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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 1 hour ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Stewarty,of course pipelines never suffer cracking do they? Just asking.

    There is a pipeline a few hundred metres behind my house. A helicopter flies the length of the pipeline every few days. Any ideas why that’s done? What a waste of money.

    No idea min, perhaps you can explain, cos it's 100% not to inspect the pipeline.  Presumably that's a flight corridor?

  2. 2 minutes ago, EdTheDuck said:

    Mr Milne, I mean fatshaft, was irritated enough yesterday to actually give me a red dot :lol: (hence my sweet little post about me sulking with him) and the constant referral to Google Maps is meant to irritate me right back.

    And of course you're right Google Maps are fine and dandy up to a point, that point being the real world

    Oh fucking wise up. If any one of you actually believe it could ever take anything close to as long to get to Kingsford as it would Dundee from the middle of Aberdeen you need to book yourself in somewhere for special people. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    Takes me longer to get from Harrison Park in Edinburgh to South Queensferry Road a lot of the time than it does getting from the Fife side of the Queensferry crossing to my Flat in the centre of Dundee but Google Maps won’t show that either

    No idea, but all those timings are pretty much what it takes. I don't see what the issue is? For sure from the Lang Stracht (Ed's preferred starting point) it'll take longer to get over the Brig o Dee alone than it will to get to Kingsford. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, EdTheDuck said:

    I think they mean the capacity would fall by 40% (this is their claim that the South Stand, King Street End & Maine Stand would only manage 6,000 post-Pittodrie re-build), but I might be wrong.  Nothing would surprise me.

    Playing European games in Dundee shouldn't really be a problem either, it wouldn't take much longer to get to Dens or Tannadice than it would to Kingsford so, y'know :whistle

    Lang Stracht (Tesco) to Dens Park 66.4 miles / 84 minutes

  5. 5 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    Concerns have included traffic and parking issues? Oh really, I’m shocked.

    Get Dunty and FS round to talk them through it.

    How would Aberdeen not be able to play European football by the way?


    Concerns have also included terrorism, pipelines, otters, birds, floodlights stopping people sitting in their gardens at night, getting to the cinema, ambulances, a cairn of discarded beer cans at the shire/city border, traffic being at a standstill, traffic doing 80mph, the road being shut for 3 hours every Saturday, you know, actual real worries :P 

  6. 11 hours ago, EdTheDuck said:

    In the scale used here Kingswells is "nae distance ava'" as the crow flies, the Lang Stracht is barely more than a five minute walk distant thanks to the  7 league boots supplied by Mine Foot & Mouth Co and the Justice Mill is installing a Stargate for those in a hurry for a Pint & Pie, chips & beans (double pie for an extra Reed Poon)

    The scale is based on distance and time.


    Lang Stracht (Tesco) to Pittodrie 3.6 miles / 16 minutes

    Lang Stracht (Tesco) to Kingsford 3.6 miles / 9 minutes


    Google maps ken? :thumsup2

  7. 8 hours ago, Dunty said:


    Why not? There's a big car park right at the shops. Also parking at ashdale, the school and community centre. They can't stop people from parking there even with a CPZ.

    It's 1.4 miles from Pittodrie to Aberdeen bus station.

    It's 1.1 miles from Kingsford to Kingswells park and ride. 1.5 miles if I walk a bit further and go have a pint in the four mile house.

    Yes, they will. 

    Some will come back. 


    11 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    So what are you going to do in the centre of Westhill? Certainly not parking. How long will it take you to Kingswells? Certainly won 't be a pleasant experience if you plan to walk. Once again, all the shuttle buses won't leave at the same time will they?

    Why will this walk be less pleasant than Union St to Pittodrie, or the boulevard area, or off the esplanade, or from Froghall for instance?

    Why won't you be able to park at Westhill shops yet you can at Queens Links for instance?

    Dunty seems to live in real world where direct comparisons can be made. 


  8. 2 hours ago, EdTheDuck said:

    I've no idea why this is so difficult to grasp.

    Because it's false. The latest complaint from the W.A.N.K.S. is how "dangerous" the footbridge over the A944 will be (because the safety of football fans is their prime driver here), that footbridge is so that fans on foot can cross across to the Arnhall side to go back to their cars. There will be plenty fans who will be parking west of Kingsford, there are only 1300 spaces within the stadium complex, it's a simple concept to grasp surely?

  9. 34 minutes ago, strichener said:

    There won't be any vehicles within 20 minutes of the stadium (outwith the integral car-park) as the proposed CPZ is based on a 30 minute walk.

    There will be car parking available in Arnhall Ind Estate, club have already secured that, there will be more once this has passed. CPZ is Kingswells side, Aberdeenshire council don't have an equivalent at the moment as they say they couldn't enforce it. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    Yes. I’ve been on the bus and never had bother, as I’ve not had another 100 buses plus every single person in the stadiums car queuing infront of me to get out and I also took the train once and managed to walk back to Union Street along with hundreds of other people and return to Dundee, which you’ll now not be able to do either.



    The stadium car park will only hold 1300 cars, the rest will be at Kingswells or round the various Arnhall car parking spots the club have secured, and no doubt a few who will park in Westhill itself. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, strichener said:

    If we move Aberdeen down between Edinburgh and Glasgow we may have a chance.  Central government expenditure doesn't reach this far - witness all the A90 flyovers that were build a few years ago that never made it to Aberdeenshire's side!!!

    AWPR, Harbour extension, City Deal, A90 dualling north, A96 dualling etc.....nae expenditure :blink:


    Let's keep it to the fitba eh? 

  12. 2 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    Yes most stadiums are like that too. The problem at Kingsford would be that  there is one road passing the stadium so you either go West into the countryside or east along theA944. The slip roads on to  the AWPR are narrow and anyone travelling North will also have a pedestrian crossing to deal with effectively blocking one lane of the A994 back to the stadium exit where there will also be lights!

    When you leave Pittodrie you can go in a multitude of different directions.

    Hope my professional drawings helps here? 

    Pittodrie loses half a compass, and most have to get across or along King Street to leave (let's accept that arriving is always OK due to staggering of travel)

    Kingsford has 5 immediate ways out, all flowing initially from dual carriageways, heading to the city, deeside, donside, south AWPR & north AWPR which connects with A96 and the north A90.  

    Kingsford wins hands down (except for our fans that swim to the game). 



  13. 12 minutes ago, EdTheDuck said:

    You have never driven to or from Westhill during rush hour in your dual-carriageway loving life, have you?

    I can imagine it will be super-fast getting away from the WigDome on the rare occasion there's a full house, especially the 500 yard dash to Westhill. :lol:

    I'm 51, I was brought up in Echt and live now in Garlogie, so aye ye condescending c**t.  

    Rush hour obviously a far busier time than football, plus, and again for the slow of thought - AWPR!!!

  14. 6 minutes ago, EdTheDuck said:

    Mile & a half from Westhill, 2.5 miles from Kingswells, middle of nowhere

    If it gets built you should try walking it and then tell us all how it is literally 500 yards after you walk along the grass banks at the side of your beloved dual carriageways.

    Jesus christ, my apologies, just google mapped it, 700 yards from the Westhill Drive roundabout, and literally 0.1 of a mile from Kingsford to the Westhill boundary. If you want to go to the Old Skene Road roundabout, that's 0.6 miles. 


    1.5 miles is all the way along OSR past Hays Way to Westdyke Ave, or if taking the A944, you get right to the Broadie, you're actually out of Elrick at that point.  

  15. 7 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Bypass will be excellent for people from outwith Aberdeen but surely the people in the city will still have a lot of difficulty getting to the site. I know 7 miles or whatever it is doesn’t seem far but when your driving through city traffic it’s an absolute pain in the arse. Imagine a midweek game, setting off about 6ish. If I’m leaving Edinburgh at that time to try get back to Dundee I’m absolutely miserable,  one of they things, think it could sound like a minor thing just now but that can take it’s toll and once it’s built it’s rooted in place forever. If things aren’t going great the fairweathers could bail.


    People in the city make up half the home gate.

    Everyone, literally everyone outside the city will have an easier trip to Kingsford than Pittodrie.

    From the city, Hazlehead, Dyce, Bucksburn, Kincorth, Culter/Cults, Mastrick, Sheddocksley, Northfield areas will all have an easier trip too. 


    So on balance, as far as getting to games, Kingsford wins.  

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