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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    Aye just seen that. Costa (coffee is shit) is across the road from the Premier Inn. Drinking pricey pints at a Premier Inn that is a half hour walk away doesn't sound all that appealing. Plus you have to hope it's not one of those hotels that ask for your room number when you order a pint.

    none of the FOUR pubs in Westhill/Elrick are 30 minutes away. Shepherds Rest will be 5 minutes walk. Westhill in & Key West under 10. Broadstraik maybe 15 if yer slow. 

  2. 1 hour ago, lubo_blaha said:


    Unless they have a car and access to one of the 1800 parking spaces then they’ll be getting a bus into the city centre then a bus out to Kingsford. Apart from Dyce, none of those places have/will have transport links to Kingsford for every game.


    Oh ma heid. Why do you keep spouting this pish?

    There are nothing like 1800 spaces available now, and the majority of the crowd comes by car.  People don't *all* park in the official car park. You can guarantee places like Foxlane for eg will cash in with some parking spots, Garlogie Inn are already saying they'll have a shuttle bus, no doubt so will Jaffs & Red Star. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    On matchdays there will be a queue from Kingsford back to Kingswells .How is anyone going to get off the bypass coming from the south? If there are lights on the roundabout it will be different but they ain't there yet.

    Maybe you don't know how roads work.

    Highly unlikely, there's no queue (well small ones) going to games now, it's leaving that's the issue, and King Street that's the problem. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    And the speed limit was reduced a few months ago  to 40mph for safety reasons!! the whole length of the road from Westhill to Aberdeen. Should be fun.

    TY Steve Delaney, councillor for Sheddocksley, the lycra clad nutter, who drove through this measure single handed, as he did the 50 reduction before it, so that he can ride his bike on the road rather than on the cycle path paid for the entire length of this section. Eff all to do with safety. 


    Moot point anyway, the W.A.N.K.S. told us it'll be gridlock. 

  5. 39 minutes ago, lubo_blaha said:


    2000 cars, 50-100 buses (not including supporters buses) plus all the extra cars that will park in the spaces will apparently pop up!

    More people will face a longer journey to Kingsford than they do at Pittodrie, that’s a fact, even if you won’t. If the traffic is bad at Pittodrie going in all directions it’ll be even worse on one road out by Westhill.


    As the Dons own figures suggest 45% come from outside the city, plus for many within the city it will be closer, that my friend is not a fact, it's a lie. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    It wouldn’t be though as the roads out of Dundee heading towards Arbroath, Aberdeen and Perth are so much better than the roads heading from Aberdeen to Kingsford. It would be more like the stadium being put out 5 mile along the Coupar Angus Road.


    Err fit? The road out of Aberdeen is dual carraigeway. The roads from north and south will also be dual carraigeway by then. So no. 

  7. 2 hours ago, strichener said:

    You are basically stating that AFC are submitting their plans on falsehoods.  

    More cars = more walking = larger bridge = new plans = no stadium.  

    Supporters of the stadium know that the transport plans are unworkable, opponents know they are unworkable and yet they have been submitted and defended time and time again.  At the same time people who are against the stadium and have questioned parking etc. are NIMBYs. :huh:

    Nope, I'm saying the stupid planning limits made by ACC are not in the real world. Aberdeen does not do buses, we have the lowest bus use and dropping in the country, but AFC have been forced to provide a transport plan in line with regs. 

    What that will do is force exactly what the W.A.N.K.S. don;t want, and that's cars parking round Westhill. Instead of unrealistic parking limits, ACC should have allowed a car park the size of expected needs to be built. 

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