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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 10 hours ago, EdTheDuck said:

    I think you have comprehension issues.

    It's the middle of nowhere. If it was bang in the middle of Westhill it would still be the middle of nowhere.

    And what is it with you and dual carriageways. Don't ever go across the border, they have six lane motorways, you'd die of ecstasy.


    Easy to get to, easy to get away from.


    Not miles from Westhill then? Not 2.5 miles from Kingswells then? 

  2. 13 minutes ago, EdTheDuck said:

    Jesus...why don't you just finish off with "look, a hoose wi' wheels"

    A dual carriageway? The AWPR (another dual carriageway btw)?

    ..and it's a mile & a half from Westhill, 2.5 from Kingswells, neither of which have anything in them.

    It's the middle of nowhere


    It's literally 500 yards from Westhill, the entrance will be directly adjacent to the Garlogie junction lights.


    Slightly further back was the old 6 mile garage where the lone house on the other side of the road is. Kingswells is at the 4 mile. That's 2 miles. I'm not sure the relevance of Kingswells village in this though? If you mean the park & ride, then it's of the Kingsford side of Kingswells so less than 2 miles. 


    And yes, two dual carraigeways. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Who would be building the stadium?

    Still think Pittodrie or as near as possible would be the ideal place. Dread to think what it would be like in the middle of nowhere waiting for a shuttle bus, or any kind of bus in weather like we are currently experiencing.

    Hasn't gone to tender yet has it? Wm.Donalds are doing the groundworks.  


    It's not in the middle of nowhere, it's on a crossroads of dual carraigeways, actually be great for you. 

  4. 49 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

    Let's not forget fatshaft was the one that claimed that Jack Ross to Aberdeen was 100% a done deal. Not sure they have much merit on anything.

    That was tongue in cheek, I'd been spending too much time on facebook pages whjere there was a daily "deek sings at x-o-clock today".  I didn't change my audience setting :thumsup2


    Anyway, what exactly do you not agree with? Bellfield still being all farmland? The Piries taking the land back if the stadium doesn't get go ahead? There being no chance of any other planning if the stadium doesnt get the go ahead? What exactly does the above mean?


  5. 8 minutes ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    So, an agreement between Mr X and the current owners was made to purchase. I don’t know for how much, but certainly for a fraction of it’s value. No doubt if permission isn’t given there will be some payment from Mr X to the owners but it will be sweety  money.

    My mind is boggling reading this again.

    "Mr X" is AFC. The "Current Owners" are the Piries.

    If permission isn't granted, "Mr X" won't be making any payments, sweety money or otherwise, as the deal is off and the land will remain grazing.


    I'm really not sure what you think is going to happen if the stadium fails? If it fails it's because it will be outwith the LDP, if it's outwith the LDP, there is absolutely zero chance of any planning permission for anything else being granted, and not just because of the LDP, but because of the pipelines, there is absolutely zero chance of the land ever being housed over.  If you're thinking this is some convoluted plan to get houses built, it isn't. 


  6. Just now, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Wasn’t the site at Counteswells originally going to be for a stadium? We all know what is there now.

    Re Kingsford, just to be boring, again! The site was chosen because planning permission had already been refused(twice) for a driving range and housing. The site is of little value without permission to develop. So, an agreement between Mr X and the current owners was made to purchase. I don’t know for how much, but certainly for a fraction of it’s value. No doubt if permission isn’t given there will be some payment from Mr X to the owners but it will be sweety  money.

    It was Bellfield. It's still 100% a farm.

    Again, just to point out what you're not getting, you are correct, the land has no value except grazing, not even good for crops. However, planning is only being sought for the stadium, if that fails it will remain green belt. If it passes there will be nothing built except the football facilities. FYI the sum believed to be changing hands is £1m, considerably more than it's worth, which as you say is basically nothing. 


    There is no "cash in" for the Dons on this. 


  7. 12 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    A "punt" in this case is buying something of little value because there isn't permission to do anything with it. Any losses would be minimal.

    The Kingsford site would be worth millions with planning permission. Don't think the owners of the site will be getting much, do you?

    AC, you seem to be totally missing the point, purchase is dependent on receiving planning permission for the stadium. Planning consent would only be for the stadium. there's no punt here at all. The amount of land being bought and re-zoning being sought is solely for the football activities. You seem to think there's some cunning master plan that you're not expanding on?

  8. 13 hours ago, strichener said:

    Aberdeen can redevelop on site.  Aberdeen will not put any effort into showing that Pittodrie can be re-developed simply because they don't want this as a solution.  Their latest submissions still do not show that they have exhausted other possibilities.

    The idea that the current site could only house a 12k stadium is almost as ludicrous as stating that Kingsford is the only option.

    Again, under modern regs, not the case, T-W is an architect, he admits he did a back of the fag packet mock up, but feels the club are more or less on the money.


    I'd suggest he probably knows better than you or I?

  9. 18 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Of course it’s a punt. Planning permission already refused (twice) for the site. It’s of little value  so any losses will be minimal.

    How much would the site be worth if it were sold with outline planning permission?

    It's not worth anything, it's not outline planning permission, a price is agreed subject to planning already, the only planning that is being sought is for the stadium and and training grounds.


    Again, what is this "punt"? What is the "developer" which you're now saying is AFC, going to cash in here?  They're not in it to make money, they're in it to build a new stadium. The Piries will cash in on a piece of land with no value at all, but the price isn't changing based on planning, if planning fails they will have somehwere for their coos again but nae sillar



    EDIT: Do you mean that AFC have already bought the land for a small sum in the expectation it will be worth more with planning permission? I think that's what you're trying to say, if so then you are incorrect as per above. The land won't be used for anything else building wise, hence the Piries are crossing their fingers that the planning goes through so that AFC will buy the land at the agreed price, no planning, no sale. 

  10. On 08/12/2017 at 15:48, strichener said:

    Once again, AFC's affordability has nothing to do with the suitability of a site from a planning and development perspective.  Their wish to have everything on a single site is a major reason why there are a lack of suitable sites.  Why does Aberdeen need to have a single site solution when it is clearly not the norm within professional football clubs.  If they cut the site size down to that  required for training facilities they would be opening up many more options. 

    As for redeveloping Pittodrie - there is no way that it would not require a doubling of the budget.  Hearts have just managed to redevelop their main stand at a cost of £12million and in a smaller area of ground than AFC have at the moment.  Why would Aberdeen not manage to do the same?  Let's no kid on here - it isn't a case that Pittodrie cannot be redeveloped within AFC's budget but that they don't want to do it. 

    It's not the norm because historically clubs didn't have fancy modern training facilities, but now that they do most havn't moved stadium because they were either able to redevelop on site or didn't need a new stadium at all.

    Aberdeen have the chance here to get everything in one location which obviously make much better logistical sense, plus will save on costs by not doubling up on facilities therein.


    As for redeveloping Pittodrie, there's some great work done by Tom-Widdows on Donstalk showing why a 12k capacity that the club keep referencing seems totally legit. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Football has become two different games now with two different audiences.

    You have the TV audience/superstar worship/FIFA players and you have the guys that are actually club supporters that go to matches.  Both provide different attractions for different kinds of people but there really isn't a lot connecting those two worlds any more.  The game at the top level and the bottom level used to be basically the same just a bigger version, now it's two different realms.


    1 hour ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Football has become two different games now with two different audiences.

    You have the TV audience/superstar worship/FIFA players and you have the guys that are actually club supporters that go to matches.  Both provide different attractions for different kinds of people but there really isn't a lot connecting those two worlds any more.  The game at the top level and the bottom level used to be basically the same just a bigger version, now it's two different realms.


    32 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:


    The problem you have is that commerciality and tv success is based on mass market.

    Mass market is achieved by appealing to the lowest common denominator. That's either achieved through elite level football like the CL, where your casual football fans from all over the world take an interest or you have the novelty factor, which would probably include your OF derby interest. Casual punters who can't help but take an interest on a rivalry based on religion, politics and violence without stopping to think about what the reality of that is.

    Look at almost all tv programmes that started out niche but became popular. You see from series to series the jokes/storylines get cheaper and shitter. The whole jumping the shark theory.

    It's the same in football. The people who love football for it's roots in the community are in the minority, and the morons who only take a passing interest but pay their sky subscription are far and away in the majority.


    I love you guys. 


    I can just imagine you waking into your local Wetherspoons (where all the football top wearing 'fans' reside, a real pub wouldn't do) and having that discussion. You'd be met with blank stares and another round of "scottish fitba is shite"

  12. 19 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

    I definitely think that attitude is becoming more common. Usually at work, people will talk about the Chelsea vs Man U game but won't have any interest in the Scottish game. 'Scottish football is shite mate' seems to be the motto for this generation of football fans. I just struggle to maintain an interest. Every year I start off watching a few EPL games and every year by October I remember how dull I find it and how I really don't care who wins the league, or about any of the hype that surrounds it.

    I'd say since Rangers died it's been much the opposite (in Aberdeen at least). Go back six years and all you'd see kids wearing was guffy replica tops. Now they're easily outnumbered by Dons wear. Don't know if this goes for other parts of the country, but Hearts/hibs seem to be benefiting similarly as far as I can see?

  13. 50 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

    I work with a few guys who live and breathe the EPL, but don't follow any Scottish team.  Any time they try to engage a conversation about an EPL game, I just answer "Sorry, I don't know, I follow a Scottish team remember" which lets me out again.

    Haha, I do that too min! Excellent. 

  14. On 11/11/2017 at 07:01, 1320Lichtie said:


    These guys should not get a platform to spout this pish, Sounness etc too, can’t believe people actually wanted them for the managers role. Their contempt for our game is a disgrace.

    Their heads are turned to English football now, they’re the equivalent of the wanks that sit in the pub with their EPL tops on watching Gillette Soccer Saturday telling everyone that’s going to a Scottish game that Scottish football is shite.



    Oh f**k man, I have one mate in particular (he's tea-total and doesn't wear a replica top tbf) who spouts this pish all the time. Literally has no idea who plays even for Aberdeen, never mind other Scottish teams, follows Man Utd. Born and bred Aberdonian :(  It. Makes. Me. Mad. 

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