ago, Ralstonite said:

    She's secretly hoping Boris wins with a landslide and Brexit is a disaster!

    The fact is that most Scots are frightened of dissolving the Union because ultimately we know that we're better off financially with the current system. People will vote according to their wallets and not their principles.

    We "know" the exact opposite, but too many have been brainwashed by the 99% of MSM outlets who peddle this pish. 

  3. On 06/12/2019 at 20:23, fatshaft said:

    I've been on the doors in Aberdeenshire, I work, so only managed 4 days unlike the retired door chappers, but I literally, and I mean literally, haven't had anybody tell me they were voting Labour. They are finished up here, not that they ever had much rural vote anyway, but what they had has disappeared totally. 

    Found me second Labour voter in Broadstraik/Elrick yesterday, he's probably voting SNP to keep Bowie out, he may abstain though as his late father would birl in his grave if he doesn't vote Labour. 

  4. 4 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

    Sample size on that NE poll? Can labour really be on SIX up there?

    I've been on the doors in Aberdeenshire, I work, so only managed 4 days unlike the retired door chappers, but I literally, and I mean literally, haven't had anybody tell me they were voting Labour. They are finished up here, not that they ever had much rural vote anyway, but what they had has disappeared totally. 

  5. On 05/12/2019 at 18:26, Tarmo Kink said:

    Nobody can seriously say that they would be confident in Corbyn as PM, surely?

    Well, we have an unknown, which could be good or bad, or we could have the absolute erses who've been in charge for ten years, except their first team all gave up and resigned, then we got May's B team, we're now ontto the guys who were round the back of the bike sheds smoking and eating pies running the show, so erm, aye they'd be fucking great eh? 


    Fucking hell. 

  6. 18 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

    There's a lot of nasty abuse  on twitter getting banded about,  I'll lay it for the women to fight over but it seems it's more than just the occasional ladyboy standing up in a womans cubicle that's upsetting the twitter folk . Everything from trans athletes to safe shelters for abused women coming into it as well as believing folk are getting victimised for signing the womans pledge.

    Not being a wifie masel, I leave the "women's spaces" arguments to them, tho I back them fully obviously. However the likes of Rachel McKinnon, men with cocks dressed as wifies, that's just cheating in sport, and that I stand up against vigorously. If it doesn't stop soon, I'll be self-IDing and taking part in the wifies club champiosnhip at my golf club 😋

  7. 12 hours ago, Scorge said:

    The Lib Dem was Robert Smith, fairly sure he had ancestors in the seat who were Tories, thus making him palatable. 2015 was purely the post-indyref SNP effect, judging by the size of Bowie's 2017 majority when the Tories nicked it back.

    WAK should be about as nailed on a Tory seat as you get given its make up, and betting against them would be fairly dicey, but it's not entirely impossible if enough of them can't bear to vote for Boris.....

    Seriously it's very very close, I think SNP are still behind from what I'm seeing, but not by much. The most canvassed (by the SNP) seat in the country. 

  8. 15 hours ago, tbsouth said:

    I hear Jo Swinson is considering resigning BEFORE THE ELECTION after what senior Lib Dem sources are saying has been ‘a worse campaign than Theresa May’s in 2017’ One senior source said: ‘with this government and opposition we should be getting over a hundred seats’


    SNP still 9/4.....must be worth a punt??

    Aye, apparently Labour activists in the seat actively promoting the SNP to have her gone. 

  9. 1 minute ago, DublinMagyar said:

    I'm thinking Leonard is doing surprisingly well.
    Carlaw is utterly useless

    I've been surprised by Leonard as well, he's utterly out of touch when having time to prepare questions at holyrood, yet here seems to be doing well. 

    As for Willie, here he goes again, avoiding Nicola's question and muttering away like yer demented grandad 


  10. Colin Mckay has been useless. Generally the debates so far have been free from much talking over, but this has been dreadful, Mckay just standing there, and let's not even start on his "what's yer plan b" to Nicola sturgeon, utterly disgraceful. 

    Willie rennie is shocking. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, dorlomin said:


    Back at the start of November I said I thought Labour would loose seats and it would be down to whether the SNP and LDs could pick up enough seats to compensate. I have though the LDs will outperform their seat predictions using uniform national swing as many of their targets are strongly remain, they have had some really good constituency based polling. But most seem to have them only adding about 2 seats. 

    You lot will have a better feel for the ground war in Scotland but it seems like the Indref2 No vote may be coalescing around the Conservatives, this may limit the SNP gains.  

    And the ~"dont knows" and how many under 35s actually turn up could be the difference between a hung parliament and a Tory majority of 100. 

    Lib-Dems issue is Swinson, she got a bounce as the guffs didn't know her, they don't like what they see and she's tanking.

    And yes, in Scotland it's turning into a straight 2 horse race that would have seen the Tories booted except Labs & Lib-Dems are going to vote for them to keep the SNP out. 


  12. 12 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Just checked the odds in the Tory-held seats:

    West Aberdeenshire & Kincardine - 4/9 Con 9/4 SNP


    I've backed all tories to lose for an even return, plus all SNP seats where odds are available at 1/5 or better. No point backing the 1/20 shots.

    I've been out on the doors in WAK, it's very very close, Bowie still ahead I'd say, but it's nowhere near these odds, great value.


    Also whacked on Lesley Laird to the max when it was announced the SNP were pulling support for our guy, that could be a mistake but at 3/1 for the sitting MP it was too much value to miss. 

  13. On 28/04/2019 at 12:30, SandyCromarty said:

    With all his bluster and fatuous bile at FMQ's I had to look up his political career to date and his qualifications for the tory Number 2 position in Scotland.

    It turns out he was a used car salesman for 25 years, no doubt the tories among us will repudiate this with nonsense, and the two dealerships he worked for went bust, one into receivership and the other into administration.

    So on that basis he is suitably qualified for the job alongside his glorious leader the failed journalist. 

    Allegedly there were some paintings in his last dealership that evaded the receiver. Allegedly of course 

  14. 1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:

    The whole trans/self ID reforms has been shelved for now by the SNP so hopefully people can get back to the main goal of Independence. After that they can set up self ID, non self ID parties to fight their corners. Folk like Jordon and Mr Malky get to much of a platform to spout their shite because they have hooked their wagons to the Indy cause.


    It's a major problem, there is now a huge number of entryists, the head of the student wing even said he'd be happy to delay indy by years just to sort out the self-ID nonsense (which of course he backs). It beggars belief that someone inside the party could spout that drivel. 

  15. 12 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

    I viewed their opponents as the wrong yins since they'd attack trans people and make the SNP look mental to wider society for reasons I suppose they can explain.

    Aye, that joanna cherry, she's bonkers eh? Have a word with yourself. 

  16. On 15/10/2019 at 19:05, MixuFixit said:

    Seems all the wrong yins that were up for positions in the party lost so that's nice.

    Late to this thread, but Rhiannon Spear & Fiona Robertson both got in, so there's two monumental wrong yins right there. Both poison, independence is a distant thought to them over their narrow agenda. 

  17. 10 hours ago, BucksburnDandy said:

    If Cormack comes in and redevelops Pittodrie, then I'm all for it.


    I think the goalposts have moved here because I'd imagine he could magic up the money to do it, if he wanted to.


    However, he's spent near 20 years in America, he's seen how well the Yanks do sport at first hand for a long time, Kingsford is exactly the type of thing Cormack would be trying to do if it hadn't already been done. I don't think there's any chance of Pittodrie redevelopment

  18. 19 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    Don’t think this is good news. Milne’s relationship with Derek McInnes is the main reason that he hasn’t moved on to another club. 

    I was told 3 weeks ago this change was happening, which sounded like utter shite but has been spot on. Also in that same chat I was told Cormack is no fan of mcInnes and he is on the proverbial shoogly. He'll have to up his game or he'll be oot

    17 hours ago, anotherchance said:


    Absolutely possible that this is the case, but the language I heard used by someone very close to the goings on suggested it was about much more than just a change of figurehead.


    ...as my source said, Wiggy was given an ultimatum, hand over or the money was off (allegedly). Hardball from Cormack, looks awfully like the plan was there all along, but he let him get the Training Complex up and running to at least leave with something as a legacy. Very interesting times upcoming for the Westhill Wanderers 

  19. 20 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:


    Didn't take me too long to find a pro-Kingsford post. And IIRC the thread on AFC-Chat had to be hidden because there was a lot of animosity between the Pittodrie Remainers and Leavers.

    It was hidden because the W.A.N.K.S were going to the police and press with their hurt feelings. Iafaik, I dinna frequent that shiteheap anymore) 

  20. 13 hours ago, HibsFan said:

    Milne gone and the Kingsford stadium dream dead. I feel like I am owed a grovelling apology from the boardroom sycophants such as @Dunty and co. 1121399426_JackCigar.png.9fad2b8edca86ebbf25b111ba5e0fce4.png

    Cormack is very pro the new stadium, it's a very American style of set up. Any thoughts this is the end of Aberdeen building state of the art facilities is dreaming. It's more likely this is now the speeding up of the timescale from the pathetic 2023 opening mused by Wiggy. 

  21. Considering they were taking emails last year, to come out with this pile of shit (and no web based version) is dreadful. The effort is appreciated, but do it right ffs. Like others, couldn't change my team, didn't have a captain, just lucky I'd gone with Cosgrove & Christie anyway or I'd have been fucking ba's.


    Trouble is it'll take me weeks to get a proper team now ffs 

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