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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 10 hours of my life I'll never get back. 

    I thank you Derek for breaking our long drought, for giving me the chance to take my kids, my no longer school age kids, to a final that we won. But you've had five years, you still ignore our youth set-up like tangoman did, you generally play boring as f**k football, you tend to set up against how the opposition are expected to play instead of determining how WE will play, you have no plan B, indeed plan A is often a mystery if it's expected to yield a win.


    Your time is up, come in Jack Ross. 


  2. 5 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    And your name is ? 

    You didn't learn the parable of Angus Jamieson eh? I went to school with Stuart, he's usually my pairs partner at Dunecht House GC, I went to Alford academy with him, he's been a mate ever since,  I'll ask him what the plans are for Garlogie. local planning and what people want to build are of generally no interest to me, but it seems to get you dribbling, so I'll fill you in when I can be arsed once/if I know. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Steve McQueen said:

    Haven't listened to a game on 5 live for ages. They used to switch during each half?

    Maybe that then, can;t remember when I last had it on, it's usually when driving on the M6 before I can switch to radio Scotland (if it's a weekend). Anyway, they need two commentators in shifts, I imagine cos the guff premier league is so amazing and magical, mere commentators can't handle it :rolleyes:

  4. On 4/10/2018 at 17:52, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    Sportsound isn't a shite version of 5 Live

    It's shite version of what Sportsound could be



    there are reasons to criticise Sportsound, and some not, such as Michael Stewart, Richard Gordon, Willie Miller, Steven Thompson, but good gawd, 5 Live is unlistenable pap in comparison to Sportsound. Yes there's Alan Preston, Bonner, Chico, and Derek Ferguson, but at least our commentators can go 90 minutes without a chageover. What exactly is so demanding that SAlan Green and the other boy have to swap over at half time in every match? You're talking about a fitba game, it's been a one man job since forever, now apparently in guffland it needs a half time sub. Fucking hell, glad I stopped paying for a TV licence, robbing b*****ds 

  5. 53 minutes ago, betting competition said:

    It may get worse for them as it may have been the case that they have been getting freedom of information using  a pseudonym. 

    Can understand using a pseudonym to media if they are getting online abuse but if they used it to get freedom of information then what has they thinking as that could get them into legal trouble.  

    So can I, their problem is they don't understand (not being originally from here) that Westhill, and the Ward 13 / AB32 area are very small, people know each other, hiding behind a pseudonym doesn't work when everyone already knows who you are, as they even say themselves in their laughable statement, they hosted small public meetings, their faces were known, and yet not a single thing has happened to them, but of course it was never going to, it was another scare tactic to get/keep the OAPs on their side. Big bad fitba hooligans. 


    It's funny that "Angus Jamieson" was "from Skene", there's a troll on this topic also "from Skene" :rolleyes:

  6. On 2/10/2018 at 20:11, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Says the biggest bore on Dons threads. They don't build houses either do they?

    i really don't know if you are bored again or that naive.

    They don't build stadiums, that's a fact, you DO understand that? Tell me yes, please say that after talking so "authoritively" through hundreds of pages here, you understand SMG are not stadium builders, never have been. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    I've no connection with NKS just think it's  stupid  place to build a  stadium. I'm sure you are aware that there are plenty Dons fans who think the same. 

    What bugs me most is the reason for moving out of the city which has absolutely nothing to do with fitba.  But let's not start that again.

    This won't be a good move for AFC.

    You can donate to this fine cause without being on the board, that's how it works


  8. 12 hours ago, resk said:

    It's fkin north east Scotland, not Siberia. And I say that as an opponent of the Kingsford scheme.

    It's pretty funny really, the straw grasping going on. Nevertheless the only differences in the two locations is the less fog & wind you'll get at Kingsford being away from the coast, and the marginal difference in lying snow. 


    For a shower of W.A.N.K.S. intent on quoting "planning" on everything, I'm not sure exactly what weather has to do with it? 

  9. 5 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

    Tbf it is idiotic in the extreme to not have indoor training facilities in the plans.  Did I not mention exactly that in my post on this subject?   I knew Aberdeen were going to do this cheap and shit, like they do everyhing.  This is going to be a disaster.

    I know fit ye mean, even when it's all done and opened, I'll still be casting a jealous eye down the A90 to Sticklebrick :rolleyes:

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