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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 1 minute ago, lubo_blaha said:


    I take it you’ve not read the transport plan then?

    For a run of the mill league game (14k) 5800 fans are predicted to use shuttle buses. This rises to over 8000 for euro games.

    This is all on the council website if you want to see it yourself. The DST have an interview with one of the directors which confirms this too.


    Yes because that's what *has to* go into the planning due to the councils ludicrous one parking space per 15 seats or whatever it is.

    Reality is folk will drive and new parking spots will pop up. 

  2. 2 hours ago, lubo_blaha said:


    Kingsford will be the most remote major football stadium in the UK as it is outwith any centre of population and several miles from existing transport links. So yes, for a 20,000 capacity football stadium it is remote.

    I backed it for similar reasons to most others, I wanted it to work for the club and recognised we need a new training and stadium solution after years of neglect from the board. Then I studied every document of the plans and saw that none of it added up, particularly the transport and matchday fan facilities. I’m happy to be proved wrong if/when the place opens but I can’t see it being an appealing experience, particularly for the 5-8000 that will use the shuttle buses every game.



  3. 1 minute ago, lubo_blaha said:


    There really is no point in arguing with people who refuse to see both sides.

    Look at the St Mirren support on Saturday, or Motherwell, Celtic, Hibs, even R*ngers etc. The demographic above gets the singing going and creates a good atmosphere. AFC make no effort to accommodate this, home or away. That’s why our support is stale as f*ck.

    The training facilities look nice but if you look at things rationally, having to get a packed shuttle bus at least an hour before kick off to a stadium 7 miles from the city to spend pre-match in a freezing “fanzone” before sitting in a shallow as f*ck identikit Bristol City-lite stand is going to be even worse than Pittodrie.

    And this comes from someone who was previously pro-Kingsford.


    I totally see both sides. Unlike you, I was previously years ago pro-Pittodrie. I moved to England, went to a lot of fitba there, shite grounds like Goodison, St Andrews, and really good ones like the Reebok & Man City.  Then when coming back for the one or two games a year once kids were old enough to go, couldn't believe how pish Pittodrie is. 

    The clincher for me is just how close in every aspect the Bolton move, new ground, road network and location is to Kingsford, and how for them the same arguments were loud and long by the walk to the ground mob, you don't hear very many complaining now, and those that do are still of that long lost demographic. 

    I see both sides, I simply don't agree at all with staying at Pittodrie now. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, lubo_blaha said:


    Explain why you disagree.


    Makes no sense whatsoever. The facilites will be better, the whole experience in a modern stadium is better than a dilapidated dump. You'll have to explain why it wont work for 16-30s as it makes no sense. It's also nae the biggest demographic if you look round the ground, we miss a lot of that age group due to amatuer fitba

  5. 2 hours ago, PB1994 said:

    Well no. That just says that Highfield Road and Pittodrie has some very loose connections and then Coventry went into Administration in 2013.

    It's gives absolutely no explanation into how Coventry were run as a football club or why Aberdeen would end up in exactly the same situation (probably because they won't) 

    That Coventry one is hilarious. They dropped out of the top flight in 2001, Ricoh was built in 2005. Want to blame something, blame Strachan, he set the rot in and started their descent, nothing to do with a stadium. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Hibernia said:



    As for Aberdeen fans celebrating this "step forward", I hope you know that the construction of this stadium will be the death of your club. Almost no club since the Taylor Report has moved to a modern, all-seater stadium with any great success - particularly one six miles out of the city centre

    Man City, Bournemouth, Huddersfield, Brighton, Bristol City, Wigan, Bolton, St Johnstone, Inverness (which is barely a stadium, but still re your point). 

  7. 5 minutes ago, strichener said:

    Revisionist pish.   ACC had approved the stadium plans.  At the time the official response from AFC was

    This then changed once Calder Park was refused:

    So just how long do you expect ACC to hold onto all unused ground until AFC decide what there next "plan x" will be?

    Cheers for the quotes. 

    So, I was correct then. 

    Good luck this weekend, I've stuck you on for the win. 

  8. 12 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Not interesting. Why is a Cowdenbeath fan so obssessed by this? 



    From their pishy release: "This is not about football – it’s about planning.  It could be a proposal for an Ikea, a hospital, a school, an incinerator – they would all be subject to the same rules. "


    Nah, it's not about planning, they didn't object to Tesco, Costco, the Arnhall development (they did object to Home Bargains though as it was too chavy for Westhill), it's about their misconceptions about football and house prices, as anyone who has bothered to interact with them would know. 

  9. 14 hours ago, lubo_blaha said:

    Jesus Christ

    It's a wonder that they have shopping centres, a train station, a bus station, restaurants, pubs, cinemas, theatres, museums and hotels in the centre of Aberdeen when not everyone lives there. It's almost as if city centres are areas where people from surrounding areas congregate as you can easily get there from any direction.

    The majority of our support live within walking distance of Pittodrie or can get there on one public transport journey within an hour. This is absorbed within existing services within Aberdeen as it is a city. The club anticipate around 400 people will walk to Kingsford and a handful will use existing transport links. The infrastructure isn't there because Kingsford is in the middle of f*cking nowhere. 

    The majority of our support will face a longer journey to Kingsford than they do at Pittodrie. Not everyone, just most of them. 

    Jesus Christ indeed. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Jason King said:

    That Aberdeen fans appear to have fallen for Milne* making a quick buck out of selling some prime** city centre real estate whilst hunting the club out to the arse end of nowhere in a move that makes Clyde moving to Broadwood look like its in the town centre is baffling.

    *Milne gets nothing out of this

    **It's not prime real estate anyway, not by a long way. (Maybe to a weegie tho?)

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